[Closed] Banana OG F4 Seed Co-Op

That’s sounds like an incredible scent for a pot plant.
I sure hope to grow one of those out one day!:sunglasses:


Just the 2 words “statistics assignment” together got me a brain freeze. Luckily I was smocking a joint so I recovered swiftly. You did well taking pictures to heal yourself with such a view like that banana tent :laughing:


That is the only banana I have come across, I say like Banana Runtz… not the weed…LOL

Words uttered by everyone here at one time or another.
Just keep after it and next thing you know you will be out the other side.
Good luck and…image


Ahh thanks for explaining! That makes sense now.

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I had to smoke double this morning just to try to regain some sanity. If it were up to me, I’d stay working on my plants all day. Such a calming hobby dude.

I’m not much of a candy eater, so my palate’s pretty limited here. All but have kind of a funky candy banana smell, but Kayla smells strongly like banana taffy. It’s my first banana strain, so I’m hoping the smell translates into the taste. Their clones are ready to go into the tent as soon as chop day comes, so I’ll be able to give more details about the smoke then.

Thanks for the motivation dude, it really helped me tackle today’s workload with a lot more enthusiasm. Shit can get overwhelming sometimes, so it’s easy to forget how temporary it truly is.

One day at a time, mi amigo!


Hey y’all, just a quick, sad, update.

I woke up to Yaruska having some visible PM in a few sugar leaves. I chopped whatever visible spots I noticed, here’s a crummy phone pic I took afterwards through the viewing window:

Humidity had spiked two days ago to 80 for a short period and but I brought it back own to 70 when I heard the high humidity alarm. Even though the VPD recommendations for a leaf temp of 80 degrees is 70% RH, I learned from my only other battle with PM that I need to bring the RH to 50% by week 5. However, I needed the dehumidifier temporarily to cure some bud. I said “fuck it” to the curing bud and moved the dehumidifier into the tent to attempt to control the progress a bit. I know it’s really a downhill battle from here, so I’ll be updating y’all as things progress.

Also, Jimmy was killed off and the remaining males will soon follow.

I sincerely apologize for my ineptitude.


Okay pals, this’ll be the last update for tonight.

The battle plan I decided to pursue is spraying everyone down with hypochlorous acid. Here’s a thread that goes deep into it.

So, Athena was kind enough to send me some of their products not too long ago.

And in one of those boxes came their hypochlorous acid. I’m waiting till this run is over to run a side by side with Drip, but for now, I just wanted to give them a shoutout.

Anyway, here’s everyone after being sprayed.

The remaining males have been getting flushed for the past two feeds, so they may look a little sick, but don’t worry; they’re just dying.

For now, we wait.


Fsck! That’s heartbreaking when PM come at this stage. Hope the hypochlorous acid will help. Luckily that’s “just” a seed run, hope they’ll stand still and you’ll have something to sample. Best luck to you!


Here’s some shots from a few hours ago.






The most affected was Yaruska, and she’s also been the most finicky gal out of the batch, and is the one who smells most of candied bananas.

Here’s an affected spot that I’ll be tracking for growth.

Someone else who was affected was Kayla, especially the leaves that were rubbing on Yaruska.

This is a spot on her that I’ll be tracking

Right? I dropped the ball hard there, but way she goes sometimes. I’m hoping so too, the color of the infected spots has changed to that pale white that you can see above.

We’re so close to the finish line too, so I just want to make sure I do whatever I can to keep the plants as healthy as I can, for as long as I can.


Also, I’ve taught them to sit, but not to stay still yet. We’re working on it. Thanks for the well wishes bro.


Your going to be fine with a strong finish


Ive missed so much !
Man I agree with Emeraldgreen, your gonna finish this out strong brother :muscle:

I can’t believe I’ve never heard of
hypochlorous acid before :eyes:

With all the searches I’ve done when faced with bud rot I never once saw this as an option.

It definitely looks like it took care of your issue :raised_hands:


Man, I can’t believe I was too distracted to miss the topic! I’m sorry about the mold, brother, it’s fatal and we also have a life or more beyond gardening. You are doing a fantastic job! From now on I’ll have my chair in the corner watching! good luck!


PM sucks but they should pull through


Hola todos!

Some pictures from this morning.






Kayla has those symptoms we’ve been running into throughout the grow. I’m fairly certain now that it’s a sensitivity to salt buildup. I’ve flushed everyone and her runoff was way higher than the rest.

We’re almost there y’all.


Thank you dude. This is how I’ve felt this whole grow

Thank you hermano. :pray:t3: This is the first time I use the hypochlorous acid for PM and I’m pretty stunned how well it worked while not causing further damage. Definitely a tool to add to the kit for future use.

I think it’s important to share all the troubles I faced, no matter how embarrassing they may have been, that way those who grow the beans can have a head start on avoiding the same mistakes.

Parcero! Welcome! Ah, screw the mold! I almost killed the two that got affected because it was crazy how quickly they got infected, but they both smell really good, and I have a feeling Kayla is going to be some amazing smoke so I’ll just have to keep a detailed log with her clone so that I can get her feed/environment dialed in.

Good to have ya here.

I think they will too man.


Everything looks awesome in there !

And thank you for sharing all the troubles you faced. It is definitely gonna help the future growers, and I know you taught me some new things too ! Thank you :pray:
I’m gonna try to source that Hypo Acid :100:%
I can’t believe how well it worked :eyes:


Finally made it to the end! Culled 5/6
Smoke is a bit harsh it seemed but was very decent and knocked me out


This made me laugh more than it should have. Nice seed run!


I said “aren’t we all” out loud. Just looking like shit, dying, trying to get the next generation ready for the world. I feel you mama weed.


The banana og f4 is some really good smoke. Covered in trichs and is definitely makes a good end of night joint.

@Mr.Christmas i look forward to snaggin a pack of beans in the future to regrow this strain