Cloning Methods…

Good call :ok_hand:t3:


So many ways to skin a cat

It depends on how load you want them to scream :scream_cat:

Over the years I got overly complicated in how I clone and now I’m back to basics

3 in young branch
Cut at a 45 degree angle just below the node
Scrap off some flesh at the cut line
Sit in water 5 minutes maybe
Dip in clonex gel
Moist rapid rooter open the hole a bit
Insert cut
Solo cup 1/2 filled with dirt rooter on top
Cover with plastic bag
Spray with water 2 x’s a day

My clones rooted between 6 and 9 days
Total 11 clones

I was going to make a dyi clone bucket but this works

When they root just fill the solo cup with soil of choice and water


Nice @Papalag simpke, easy effective


papa is so damn right ! so many options!!


Blurple, both switches on it is. I’ll post some pics in a bit. Getting everything prepped for the ladies.


So here it is. Some clones were taken this morning, others anywhere from a week to a couple of months ago and kept in the fridge. How often should I spray the plants? Or would it be better to spray the inside of the dome itself? Light is currently sitting 20 inches above the cuts.


I spray them once a day for the first two days, also lightly mist the inside of the dome. Nice now it’s on!


Thanks. I appreciate the advice!

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Not gonna lie lately I’ve been missing my aerocloner! Twenty minutes ago I walked in to my local shop for some diatomaceous earth, my homie Brad hands me a huge box like seconds after walking in, big grin on his face “happy it was you big bro” box has a bunch of posters, some techno flora root gel, 2 packs of sticky strips, and an xhale 365 bag! Woohoo


I might pop twenty in my aero cloner this next time I take cuts. I just never use it. Plugs, powder, tray, dome.


Me neither, gave my turbo klone away years ago cuz it sat there In the box for at least 18 months. Was recently thinking I’d like to compare with my new methods…. Aaaaand :boom: this happens. Plus I’m back to running steady cuts and the last couple of years it was minimal so the timing is great.


I’ll put it this way, I wouldn’t want to miss my nutriculture either! :slight_smile: I have mine assembled from parts from a few different vendors.
The only part I have not bought is the lid. Because too expensive! Goes also wonderfully with the lids of the cheap mini greenhouses. The difference in price is 30 bucks. Absolute madness for a piece of plastic… But I have found a large lid that fits for 10 bucks. worth it alone because of the ventilation slots.

The aerocloner, I always use when it needs to go fast… And then usually wait until they are growing. then just take a 4cm rockwool cube in the with tear apart.,root in between than put it in the 7.5 cm cube and done

If I only want to get save genetics, the mini greenhouse is quite sufficient. Only if the schedule presses there is nothing better than nen aerocloner! at least for me:)


If the mini greenhouse fails I may just get an aerocloner, that seems to be everyone’s favorite.


for the first few trys is pretty normal to fail :wink: nothing to worry about! keep trying and you will be successful even without an aerocloner. :wink: start with one or two clones per try. and than up to how much you want!


Wow that’s awesome. What strains?

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good question :smiley: super skunk for sure is in , delahhazes, big bud, euphoria , jack herer, super silver haze , amnesia,wonder woman leela, and some more. maybe, the pic was taken around 10-13 years ago.!


sorry for hijacking the thread with pics! if someone has seen this on growdairy. the guy that has posted it was not alone! neither was me alone on this project :wink:


Woah very impressive @m0sirys


thank you! i`ll do a thread sometime with a few pics! :innocent:

but need to get an overview maybe it`s overgrown?! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

this would be my s.o.p i say


Haha well just Overgrow the world man!

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