Closetgrowth's "Tangerine Dream" Outdoor Grow :)

Can you grow year round outside??

No, But the amount I would get off of a 6 pack, or maybe even a 12 pack should be more than enoughā€¦ Its primarily for me anyways, and a few medical patients, and friendsā€¦ Weed is so cheap over hereā€¦ And there are more dispensaries than starbucks! Like on every block, no jokeā€¦ Its not like it used to be brahā€¦ It still moves, but for far less. The electricity bill varies around hereā€¦ And its anywhere between 300-500 a month. Thats alot of dough. When zips were selling for 280, it was worth investing that kind of cash, but like I have mentioned a few times, There now as low as 65 bucks! :hushed:ā€¦ Aint no real profits anymore. :neutral_face:

Wow, thatā€™s crazy cheap. Glad itā€™s not like that here, yetā€¦

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Well, I believe you know where I reside, and its easy streetā€¦ The government is letting anyone/everyone open shop, and its turning into a zoo in my area. People doing 38 mph(60 mph is the normal speed) on the freeway, and others smoking the dank on the streets like there puffing on cigarettes. Cops drive right by because they know the pot sales(dispensaries) are bringing in close to a billion dollars a year. Even the prosecutors are cool about it. If you grow anything past 100 plants they will prosecute you, but anything less, they wont touch you. Proā€™s and conā€™sā€¦ Whats a zip going for up there??


Depends really. $200/240 for good stuff.
Iā€™d never pay that, but some do. And actually cured bud, or with color, even more.

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Damn, Good for you brah! ā€¦ Yah, Ive seen some of the top shelf product go for like 160 around here, But, you can tell its been sitting on the shelves for hellaā€¦ Dust on the plastic, and everything. Iā€™ll bet the bud isnt that strong sitting under lights for a long ass time. I could never understand why they would let that shit sit under floā€™s 24/7ā€¦ Guess they dont realize that thc degrades under light? Anywho, People are really into the dabs around here. The millennials are all about ā€œDabbingā€ā€¦ or ā€œDabsā€ ā€¦


Well, Im getting that Dark Devilā€¦ and its purple, Maybe thatā€™ll make things betterā€¦ Bag appeal? cha ching!!.. :grin:

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Yes, I will be investing in a press, for that exact reason. I canā€™t do the dabs, to strong for my light weight as lol. Itā€™s funny, when I stopped growing,I stopped smoking. Just started up again in the anticipation and to get my tolerance up.
When I was growing, Iā€™d smoke 2 bats back 2 back 1st thing in the morning. Just to ā€œfeel rightā€. Now if I did that, Iā€™d be on the floor for the day


How long did you quit??

Shitā€¦close to 10 years Iā€™d sayā€¦


Wowā€¦ That is a long time. Ya, I quit for over 3 yearsā€¦ It was mandatory. lol I really like the ā€œpress ideaā€ā€¦ got me thinking.

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Whats the price of a good press??

Thatā€™s kinda why Iā€™m growing sativa hybrids. I like the more mellow, puppy high. Not the narco, Couchlock high so much anymore. Getting oldā€¦lol


Probably 4 to 5 Billā€™s Iā€™d say

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Yah, Im all about the ā€œSativaā€ myselfā€¦ Only time I spark up Indy is when Im about to crashā€¦ Never liked the couch lock in the daytime.

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Gonna get a canagar mold too. Make 1 of each strain I grow and encase them. Make some to break out at special occasions as well, of course lol

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Well shit, Maybe I should look into itā€¦ Thats really not bad. But Man, it takes alot of weed to make them dabsā€¦

Never heard of itā€¦

True, but you can only smoke so much, by the time next run is done.

Google search bro, they cheap too