Help new growth is shriveled

New growth is shriveled from tips of the tops to tips of some of the branches. Also before this happened there were holes in some of the new sun leaves. I foliar Ed with Castile soap and oil a few days prior and the week before that I foliar Ed with ful power. I have a strong microscope and didn’t find any broad or russet mites

You humidity might be too high :slightly_smiling_face:.


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Yea man the other day the fan was off the tent was soo hot. Do you think that is what would have caused the leaves to look like that?

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That looks like bugs or something, maybe burn that has molded off. But with super high humidity and temps is possible that is the cause.


Thanks for helping me I’m so stressed on this bro

No problem man!


No bugs in the tent some plants have them some plants don’t. Idk wth if it’s bugs they’re damn good at hiding. I thought maybe grasshopper or locust but seems like only new growth and only on like three fans

What you are spraying the plants with could be causing the leaf curling. Why did you spray the plants?


I agree with this statement!


I sprayed fulvic acid and then ipm dr bronners soap and oil

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In not sure but that sounds like a shit load to spray on a plant…these r the results of one sprat of Insectacidal soap

Deff could be what you r spraying on them …notice the similarities in the leaf shrinkage near the stem


Oil spray and then high heat could definitely cause issues. High heat alone will cause curling but adding in sprays means you make them more sensitive to heat and light


I do. Thanks for your help bro. I hope they grow out of it

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They will come around just fine. Looks like you’re were doing great until the sprays


Thanks for the reply man. I agree with you. I hope they recover


Those raunchy leafs will keep their appearance just grow bigger …the newest growth that got fried usually come to pretty fast … I still have twisted jostled leafs from it …best off …if your plant is healthy to pluck them affected leafs off …to avoid confusion later down the road

Stick around bro …you’ll be amazed at what a community like this can achieve!

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You don’t even have fungus gnats?

Never saw fungus mats for awhile