Coco new growth leaf twist help. Godfather OG, Sherber, Mac1, and gorilla chemdog

First time growing in coco and everything started off great, but I began having some issues with leaf twisting on the new growth while the fan leaves stay healthy and lush. I recently transplanted nearly all the plants in my nurseries into 100% perlite hempy buckets to get them out of the coco. Small plants into 1.8 gallon trash cans and the 2 large GF’s into 5 gallon hempy buckets. In the past I started my seeds in happy frog soil then transplanted them into 44oz styrofoam hempy cups in chunky perlite. It seems my first attempt at coco is off to a rough start.

I’ve also considered the possibility of having a weak root system as a result of over watering that’s affecting the foliage. Over the next 3 days I’m letting all plants get nice and dry to stimulate root growth. If my suspicion is correct then the new growth should straighten out fairly quickly.

A little more background info:
All plants are receiving jack’s 321 minus the epsom salt @ 1.6 EC PH adjusted to 5.8. I’ve never used the epsom salt in veg in the past because jack’s 5-12-26 has a lot already. I do add it in flower. I did try adding it into the mix and no change occurred as was expected.

From what I’ve read it appears the symptoms related to over watering. Unhappy roots can cause all sorts of weird leaf issues completely unrelated to fertilizer input, but I’m definitely not certain. In 10+ years of growing I’ve never experienced this. I’m hoping some of my fellow dope growing enthusiasts can offer some insight.

Temps 78-82 with consistent air flow setup the same as I’ve had it for 3 years now under the same lights. Tent a has a 460w qb dialed down to 25% and tent b has 2 100w qb’s at 50%.

Finally the pics:


They look pretty good to my eyes.


Thanks man. Maybe it’s much ado about nothing on my part. I’m overly cautious about any odd leaf growth due to my experience with broad mites last grow cycle. The eggs came in some fox farm ocean forest soil and infected the entire garden from nursery to flower room. I fought them for 2 months and finally gave up and tossed everything. I can’t remember being more depressed in the last 20 years than I was on that day. No more soil in my house ever again. I started 28 seeds in the same ocean forest after I lost all my other plants and every one was infected with mites within 10 days of being above the dirt.

Thanks for the vote of confidence that everything is looking good. I’ll come back in 5 days or so to post an update.


damn sorry to hear that. As an overly paranoid stoner if I had mites i would be on my nerves with any leaf damage.

They look pretty well to me too.

Maybe some more experienced grower can refute or confirm.


Don’t change a thing. Those plants are borderline perfect. :+1:


They look pretty happy to me brother



Like he saida9c0d7b5732be785621e54da05115c1e7e3569ed_2_690x457


I had to break out the glasses, these old eyes play tricks. Searching, but i dont seeanything, where’s waldo…cant find him. Plants loook great!

Man alive, that is a lot of pictures of Nothing Wrong, LITFA…

Sorry but had to copy this pic. I haven’t seen you use it for some time…LMAO

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Looks great to me my friend

As many have said, the plants look happy and healthy. Reading your description it did make me ask myself of you rinsed and buffered the coco or not.


Very nice set up. Nice and clean. I growing some Mac l. I grow in soil. The one spot when your leave could be from a little bit of water. Your colors look great I don’t see anything that you’re lacking in. I do not grow in water. But like I said your grow looks great these guys will help you.

Nice work @tentgrower!

Flourishing lush color. They look well loved. Peace :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Man I can’t believe I posted this thread over a year ago. Time fly’s.

I appreciate all the kind comments about the health of the plants, however my suspicion was correct - I had bugs. Once you deal with them enough you’ll know every single warning sign. Leaf twist is not normal and is cause for a thorough inspection of leaf samples from multiple plants and multiple locations. I lost all but 3 plants due to an infestation of a bug I’ve had trouble identifying, and have been battling for 3 years now.

It appears to be a specie of scale which does not respond to traditional pesticides. Not forbid, avid, floramite, venerate, azagaurd, spinosad, and pyganic. Upon doing some research scales cover themselves with a waxy coating on whatever tissue they attach to, and they never move again. The offspring hatch from under momma’s waxy protection, travel to a latch location, pierce the leaves with their mouthparts, then cover themselves with a waxy coating just like momma did before they were born. And the cycle repeats itself until your plants are dead. Spray all you want and nothing works because the pesticide can’t make contact with the pest.

What a bitch eh? I lost all but 3 plants. 1 godfather and 2 sherberts. The godfather was an outstanding strain with heavy production while maintaining a short stocky structure. Dense buds cover the canopy and the high hits you right behind the eyeballs. Instant red eyes and pleasure ensues. I highly recommend GF.

I almost threw out 4 of my wedding cake ladies I planted in February. I got the same dam bugs again and figured I’d just hang up my gardening gloves. I thought to myself…well I’m throwing them in the trash - lets try something new that I’m pretty certain will kill the plants. 91% isopropyl alcohol killed nearly all the bugs @30% iso mixed with plain water. After examining the leaves the next day I observed desiccated eggs allover the place. Saturate every square inch of that plant top to bottom sides of the container and the floor. Everything. Please don’t smoke while you’re spraying or it may be your last :slight_smile:

30% knocked them down hard. Slight leaf cupping on a few large fan leaves yet all new growth was perky and happy. I’d suggest a lower strength that is highly effective but gentle on the leaves causing no damage at all whatsoever. Obviously spray at lights out. No fans blowing directly on the plants. After experimenting for the last 4 weeks 25% is the sweet spot. Not a single bit of leaf damage and the plants point to the sky as soon as they dry.

For everyone that complimented me on how healthy the plants looked I strongly suggest you learn the early warning signs of pests. Twisting leaves is never a good sign particularly when it’s happening on 4 separate strains within the same grow space on all plants. Inspect, inspect, then inspect some more lest you lose your garden like me and plenty of others.

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Thank you for sharing what you found and the remedy that worked for you.

Godfather OG is an awesome strain imo too, grows big and yields well, I did think your RH was a bit low in the pic with the hygrometer though.

Any pics of this super scale?