Cloning Methods…

Hempy cup cloning:
Thought I’d put this one up cause it’s worked very well for me and it’s pretty hassle free with decent root growth in about 10days(under my conditions)
Not my idea - got it off a post on the mag a while back and Ive since then only done it this way with almost 100% success
Basically it’s a plastic drinking cup with a small hole 2-5mm (I do mine with a soldering iron but you can take a sharp pair of scissors and gently make a hole)about 3cm up from the bottom
What I then do is take my cuts - trim fan leaves & leave in a glass of water overnight (tap//rain - I’ve used both with no problems)
The following day take your cups & fill to just above the hole with damp perlite.
Take your cut - I do another clean cut with a razor clean up round node if need be and dip in your rooting powder or gel - then place into cup gently resting on perlite and fill up till just below rim of cup so cut is snug and give the cup a couple gentle taps to settle everything.Water down side of cup till it flows out of hole and that’s it !!
Place in indirect light and if you in a very dry // hot area you may want to mist a couple times a day but that’s basically it.
Monitor water level in cups every couple days - but the beauty of this is that water reservoir in the bottom that roots grow down towards it.Once you see good growth time to pot into your favorite mix and get growing!!


@Skyf Very cool! I love it! @MoBilly tbh I can’t see it being a problem

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Yowsuh, lol!


Awesome, I’ve heard of hempy cups but had no clue the exact idea. Im definitely gonna try this out


Thats too much nitrogen, sorry if already posted

i know i posted this before but i took new pictures, this is my #1 favorite way, stick the cuts in some soil, i have fox farm ocean forest, with some cover crop seeds, lightly water, i used way too much cover crop this time so i had to cut it

something about the cover crop germinating, in my mind, makes the cut root better, plus it’s already in a pot


This one worked out nicely, complete with baby fish…

always wanted to pull off some aqua-ponics, think this is as close as Ill ever get. Over time it has built up algae etc. so it now has a great dark rooting zone. Fish still growing! Who’s up for some “Where’s Waldo”?


Lovin all you crazy MacGyvers!

Somebody cover the sandwich bag tech here already? I put some posts up on my grow log about that one I could link to if not


put it up on here, it’s genius!


@LegsMahoney , do you think the sandwich bag tech would work with soil? Didn’t you use cubes?

Neglect works just fine. At one point this was a jar of water with a few tops sitting in it to use for a tissue culture class. I used most and this last one sat on a shelf forgotten. I guess I’ll plant it.


Yea I used root riot plugs which are just compressed peat, if you could get a solo cup and some soil into a bag with enough headroom for the cut I don’t see why it wouldn’t work, might a tight fit though


@LegsMahoney your ziplock method is so legit and saves me a lot of space in my tent! Thank you sir for sharing


Agreed @unomas !! Thank you again @LegsMahoney for sharing!!


thanks fellas, i still can’t claim ownership of that one, credit for that has to go to Mass Medical Strains himself, but im super glad to have shared the tech here on the boards and that its helping out my OG fam. also glad i tried it myself first to be sure that it worked :joy:


Share it up @LegsMahoney I’m always down for new methods !


Hey @TopShelfTrees1 pretty basic stuff, here’s the spots in my thread where I tried it out:

Basically just a space saving way to root clones. Cut clones, plug em into your puck of choice and seal inside a gallon sized ziplock. Gotta keep an eye on the moisture and determine when to crack the bag and let em start drying back but that’s all there is to it really. The bag is thin so you can tuck it in the corner of a veg tent or even hang it somewhere if need be.


Sweet! I love the KISS methods, hence why I still run some in a cup of water (backups) no joke 14-15 years of tossing them in a cup, takes time but works 99.9% of the time. I actually just had a huge issue and lost every clone from my last run due to several issues of my own making. Stuff like this would have prevented it tbch. Much respect @LegsMahoney


Does anyone change the reservoir water and nutes after one week or do you guys let it ride until roots appear? Thanks

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