CO generators

Started a grow a month ago of a strain I built, posted finished pics in another forum here. I call the strain Hopscotch. Pics are 3 Hopscotch and 1 Devils Anus, its acting odd. Saturday I put up a tent put four 4 1/2 week old plants in, activated CO2 pad took pics four days later and theres a huge difference. Wondering how many guys/gals use them?


I use a CO2 tank and manually apply. The plants are happy.


I like to think that I am a co2 generator. And I cost nothing. I live in a small space and am always breathing around my plants


I hadnt seen mats before, but I put those fungus co2 bags in my tent. I had been wondering if they were helpful at all, or too diluted in the rest of the air, but i dont suppose they are hurting anything.

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Brew your own and helps the plants :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. Grape juice plus pound of sugar per gallon, makes a cheap and decent table wine and CO2 in the process. But you’ll need to start a batch every week to keep the co2 production up. You can legally make 200gal a year, who’s counting your bottles?!?


well that definitely sounds more productive than a vented bag of rot :stuck_out_tongue:

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Grape juice plus 3-6lbs of berries per gallon make a very tasty blend :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Triple Berry is my favorite (blueberry, blackberry, raspberry)

Or if you have a distiller… for culinary solvent use…

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I’ve been using CO2 since the original OG days, thanks exclusively to BOG! He used to use CO2 in those small cylinders, similar to whippits, but I think it was for BB guns. I had a BeerMeister, so I already had bottled CO2 on hand. But like BOG, I was manually releasing the CO2 for a while, and probably a bit heavy handed. I eventually put it on a timer and used the CO2 PPM chart to set it.

Since then, I’ve also tried a Blu Ox CO2 generator, but was never comfortable with the flames in my grow room (for several reasons). I’m now using a 50 pound tank and CO2 monitor/controller and will never NOT use CO2 in my flowering room.


I e been buying the large matts they last 10-12 days. I can hang the over the lights and it falls on them. I tried baking soda and vinegar but it overflowed and wicked up into acouple containers and killed the plants.

I tried this rig first but ran into temp problems. :wink:

Then I made this alcohol lamp burning 99% methyl hydrate you can get from the hardware store for $12Can/4L but it actually puts out way more CO2 than an 8x4 can us even full of plants. I have a CO2 controller so could see how quick the levels go up but it doesn’t give a solid reading for over 1600ppm. I gets up there so fast I know that it’s going well over 2500 in 30 min. That’s without the exhaust fan on tho so if you run exhaust continuously CO2 is a total waste with those bags or any source of added CO2. If you have a circulation fan in your grow room, (who the fug doesn’t?), there is no need to have your CO2 outlet above the plants. It mixes right in and the plants get it fine so put it on the floor or a shelf where it can’t get close to anything flammable.

This one uses 3/8" copper tubing and Tiki torch wicks. I put those wire nuts on top to run one or snuff out the flames and prevent evaporation when not in use.

I finally made one with 3/16" tubing and a cotton shoelace. The dye from the shoelace tinted The alcohol but burns nice and maintains a decent level of CO2. Only burns 100 - 125ml/day too. Had a bit of a spill around the lid when I refilled and didn’t notice. Melted one of the wire nuts. lol It sits in the stone crock when burning.



I like it. When I had a smaller box I turned my fan upwards to circulate without any venting. Never have vented, humidity has never been a problem for me. But that’s nice thinking on your part. Fire scares me due to the fact I’m blocks away from my spot.

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I use sauger and yeast. I just have a small tent. So I dont need much.

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How often do you refill that 50# tank and how much does it cost to refill?

How big is your room?

I want to go CO2, but my room isnt the most sealed. Light switches, outlets, heating piping penetrations and the big issue is my window AC unit.

I also run DWC so im worried about running into humidity and water temp issues.

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The room is around 900 ftÂł. I fill the tank every 4 months or so, and it costs about $23.

Temps can obviously be an issue in a sealed room, but humidity isn’t a problem for me simply because I run a dehumidifier 24/7.


My rooms the same size so thats promising…i heard people burn through 20# in a week and that turned me off from it.

TBH I could use the extra heat in the winter. I run LED and struggled to keep 80F canopy temps. Was thinking of getting a burning for winter and bottles for summer.

I also hear CO2 80F canopy is the bare minimum u want. Id probably have a warmer room if I werent exhausting though.

What kind of sensor and solenoid do you have? My sister gave me a 10# tank. Well what im assuming is a 10# tank and solenoid she used to use for her shrimp tank. Wonder if the solenoid would work with that

Just got a holiday bonus ive been itching to spend

Is caulking baseboard trim. Lighr switches. Outlets and ceiling lights necessary? Do u have a split system?

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If anyone is going through 20 lbs/week, they’re doing something wrong. Either they have too small of a tank for their grow, they have the PPM’s up WAAAY too high, and/or running it during lights off and/or are evacuating it through their ventilation throughout the time they run it. I’ve had (2) 20 pound tanks that I used to rotate and went through one of those every month or so.

So my room is pretty much sealed. I vent my HPS lights through a sealed ventilation system, so it doesn’t pull anything from the grow room. It pulls cool air from outside the room and runs it over the lights, then sends it out through the dryer vent (unless it’s winter time, then I keep the heat in the basement). Here’s one of the lights, which is connected to another one that has the same hood.

As for the accessories, I’m using a Vivosun regulator. I don’t know what solenoid they use, sorry. And I’m using an AutoPilot APC8200 controller/monitor.

It’s really hard to say if you need to do any caulking. If you blow smoke in your room and can watch it escape, it might be worth sealing it up. As you probably know CO2 is heavier than air, so it falls down. You’ll be using fans as normal, which will help give you equitable distribution within your room, but it’s unlikely that you’ll be blowing any of the CO2 out through the ceiling lights.

Hope this helps. I’m not sure I answered all your questions - you had a bunch of them! :crazy_face:


Yeah sorry I get excited and ask a lot of questions lol. Ill see if I can find a smoke machine lol.

Ill look into the autopilot thanks!

Do you shut it off when you enter the room?

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YOU are the smoke machine, my man!


OK, so I see you edited your last post to ask:

No, not unless I’m working on a project that will require me to keep the “door” open for an extended period of time. In which case, I unplug the regulator.


Lol! Damn those 50# tanks are expensive!!! $300 for a chunk of aluminum???

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That’s actually not a bad price, TBH. If you’re going to get a 50 pound tank, it’s worth it to get aluminum. Mine is steel, and it’s a nightmare every time I have to get it refilled. It has to go up and down some rather steep stairs, and it’s NEVER easy.

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