Cloning Methods…

I’ve used it with varying successes :slight_smile:

I picked it up from this thread.

Still nothing easier for me than a cup of water. I can actually see when and if there are roots!


Yep, I’ll always have some in a cup somewhere as well. When I go back to RDWC full out (stepped away for a run or two) I want to have the best option as I’m constantly pulling clones then. Tbh I may just go back to a cloning machine for speed and success rate. We’ll see but I love the information this thread has produced.


Here’s some Goji OG clones I received in the mail 7 days ago. A quick trim, a slice and a scrape or two and a double dip in the powder/gel then into macro plugs. They have stayed at 75-80 degrees and started out at 96% humidity for the first two days. With a misting twice a day morning/night. Then I opened the vents slowly day by day after day two. Now they stay around 65% to 75% humidity. I noticed the nubs yesterday morning, by today they have elongated into actual root structures and are starting to pop the fibrous (fish bone structure) on what’s protruded the rock wool. This is about typical for me utilizing this method , the next 2-3 days they should explode outward and be ready for planting by appx 10 days although technically you could plant two of them now. I prefer a much more stabilized/bigger root structure with at least two true root arms before hitting coco and if doing RDWC even more so tbh (

basically reaching past the bottom of the plug at least a 1/2 inch)


Simple, yet effective.


I made a bucket cloner in the beginning and I only had one cutting take root in it.I read Oldtimer1 bonsai MuM tutorial @Guitarzan sent me and I noticed he put a cutting right into the dirt after he dipped it in rooting hormone and just kept them bagged at 77 degrees under a fluorescent light.
I take my cuts and I put a little kelp and some fresh aloe chunks I got this from ClackamasCoot in one of his podcasts .he talks about Aloe being a huge concentration of salycytic acid and your root numbers will go up.He wasn’t wrong.My cuts are placed in a chunk of fresh aloe and placed in a clear McDonald’s cup of room temp tap water with a little kelp feed the first night.Next morning I dump the kelp water And top back off with fresh room temp clean tap water and I let sit another 24 hours.
When 2 days is up I put the cut into clean promix hp in a clear cup with speed holes in it I like the clear cup so I can see the roots to know ok yes they rooted it’s safe to harden these guys off now they go in opaque cups later.I use the water in the cup that soaked up all the aloe juices to wet the soil in the cups down works as a good wetting agent goes right through the dirt quick no pearlite rise to the top as much.
I dip my cut into some room temp clonex gel them I dust the dipped part of the cut with Probiotics Powder like battering a pork chop.I use a long zip tie to poke a hole in the dirt estimated off how long my dip on the cut will be.I do it just shy of the length of the cut dip so I plug that end up good no embolism
.I put them in a flipped Tupperware tote setup I rigged together sprayed down n the inside 2 times a day I open them up for 10 min a day two times a day .The totes are on a vivosun heating mat with a temperature of 77 degrees on a control gauge it’s plugged into.It has a temp sensor probe I stick right into a cup inside that tote set up.I use a desk fluorescent 25 watt lamp to keep it lit I use 24 hours for 2 weeks till I start to see roots in the clear cups.i have been getting roots in 8 days lately I think because I have had more steady temps at my 77 degree goal.
I keep the totes covered in a clear trash bag for 4 days then I roll the trash bag up lengthwise and I use it to stuff in the edges of the flipped totes to keep the humidity up.A full week later take the trash bag off and I monitor the moisture in the setup and check for roots.

As soon as I see roots wrapped around the bottom of cup it’s into a red solo then a half gallon to a one then my final pot with adjusted proper feeds worked in slowly .Worked for me so far might work for someone else.


That looks like an oxyclone. Ive been having horrible rooting rates currently. I cloned last week and no roots. I got impatient and pulled the cuttings to see if any had roots and none had any. I used to use bubble cloners, misting cloners, cloned in coco with rooting gel with great success before but I tried cloning in coco and nothing too. It may be too cold here in the pnw but i do use a heat mat set to 78 as well. IDK.
What is your method to clone in the oxycloner? Do you use clonex and something like uc roots? May bring out the oxycloner but I got some rockwool ill use up before I waste more money on the oxycloner.


