[Closed] Banana OG F4 Seed Co-Op

Howdy y’all,

Nothing really to report. I’m still seeing some underdeveloped green seeds here and there, so I think by next weekend they’ll be ready.

Thank you dude, I appreciate you. I need to start thinking what I’m going to throw in there now that I’m wrapping up.

Hell yeah, those nugs look chunky man. Congratulations.

Looking forward to seeing it happen man. Did you ever get a better idea as to what was causing issues with the plant?

I apologize for being absent from the forums as of late, just been out of it.


Nice job. Dont feel bad…. We all need to take a break sometimes.


Good to see you around, friendo :love_you_gesture:t2: tent looking groovy


Na. I believe i underfed or shocked them somehow and they never bounced back. I also was watering at 6.4 at that time and i now switched to 6.0ph waterings so i believe i will have way better luck next time they come my way


Howdy y’all,

What it do? It’s me, ya boy.

This will be the last time y’all will get to see the plants, as the next update shall be when they’re nothing but seed.

My favorite gal is named Bubby. She has the banana profile but not overwhelmingly sweet, and with some underlying funk too. She was stress-free throughout the entire grow, and has now began fading into a beautiful color.

She had the biggest fan leaves out of everyone as well.

So, it’s of my opinion that these gals require close monitorization of their runoff as well as an incorporated flushing every so often for synthetic growers. Organic growers shall most likely have no problem with this.

Here’s their clones flowering .

The nutrient solution I use have an input e/c of 2.28 during veg. When Peggy’s runoff hit 2.60, she began showing signs of being an asshole. So I would presume that her and some siblings may not handle build-up too well.

I’ve kept them under 2.60 now and peggy’s condition hasn’t worsened.

Anyway, that’s enough rambling out of me. Thank y’all for being a part of this journey with me. I’m hoping that I was able to bring some new customers to Mrs. Colimbini and that I’ll soon see some Nacho grow journals popping up.


Well congrats @Mr.Christmas ! You managed to get them to produce tons of seeds despite them being a tad finicky and the college sucking your time :smiley:

That’s a great tribute you did to Nacho! Thanks for spreading his work in the community!


Great job brother…and here’s to the next projects!!!



indeed, great job and that will be plenty of seeds!


Very nice ! :ok_hand:

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Oh hell yea👍🏻

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Great job done despite the difficulties, willing to grow them … Pirata|nullxnull


I’m cackling

Beautiful plants, bubby is gorgeous!


Man, you were amazing on this journey! Thanks


Great grow, despite the hiccups, and I love your attitude! Gave me more than a few laughs throughout. Cheers :grin:


Thats an excellent result right there @Mr.Christmas, well done and a very enjoyable grow to follow👍


Had not commented during this grow very much, @Mr.Christmas but, have been following along thec way and watching you bring it down to that finishing stretch! :checkered_flag: nothing like making it to the checkered flag! Nicely done! :clap::clap::clap::+1::facepunch::ok_hand::partying_face::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


My teacher played this in ww2 class in hs never understood wtf he meant by “yes we have no bananas” it was a riddle the whole time.
And the answer is weed.


In the lyrics it states he never tells anybody no. So, Yes, we have no :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:


So @Mr.Christmas overall would you say this strain takes an intermediate grower? I really struggling to figure out what its deal was. Looking back i think it may have been high ph soil and high ppm. Not sure tho. Next time i get my hands on these beans ill make sure to pay attention and note everything and do slurry tests

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Thank you dude, I agree. It was finals time so I’d still lurk at the end of my day, just too brain fried to conjure up a coherent response to anything.

Orale Señor SucioToes. I’m on break now so I’ll be a bit more active. Will be flipping my big tent as well, so I’ll be posting some pics of those plants as they progress around the place.

I’m not really sure if I’m experienced enough to state what level of grower it takes for these beans. I genuinely consider myself a novice since I only have a about 15 harvests under my belt. That being said, at the current generation, I believe the best course of action would be to select a keeper and then fine tune it’s environment/feed. Two out of the 5 females were contaminated with mold extremely easily, so that’s also something to keep in mind when selecting to either grow these indoors or outdoors.

Here’s a screenshot of when I began keeping track of inputs/outputs:

Blue is flushing, and you don’t want to know what brown means. :flushed:

My limit on runoff has been 3.50 for quite a while now. The only other cultivar I’ve grown that couldn’t handle that amount of build-up was a PUCK Bc3. I don’t expect people to look at that excel and gain any real useful information off of it, but the point is that it’s important to keep a close watch / keep a dairy diary of the plants to further fine tune the grow. If you do notice on the excel though, most of the plants maintained a lower soil pH, so that 6.0 pH input sounds like a dope idea to me.

Thank you man, I’ll be working a lot more with this line as I want to use it for a little project in dedication to my pup that I’ve got going on. I’d like to get more plants with Bubby’s hardiness out of a pack of 10 before I start really looking through them for a keeper though.

It was really a pleasure to do this. I don’t care how stressful the grow was, this is my small way of contributing. I’m excited to become a recluse again though lol.

Strawberry Waffles, mi amigo. That’s what’s getting sex’d up next. Thanks for your support, and I hope I get to see these growing in your garden soon.

Thank you! I’d like to find my first keeper male in these bad suckers. I heard somewhere that crossing a real citrusy strain with a real fruity one usually yields an awesome result. We shall see, said the blind man.


Gracias Jorge! Thank you for your guidance. I’ll be popping these Tirah Kush here after the Banana’s get chopped.

I believe that was the proper scientific term for her condition. I often suffer from it too, so it’s ok.

Thanks dude, I’m excited to see some more skilled hands give these seeds a go. There’s some real beauty here.

I don’t know about all that, but I definitely gave it my all! Hahaha, thanks dude.

I’m a firm believer that comedy has the power to heal! I grew up chunky, that’s how I know. Thank you for the kind words dude.

Gracias Jango! The other pollinations I’ve done have been in 1 gal containers, or less, so I can’t wait to see how much more these 3 gals yield.

It was a quiet grow, y’know. I’m a generally pretty quiet guy so maybe the grow did lack a bit of socialization, but what can ya do? I really just wanted to give back to the community in whatever small way I can. I know this is miniscule compared to how many others contribute, but I’m not one to compare. Thanks for the support my friend.

That’s the face of a man who definitely has some Bananas.

I’ve been wanting to post this since I started the grow, so I guess this is as good as a time as ever.
