Cloning Methods…

I change my water out every five days or so.


Ok thanks!!

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I usually change mine out every 5-7 days usually, but I have let it go several times due to laziness as well.


Good work you guys that can do it in non moving water.
I can do 1-10, but I think it is my water.
Our water is cycled back to us here in the city.
Who knows what is left in or added before it heads back.
I could probably do it with bottled water, but never tried it.


how do you not get mold? Trying to figure this out…


Just gotta pick the right time to vent the bag really, most clones can root in like 100% humidity, so I usually give em at least a few days sealed up and then start gradually leaving the bag open, similar to how you’d vent a dome. Bag gets opened every day for a spritz of water before that as well
So there’s some exchange of air going on. All that being said I’m sure some varieties will mold easier than others, it’s kind of a feel thing


Do the clone stems not go directly in water but just abpve? Or does it matter

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It looks like he has a bubble cloner going. The stems hang just above the water, and when the bubbles pop they spritz the stems. It’s an awesome, fast way to clone. There lots of diy builds out there @MrDoDaMan . :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This has been a helpful thread. I took some cuts from MOB this morning, think I’ll really try to get my cloning right! Thanks for the motivation, so far cloning has been a huge failure.


Good luck. I struggled with cloning until I got my bubble cloner.

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I’ve tried bubble cloning, rooting plugs, etc etc. My best success is glass of water in a back window, but even then that’s not a great success rate.

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I’ve been having at least a 70% success rate with mine. I agree though sometime simple is the best route to take. We’ve done the glass of water thing on several kinds of plants with fair success at that as well.


My cloning bucket with water pump set at 30 second inching every 30min seems to work every time I use it. Worked for cannabis and figs.


Hmu if u have any questions, I’ve gotten pretty Damn good at this (when I’m not sick :face_with_thermometer: )


You are all awesome. Once I wrap up my meetings I’ll get a space cleaned up and see what I can come up with! I know I have heat mats, mini green houses, a bucket for cloning with those rubber plugs, blurple and newer low power led lights etc etc etc.


No worries, my pleasure.


Any time. :slight_smile:

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So I’ve started getting everything cleaned up. I think the plan is to use an old blurple with just “veg” turned on, a 1x2 mini green house, and heat mat. I’ll use rooting plugs soaked in rooting gel/water, mycos, and beneficial bacteria (I use this for seeds and it works really well. Does anyone see an issue with using the blurple? I also have some like 20-40 watt Amazon special full spectrum led’s I could also use. Thoughts?


Blurple will be fine! Hell I’ve used a 14 watt flourescent with good results in a pinch before. And have used a blurple as well


Blurple lights do work, I would leave both veg and bloom sides on.