[Closed] Banana OG F4 Seed Co-Op

Humidity is set to 62% temp is 71f
Soil mix is pretty basic. They are in roots organic original which isnt very rich nor hot.

The most water ive put in there was 4 cups and they are in 3gal fab pots. Im now cut back to 2 cups but this issue is worsening quickly. I dont want to block this thread up with my issues so i will be stopping from posting about my banana og f4 and i will be pulling up a chair to enjoy the show from @Mr.Christmas


If i were you id go back to using regular pots.I know im going to probably be crucified for saying this but Fabric pots kind of suck in some aspects.They dry out so fast we have this tendency to kill them with kindness with the water and the nutrients fucks up the microbes and messes with the ph.I used them for a bit but i only found use in the big 30 gallon or bigger outside ones for outdoor they kept thier water better and with tha rain in bad spots it keeps them out off drowning in s low water table.Indoors they just took up too much space for me.Went back to Cooked two week soils and 5.5 and 7.5 gallon pots with microkote painted inside the pots does the same pruning as air pruning with out loosing your water i get spurts of new growth every day.Even has micro nutrients embedded in it for super slow release.Makes Bushes of plants i love it.


I apologize for asking so many questions, but I just want to get a better understanding on how we got here. About how long after they broke soil did you introduce nutrients? Which nutrients did you introduce at 1/4 strength?

For the remaining survivor, I believe you may be underwatering her. That plant is old enough to have filled up that pot and become rootbound, it’s been in that pot for almost two months now, yes? 4 cups of water is 1/4 of a gallon. You’re working with 3 gallons of soil. You’ve cut down to 2 cups, and the issue is worsening. Meaning your water input may be at fault here for part of that drooping. The other part may be the rootbound. Once she goes into flower, you shall (hopefully) see her leaves perk (pray) once more.

The lighter color on the newer leaves and the presence of black dots sound to me like a Manganese deficiency. Though, I can’t see the black dots you speak of, so a close up picture of a few affected leaves would be needed, plus the nutrient information, for better judgement.

What I like to do when I encounter an issue is control one variable at a time. If you increase the light, then increase the nutrients, then decrease the feed, and then decrease the watering, and so on, and so forth… it becomes difficult to pin-point exactly where something went wrong, and further works to stress the plant out.

Welcome aboard, dude! It’s my pleasure, thank you for being here.


No i like that youre asking many questions. It helps me get a better understanding of what you are looking for to judge the issue.
I apologize for not keeping a better log on these plants. Tonight i am going to analyze all my pics and notes and try to answer all questions you have and give you all the details from day 1 til now.

Would you like me to dm you or keep this on the thread?


Whichever makes you feel more comfortable my dude.


I had problems with a couple plants in fabric posts this year. I was for the reason you gave. they picked up to water in the trays with plastic posts sharing the trays.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Why Did you try out the Fabric pots if you dont mind me asking ?Was it for the root pruning?Been Trying a product old uncle ben turned me on to called Microkote I’ve done all my pots and still have 3 quarters of a bottle stuff really stretches out.Copper Solution with a blend of Micronutrients with an extremely slow time release embedded in a latex paint solution that you paint the inside of your hard pots with that Prunes roots when they touch the copper plant gets a slow and steady dose of micro nutrients that prunes just as if not even better that fabric pots and You keep your water at a more take your time pace instead of pounding the poor things.People have put up online reports of the stuff lasting as long as three years life on the product in fruit orchards .

Stuff has changed my grow game tremendously.Plants responded very well.Very bushy growth and explosive.People clown on uncle ben im even guilty of it and i take it all back Ben you definitely earned my respect -:billed_cap:-.


I even painted some solos not the whole cup just part of the inside for an experiment and check out the root growth theres something here im telling you guys and gals and all inbetween no mycos were used in this experiment not a spore


I started with just fabric pots. It was for the root pruning and they went thru the washing machine.

I have tried a brand of fabric with a liner on the top 80% and also mesh ones that I likem uch better. I till have a bunch of plastic one gallon for clones and lately for males in seed preservation.

Nice roots. You may be on to something there.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Grass roots make good pots more expensive i never used the good ones till the end the only ones i felt worth Thier weight and they last forever held thier water better but i just do better in pots im s spoiled i guess lol


I found Grassroots brand fabric pots at my fav. ‘dirt store’.
They have a version with a ‘moisture liner’ that covers down the inside to a couple inches of the bottom.
These are much better than plain cloth pots, especially indoors in the winter when we typically have low RH.



60/40 banana kush/og fem, being femed a second time. well hopefully that is.

the reversed girl im working with right now.

peace …


A solid banana gem would be awesome, can’t find a good banana og today let alone a fem unless it’s a white label brand


this is the one im re femming .

peace …


What’s up, brother Jaws? Thanks for stopping by.

Beautiful looking plants! I really like the use of rubber bands there. That idea would’ve helped me out so much last harvest.

Thank you for sharing.

The stand is fairly established. The only seed to not crack open was the lightest colored of them all.

She’s the one with the frowny face tag.

Also, there’s 1 fella giving me trouble. Hopefully it picks up some strength and keeps on keepin’ on.

Lastly, we have Lt. Dan.

That picture was taken 2 days ago. This morning, it appears the first set of true leaves might be growing. Only time will tell.


Agreed @Gpaw ! On average, I water about 30% less frequently with the lined pots vs. The full fabric pots

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Yes, I have a bunch of these and the are ones I like for the reasons you give.

The liner stops the last couple inches so the best of both, plastic don’t lose water out the sides/fabric. the pots prune at the bottom to prevent root binding.
:green_heart: :seedling:


The Bananas will be going in these bad boys here


Hopefully this one doesnt end up with a bunch of booze and hookers as a mutation


What is the white stuff on top and what is its purpose?

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