Awesome! Very cool indeed

This just reminded me I always add UC roots to my cloners reservoir when utilizing one. Thank you @grief I love that stuff actually it lives in my Rex’s and RDWC setups I should buy stock in that damn stuff, constantly buying it

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I’ve used those macro plugs for seeds, but I’m gonna try them with clones soon. I have the best success with the humidity dome method myself.

Here’s a few days later with root riots and Hormex. After they start showing roots, I plunge them into a light nutrient solution ~0.6EC. Then things really explode.

I think after the roots get started, it helps speed things up to submerge them and rinse out some of the rooting hormone. I’m not sure why, but mine always seem to like that.


Never done that but 100% will try today in fact. I think the rapid rooters/root riot plugs etc do outperform the rockwool though tbh. I hate to say it but it’s true , although the rapid rooters are chock full of nutes and additives for propagation so it really doesn’t surprise me. I love the macros for one cuz they fit right into the 4-6-8” cubes , two because they are perfect in the grodan trays and three because I’ve been using them for a very long time. I do get rockwool is becoming the past though as I’m continually being told by my crew lol


Those roots are PERFECT! Love when they fishbone right out of the gate like that, we’ll done. Great minds my friend, great minds :facepunch:t2:


Mine is a turboklone. I cut the stem on a 45 degree angle and lightly scrape it. I dip it in clonex gel. About an inch. I have used the clonex solution in the water but I didnt see a difference so I wont buy that again.
I ph the water and the keep the water cool.
Thick stems take longer to root than thin ones.
I dont dome them. Some do take longer to root


Personally I loved my turboklone when it was in use, great investment. I’m just a dumbass and should never have gave it away, oh well. Kindness is king

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I’ve been messing with rockwool for the last year or so, and it’s ok. But I’ve found myself back to mostly using coco-based media again. I have the best success rates with root riot cubes over rockwool for both seeds and clones. I still use rockwool croutons in tree pots to make my starts. But I’m back to putting them into coco once they’re 3-4 weeks mature.

I still have some rockwool starter cubes to use up. I hate the ones that come on a connected sheet, like my tomato starts in that picture. They are too expensive compared to the 1.5" individually wrapped ones, or the macro plugs and they suck. They’re such a pain in the ass to pull apart. Their holes are way too big, and they’re not deep enough.

I’ve tried most easily available media at this point, and I just like coco the best for growing indoors. Also, I can chuck it on my compost pile and use it in the garden or yard after it breaks down.


Yezzir I absolutely love coco. I’ve been using a product Mo-Koko for many many years. I actually just busted back into coco for a few grows so I can do some seed adage and making but will still utilize my current culture setups 100% . I even reuse my coco as I can, might as well all try and do whatever part we can when we can, where we can right? I like your style bro, I truly do


Clonex is pricey and hard to find in Canada. How about a big bulk buy of white powder from China?


I have a recipe for making your own uc roots which will last you WAY longer than paying for that expensive uc roots. Its just using hth pool shock.


Sweet! Hook a brotha up?

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Yeah its hth poolshock. Put 1 gram into a gallon of water and use that at 30ml per 5 gallons every 3 days (Break down the ratio down if you only use one gallon in a cloner etc.).

Also you want to clean cloners that use pumps or water like an oxyclone or clone king etc. Why? Biofilm introduce pathogens or disease to cuttings. Biofilm cant be killed by bleach. The film it creates protects it from it. You need an acid based cleaner to destroy the biofilm like green clean by biosafe or an alternative is zeps sulfuric acid drain opener (Use safety equipment). I can post that as well but if you want the deets go to bean basement (Advanced buffalo did the write up) and its on there. You have to scrub the pump and collars even the whole cloner to get every nook and cranny. Then you use bleach. Cleanliness is next to godliness


I agree 100%! You use the hth pool shock to clean the cloner?

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