CO generators

The tanks are not filled as you swap out your empty for a full one. You can get these at home brew stores as well.

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If youā€™re going to make wineā€¦ :wink: This oneā€™s a long time favorite of mine. Kind of like a dry not icky sweet mikeā€™s hard lemonade. I run champagne yeast rather than a starter culture. Means 5g of drink costs about 15$ :rofl:

I do have a paintball co2 - actually meant for a planted tank, on the cabinet. Regulator, solenoid and a bubble counter. (Arduino controls it, only summertime need when temps spike).


Ever since switching to rdwc my arm muscles are weak lol. No more lugging 30# of water up abd down stairs.

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My hydro store has a bunch 20#. So you pay to rent a tank and return for a new filled one? Always wondered how that worked

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I meant is it bad to be inside the room with 1500ppm?

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Yes, true. Thatā€™s how it works for my steel tank. But when I had my (2) aluminum 20 pound tanks, I would not just exchange them for another one because there was no guarantee theyā€™d always have an aluminum one on hand. Thatā€™s why I brought them an empty one when I picked up my filled one.

Oh, and I go to an industrial gas supply store. Theyā€™re the place that brew shops, bars and restaurants use to fill their tanks. I live in the boonies, but Iā€™m pretty lucky to have a place like this within 20 miles or so. AND, I live near a very popular paintball facility, so as far as my CO2 supplier knows, I fill that big tank to use to fill up our little CO2 tanks for the paintball guns. I even have the filling station used to fill those little tanks and always have it in the back of my SUV so they can see it when I load the tank. We can spend an hour talking about our paint ball adventures, even though Iā€™ve never even shot one paintball in my life. So be prepared to have a reason to get the CO2 if youā€™re not a legal grower, @SquirtleSquad!

Never had any issues with it, but I did lower my target PPM to 1200 a few months ago.


Depending on the size of tank, their is the initial cost and then a discounted cost to swap them. You will need a gauge or a way to connect a hose to the tank to utilize the gas.

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Okā€¦go in with a paintball gun and wearing a shirt covered in paintball splatters. Also pour beer intona carboy and hold that in my other hand. Check.


Lolol :sob::rofl::joy: I always make sure to smoke a joint as im working in my garden, blowing the smoke on the ladies, reminding them that im smoking their sisters. :sob::see_no_evil::metal:


Hehehe. Itā€™s like ā€œYour next :point_right:ā€




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Is there special food or medical grade CO2 that you need or can I just use industrial grade CO2 from a welding supply company?


Sooo if I have the tank gauge and all ready from my home brewing days what am I looking at for cost on the rest of whatā€™s needed?


Itā€™s all the same. The same industrial gas place I go to for my CO2 also has oxygen tanks for medical use and/or industrial use (like welding).

@Tinytuttle, Iā€™m sorry, but I donā€™t know exactly what you have from this description. You have the tank gauge, but not all gauges are the same. Can you post a pic? Also, exactly what else do you have?

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Will do ,at work currently will snap a pic Tomorrow

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