[Closed] Banana OG F4 Seed Co-Op

I got caught by this one too, crossing both is guaranteed to put out some great things.


Heyyyy my friend!!!

Unfortunately I found some Chem³ buds with mold :pensive:
Go to :hocho: a little early!!!
Passing by to leave good vibes in your garden!!!



Oh I’m in!! Banana!

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good luck with the banana og grow !!!

Dave’s Not Here - sounds like a winner !!!


Good luck with your grow. I’ll be watching this one.

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Haha that would make a good avatar for @toastyjakes, I do see the connection though.


Sorry for the double up its the first time I’ve attempted a quote😄

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You can use the red pen :pen: icon that shows up after you post to edit and make corrections.


I’ve been looking at the Banana Belts. Somebody should get that one!

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Youll get there lol

I tried already… something about that post only has the one picture code, so i cant seperate them lol

Congrats on twins i guess lol


Yep same here and I didnt want to try and attempt an edit.

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Then twins it will be :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: I like the pictures! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Last time I had straight banana og was on the strip in vegas a couple days after they opened up med/rec. It was great, we got superduper blasted!
Everything I got then was amazing, the distillate, the concentrates(some of which I’ve never seen the quality-consistence since), the bud, just top fucking notch. I wonder where it was coming from.
Really glad this co op is happening. Thanks @Mr.Christmas


you would have to dance-fight to it, like a jedi (-> superhigh on midiclorians :rofl:)


Howdy Grundle! Welcome aboard.

Thank you for passing by!

Same here; I’m honestly not huge on sweet smelling strains. I’m really unsure what to expect, so it’s quite exciting for me too. Thank you so much for stopping by, and for the well wishes as well. :green_heart:

Oh no, what have I done? Now you won’t get any sleep either!

Thank you, señor. Welcome aboard.

How long after watering did you take this picture?[quote=“funkyfunk, post:41, topic:138196”]
I got caught by this one too, crossing both is guaranteed to put out some great things

I’m sure you’ll catch wind when I pop the pack. The same wind might take em’ to you, quien sabe, hermano?

Ah, parcero, how unfortunate. Sorry that happened to ya. I chopped quite early too, at day 60 something if I remember correctly. Not because of mold, life just happened. Anyway, I found 1 cola in the bunch that had molded. It wasn’t even that dense, really.

I’m on my last bit of it now. It’s potent, that’s for sure.

Buenos humos, parcero! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Banana indeed! Welcome.

I just recently sampled some real lambsbread and it knocked my socks off. Haven’t been able to find them since.

And white widow? That’s what I smoked as a kid, and haven’t had it since.

Welcome aboard dude, and thank you for the well wishes.

Thank you for the well wishes!

It’s so much better doubled up like that. Real work of art.

I thought about it! But hear me out…

Dave’s Not Here.

Now that’s what I like to hear! Thanks for stopping by dude, glad to have ya. The one and only time I was in Vegas, I got too drunk from a Taco Bell Cantina and passed out at some big-name hotel’s lobby with some buddies. Got woken up by security and got VIP escorted out to their outdoors-zone. Last thing I remembered before I fell asleep was laughing at my friends for falling asleep. Ain’t that somethin’?

Good times.

I’ve never seen any Starwars films, I’m assuming that video was cannon, however. Just like this one is cannon to the Batman universe:

I ask people all the time if they’ve had a “Frowny biscuit” for breakfast. I don’t think anyone’s ever understood the reference.



Hey y’all, meet Hope!

Hope isn’t a Banana OG seed. She’s what I believe to be the only viable seed in my entire Bombay Crush harvest. Anyway, her story is not really important for this preservation. I introduce you to her because her purpose here is to test the environment ahead of the Banana OG’s breaking soil.

There’s some other OGs growing in my garden right now, OG’ER, Goji, Hell Raiser, Night Terror OG Hazmat OG cross… and they’re all very stretchy.

I like to start my seedlings off at ~100 PPFD, but with the amount of stretch I’m getting with the OGs specifically (there’s other crosses going), I want to bring the light down closer, and bring up the light intensity to ~200 PPFD, and Hope here is going to test out if these new parameters will be alright!

Saturday evening, I noticed two seeds had cracked, but only one had their radicle partially showing. This morning, I noticed a third seed had cracked, and so I realized it was time to sanitize their home.

The fan and light get sprayed with alcohol, but everything else gets sprayed with bleach.

I’ll be using these heat mats underneath the tent, then the drip tray will also serve as a barrier. I’ve had issues with these heating up the soil too much. The few layers in-between seem to have resolved this issue, though.


This evening I noticed that there were 6 seeds with radicles showing.

All 6 have been planted in Sunshine Mix #4 2-inch containers.


One day. It is getting worse again and has black spots on fan leaves and yellowing of new growth. I seriously cant keep these banana ogs happy. This is exactly what happened when i first popped them. Heres a pic from weeks/months ago i gotta check. I got this plant from this condition to nice and green after transplant and now im headed back here. The other 5 have perished.


I know you’ve probably heard this a thousand times but what type of soil are you growing in ?Coir?Peat mix?I had one of my Jacalyns do this all yellow shit (Not to the extent of severe droop and destruction they still grew great bud)and it was a combination of light way too bright too close in my 5x5 and me not cooking my dirt for two weeks causing all a ph fluctuation and several nutrient lockouts leading to Nitrogen problems.I grow in Peat mixes myself never used coir so i dont have much to say on that the light thing i know more about now.Even though some of these phone app tell us what light we should be using sometimes you have to play around and find the right setting some of these plants do thier own thing.App might tell you your light needs to be at a 50 when they really needed 30 till you can gradually increase it to a happy level and maintain stability My light is so bright for my space the most i have it set for veg is 30% and 80 for Flower any higher and it burns up everything These lights are becoming more powerful and i think we tend to forget how much lumens these things crank out just because you can stuck your hand underneath it dont mean its not getting blasted by light and getting a little pissed off and will throw a tantrum like a toddler.Good news is your light will last longer candle burns half as bright burns twice as long.Youll figure it out


Hey bro i had these plants in royal gold kings mix, they were under a 200w led turned down to 20-25% par was maybe around 300-400 its been a while hard to remember accurately.

I believe i fed these plants and shit went left. I transplanted this one single survivor into roots organic original and fed 1/4 strength nutes. Everything was going great after the transplant.
So from December 23 til now theyve mostly gotten only plain water. I think i gave 1/4-1/2 strength nutes 3-4 times maybe. Do you think that shes just hungry maybe? Ive bene watering about 1-2 cups plain water lately to try and not overwater.

Here is the plant on dec 23 before transplant

Then jan 23

Then jan 30
Then feb 9


You could chop one of these plants into as many separate clones as you can get in and plant them in coco soaked with like 600ppm of a basic veg nute like gh grow and silica. Put on humidity domes and leave them alone for a week. Maybe misting occasionally. These guys don’t like the medium they’re in for whatever reason. My guess is soil mix is too hot and humidity issue. Just a guess but maybe worth a shot. Could also be some contaminant or fungal infection. Some of the dried up leaves are maybe PH?


This will be a new strain for me. By the comments so far it sounds like fire. Thanks for doing this @Mr.Christmas