Closing the Shark's Tank and Political category

So you are saying I have no God given rights? Read below, they do infact say you have inalienable right given to you by your creator. Where did you go to school, NY? It shows.

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There is the use of the words inalienable rights given to us by our creator.

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You have to deal with the repercussions of your actions, just because you have the right to say what you want doesn’t mean there will be no repercussions, I’m not saying that there is no responsibility, or repercussions to what you say, im saying you have the right to say it.

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I would not put much time into this discussion. The rules of site are already made.


Thats not freedom of speech that harassment because they are going to her work to say these things, they have the right to say it, not the right to stalking and harassing people. Huge difference. People will even find the topic of growing weed offensive, like idk how many fights I’ve seen on here because someone does or doesn’t agree with the way someone else is doing something pertaining to cannabis.

You are arguing the right wing are the first to be censored?/ first of all the government is not censoring anyone that I can see.

Businesses can do what they want and should prevent dangerous misinformstion from the public.
So no one on the right is being silenced.
However local school boards and States are stopping teachers from teaching facts if they differ from right wing talking points.
Socialists and pacifists have been silenced for years.
Ever heard of Eugene v debs?

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Well said @DougDawson :clap:

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Where exactly did I say this?

Its your job to research what you hear. Its always been that way until recently. If someone tells you arsenic can heal cancer, you would look it up right?

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Nope, they are just standing on a piece of public land that happens to be across from here work. They say the same to all woman so it is not stalking. See there is always an argument to be made for the other side of things.

The fact is that if we wish to live in a moral and decent society that some rules have to be in place. This is made more difficult with the invention of the internet. Used to be when you traveled to a place you learned and respected the rules of that land. Now you come to a place like OG with members from all over the world and it becomes more difficult. The rules and values in your country may vastly differ from someone in another so all the stuff about the constitution of the USA means nothing to someone who does not live there. This is where things like moderation on a world wide site comes in. While I respect each persons right to their opinion I have to think that rules and moderation are necessary in many circumstances.

The world is changing and getting smaller by the minute. People in this day and age more than ever need to learn to respect the differences in folks and try to minimize their negative impact on others. Now these are just the opinions of one guy. Take them or leave them as you see fit. I will defend your rights to the point where they start infringing on others. At that point it’s time to compromise and possibly think about others before ones self.


Thats not what you said though.

Woo! Slightly left of centre! Woo!

Like we are going to solve these problems here.

You ever have a political discussion ON WEED, man?


The unchecked misinformation is generally allowed as long as it is left-slanting/pro-vax/pro-establishment, etc.
For example, there’s entire threads dedicated to advocating the hyper-politicized “vaccines”. Post-after-post, licking the boots of big Pharma, and counter arguments are unwelcome.

…and as for “bots”, it’s a legitimate question. I’ll presume you are aware that no one is saying you ordered robots on Amazon. But when 99% of opinion based posts on a counter-culture website are pro-establishment, it definitely raises some RED flags about who is in here, and what their motives are. Although, it’s entirely possible that you guys just drove anyone with conservative values/opinions away and now it’s just a RED☭ echo chamber.


Lol the sentence directly after what you highlighted says it’s not legally binding

See you are nitpicking to make your point when I am sure you understand what I was saying. I said “Let’s say for example there is a group of men that feel woman are all whores.” All woman, see, not just one. I also said “Now let’s say that same group stood outside your mothers work and every day they all called her a whore as she came and went from her job.” I stated your mother to make it a personal thing so folks would reflect on that but it’s pretty clear when I said “all woman” that they would not just be saying things to one woman while the rest were ignored. I am pretty sure you understand what I am saying.

Anyway I said my piece and I am going to take off out of this thread. I have no real interest in debating such things. I have my opinions and everyone else has theirs. You are all free to agree or disagree with me as you see fit. My opinions do not hold more value than anyone else’s. Take care everyone and happy growing :v: I am off to feed my plants.


Technically your “freedoms and rights” are only free until it hinders someone else’s “freedoms and rights” at that point your basically taking someone else’s freedoms and rights away so there definitely has to be boundary’s when it comes to individual rights


Anyone else feel like the biggest problem with social media is free speech? Or is it the other way around and the biggest problem with free speech is monkeys having platforms to freely fling their crap around?

Either way I guess every circus has a few bad monkeys that’ll try and throw their poop at you while they’re furiously masturbating and staring straight into your eyes, but that’s one of the things you gotta keep an eye out for throughout life.

Ever feel like we’re regressing as a species? At least it’s entertaining, right?


You made me choke lmao


The Declaration of Independence IS NOT the Constitution of the United States and has no bearing on the governance of the United States of America.

I don’t care if they say that, it was written as such, and they are my God given rights which means no law can take them away from me.