Cloning Methods…

Just checked and there’s even more rooted today. That’s pretty awesome!


here a new pic of the roots in the cloner! :slight_smile:


That’s wild, how long does it take you to get to that?

take alook at my last pic in this thread of the cloner . it took around 6-7 days to grow to this.

now i wait a little and then puting them on cubes for the next steps :slight_smile:


Let’s Clone a Cut Together
I’ve never had a problem cloning a fresh cut by using this simple method. It has been mentioned above by @other_barry, but here’s a step-by-step with some pics.

Here are our tools and facilities:

Clonex gel & TakeRoot powder, sterilized shears (Flame & ISO), Rapid Rooter, seedling tray + dome, and a nearby bottle of Rhizotonic (HatTip @Jinglepot, may he return to us soonest :pray:).

JP’s Frankenstein Clone-Only 2022 Bonsai Mother, to be cloned.

Take a nice sized cut snipped an inch below a growth node and remove most of the big leaves entirely. Clones need growth nodes, not fan leaves!

Dip the section below the first node in CloneX, then into the rooting powder.

Sorry for the lousy pic, but this “Double Dip” trick is the key to success.

The Rapid Rooter is slit on one side down to the middle so the goopy cut can be inserted entirely in the rooter.

When the rooter is inserted in the tray, the slit is closed. Add a nice shot of RhizoTonic from the top to wet everything down then mist the cut and the dome and close it up.

Now start the Countdown: Ten Days to Roots!

  • Day One: Dome misted with water, vents closed, seed mat heater on low, 18/6 light schedule,
  • Day Two: Mist the dome morning & night
  • Day Three - Four: Vents open, mist twice
  • Day Five: Bottom feed pure water, vents open, mist twice
  • Day 6 - 7: Close vents, spray twice
  • Day 8 - 9: Vents closed, bottom feed 25% organic veg nutes, spray twice
  • Day 10: Remove the dome, transplant once you see roots.

Here’s the happy camper, transplanted in FF Happy Frog + worm castings and a shot of Rhizotonic just to moisten a bit.

Here’s the method in detail, thanks to Mr. Green on GWE:

-Grouchy :green_heart: :v:


Awesome write up, thanks!

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That’s an AMAZING addition @GrouchyOldMan tganks so much for posting this! I thought it was only me that double dipped! SO AWESOME


Thanks for the compliments guys, I’m just happy to contribute something useful.

Overgrow Together,


Absolutely an amazing idea! I’d be willing to chip in 100% when I can. He really does crush it with these doesn’t he? So awesome and the way it’s done makes everyone look/watch too it’s awesome

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Y’all are awesome. I went 6/6 on MOB cuts, 2/3 for Apes in Space and 2/3 for the Blackout Bobby with the last one still in the cloner. I already have some of the snips off the Fruity Pebbles OG F4 throwing out roots! Thank you so much for the help!


This is awesome! And exactly what I love to hear. And it’ll only get better as you find your groove! :facepunch:t2:


Yea this is really going to make it easy to hold onto the good stuff. Now I have a space issue haha

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Bahaha story of my life! Welcome to my world :man_facepalming:t2:

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It’s not a bad problem to have going into spring around here, but going into winter I’m going to have to figure something out.

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Lol no doubt, I’m constantly looking for space nowadays

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This past spring I probably gave out 100 cuts. A lot didn’t take just due to lack of knowledge. I’d like to be able to do that with rooted cuts this year.

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That’s pretty awesome of you, and I know you will now! You’ve definitely got this

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Hell ya, I want to smell it all when I drive down the road this time of year!

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Funny you say that, last night I was walking the dog when I got hit with a delightful skunk scent that within a few mins got overwhelming! I decided to explore a bit, I walked about 7 houses and it hit me like a ton of bricks! And it’s about what I remember of the roadkill ! Dank AF, skunk with rotting flesh it’s heavenly! As I rounded the corner there’s an 9-10ft fence with a security camera, I jumped up for a look. Buddy has 4 plants , gotta be 8-9 ft and as wide! Huuuuuge huge buds everywhere and the smell was burning my eyes/nose! I was in heaven, I walked off home, drooling, thinking about how to segue into “hey I happened to notice you have some of the dankest shit I’ve ever smelled, how can I get a cut or beans” I’m gonna do it too :wink: the stuff was easily noticeable from a block away, crazy!


Imagine, you found RKS in some dudes backyard while walking your dog