Coconuts' 1st Time- setup/grow log, advice needed!

I don’t think it’s nutes or bugs related, could be variegation or even a viroid, strange pattern, keep a look on them… icon_e_confused|nullxnull


Hard to say. I was planning to let the root ball develop and transplant directly into 7g pots when they’re poking out. I’d guess a month or less? This is only my 4th attempt at growing and the last 3 didn’t survive this far :sweat_smile: so I’m still learning as i go lol

I think you’re onto something! I was looking, it’s only the 3 ‘Alien Otto’ plants that have this pattern. So it’s probably something to do with those genetics. Idk whether viral or just plant traits, but I’ll keep an eye on them, thanks!


Ive heard autos can be finicky about taproots


Ooh. Well not much I can do about it now :sweat_smile: I’ll probably just cut off the planter after I fit it in a 7g. Do you have any other recommendations? I think these are my last few auto seeds, so if these don’t survive it’s gonna be regs next anyway. I debated starting them in 7g pots, but I think that’d make it harder to manage watering and such.

Cutting off the bottom and planting in 4ever home is a good plan. I’ve never had an auto over 18".

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A lil update for week 2! They kinda blew up in the past week. I added a lil topsoil since there was a bit of compacting.

They’re all chugging along nicely.
My lil Blueberry kush bush is probably the happiest among them. (Also the only Indica)

I’m still not sure what’s up with the alien otto. I added a smidgen of nutrients (like 1/4tsp split 3 ways) with the soil in case it was a deficiency, but I don’t think that’s it. Does anyone know of good places for (viral) testing in the Midwest US? I’m curious if it’s something in the genetics or what lol.

One of the Durban poison looks happy

The other has some leaves curling up and some curling down. Light burn? Nutrient deficiency? Any thoughts?

Starting to see a hint of roots out the drainage holes, so I might be moving them sooner than expected!

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I’m betting that your alien is just a little bit of a mutant bro, she’ll grow out of it soon I say. :alien:

Looking good nice work!

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It’s a few days shy of week 3, but I got them moved over to their new and final home today. 7g pots with BAS3.0 mix.

I think they were a bit root bound, they were starting to show signs of stress. The root balls seemed pretty healthy (forgot to take pics), nice white and developed thru the whole 3.5" square.

This was the most stressed of them. Yellowing and sagging on the lower leaves (old growth). I assume this is from rootbind? Or does it look nutrient related? Haven’t been adding them yet. I recently switched from distilled water to RO, maybe the culprit?

Hopefully they’ll perk up a bit in their new home with some lifta care!

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Whether it was from being rootbound, or from needing nutes, your transplant into new soil should help take care of it either way. :+1:

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