Coconuts' 1st Time- setup/grow log, advice needed!

Hey everybody! I mentioned in my intro I planned to start a grow journal, so here it is. My first ever attempt at sprouting beans!

Not everything is fully setup yet, but I started to germ so I decided to post anyway. Any feedback and advice is highly appreciated :v: Would love to hear opinions on what’s worked best for people, or what hasn’t worked.

I’ll start with the setup. Doing an indoor organic- I’ve got 2 tents, AC Infinity Cloudlab 722- a 2x2’ (72"H) which I’ll be using for germination & seedling. I’ve also got the AC 866- a 5x5’ (80"H) that I’ll be using once they’re transplanted to their final pots for veg & flower.

I have a lil Oscillating fan in the 2x2, and for lighting a 2x2 LED board (100w). I did get the AC 69 pro controller to help monitor/control conditions as well. (I plan to stay organic, so the fewer variables I have to deal with, the better!) So my first question:
-How essential is an inline fan & carbon scrub during the seedling phase? Is it worth investing, or can I skip it? I already plan to get one for the 5x5 (just deciding on cfm for it).

AC Infinity Cloudlab 722 tent (2x2)

Speaking of, I haven’t finished outfitting the 5x5 yet, but I plan to house 4 plants in it. I’m leaning towards the following:
2x Oscillating fans
? Either a 4x4 LED board, or a 5x5 LED bar- what do people prefer? Any idea which would work better for the space/plants?
Inline fan with carbon scrub- min 169 cfm. Does anyone know much adding a carbon filter increases the required cfm?
AC controller/hygrometer
-If I’m forgetting any essentials, pleeease lmk!

For starter soil, I went with BuildASoil Living soil blend, with a little dolomite lime for PH control.
Light recipe for seed(lings), they have a few other products for different stages. It’s designed for organics, and my buddy said he had good results with it.

BuildASoil Living soil- light blend

Next question- aside from dolomite lime, how do y’all control pH (water AND soil) with organics? As I understand, those convenient lil pH up/down bottles are not it. I plan to get an RO system of some kind for water, but I need to do more research on this subject.

Also, as I’m just starting- it’s about as sterile of a setup as possible, and I wanna keep it that way! I’d LOVE to hear recommendations on pest & mold prevention!! I picked up some mosquito dunks to put in corners of the tents, as well as sticky aphid/whitefly traps.

I’m not sure what I’ll be doing for nutrients & such, feel free to point me towards recs for organic feed/regimens!

That’s about it as far as setup, so onto the good stuff!
For my 1st grow, I decided to do a chaos run, to see how different things turn out in my space. I selected 5 seeds:
Alien Otto (hybrid, fem auto) [Elev8 Auto x Toofless alien]
Blueberry kush (Indica, fem auto) [Blueberry x OG kush]
Sour Lime Haze (sativa, fem photo) [MMXX x Elmos army]
2x reg mystery seeds from my “Bob” bag (Best of best- about ~40 select seeds collected over 15 years of smoking, keeping only the top tier, if I found a lucky bean). I doubt most will even sprout, as some are ~15 years old. Most varieties I’ve long since forgotten, but a few stuck out in memory (Big Sur, Blue dreams, Black African queen, Permafrost, Afghani chitral, and Pineapple Express). They were kept in a temp, light, and humidity controlled environment, so there is a chance some are still viable. But we’ll see, maybe I’ll be lucky enough to get a few rare lovely ladies. Maybe it’ll be a bunch of dudes, or nothing at all, who knows :man_shrugging: Might make a separate thread just for the mystery seeds once I have a better grasp on the process. For now, just testing the waters with a little of everything.

To start germ (7/13/24), I put a seed each into moist paper towel, about half (3%) hydrogen peroxide, half water- gently wrapped, and put each towel into a sealed plastic bag, set them in my 2x2, lights off. Temp is steady at 74*F in the tent, with 60% hum.

As of writing, it’s about ~60 hours in, I can’t see any signs of taproot- but I’m wondering if I wrapped them too many times that I simply can’t see it thru the towel. (I haven’t unsealed the bags yet, I’ve checked it once a day by briefly holding it up to light).

Germ tek

That’s it! I know it’s a long one, so any feedback is welcome! I apologize if some of my questions were answered in other threads, just thought I’d put them here as they come up in relation to my setup. I’m still figuring out og, but I think I got this in the right place. I’m not easily offended, so if you think I’m doing anything wrong, please lmk. I’m super excited to see how this goes :grin:


Nice man, you’re ready to rock. I can’t answer most of your questions as I’m growing in perlite, so I don’t worry about keeping things organic, or about bugs. With that said I’ll do my best and at least give your thread a little bump.

On the fan/scrubber question, I would say you need some way of introducing fresh air to the tent. Inline exhaust fan makes the most sense, but I suppose a little computer fan or almost anything would work. Considering they’ll be in veg I suppose you could even just open the tent door and have the oscillating fan blow fresh air in from outside (in a pinch.) You won’t need a carbon filter for small seedlings.

Nutes/ph etc - I just use tap water, general hydroponics nutes, and that easy bottled ph down that you spoke of. Out of curiosity, what drives you’re desire to stay “organic?”

Stay patient with the germinating seeds! I also use the paper towel / coffee filter method, but I put the ziploc bag on my router, those warm warm temps really seem to help. The big, mature seeds sometimes take a little bit longer.

Good luck brother, I’ll be following along.


No need for scrubber or inline in the seedling tent. Maybe throw the fan near an opening/vent if you’re worried. Definitely go with bar style lights for your 5’x5’. A 6” inline fan and carbon filter will be plenty for your 5’x5’ and not having to run maxed out will stay a little quieter and theoretically (I think?) last longer. Unfortunately, I’m just a coco and salts guy, so that’s about all I can help you with. But, plenty will be by soon enough to answer any and all organic growing questions you have. Best of luck with everything!!

Edit: I finding floating my seeds until they pop and then getting them in wherever they’re going the easiest way. Maybe give that a try next time.


Awesome, thanks man! My main concern with a fan for the small tent was bringing in air/CO2. I wasn’t sure how pervasive the smell from seedlings is, so it’s good to know that I won’t need a scrub for it. I’ll probably get the inline for it just to simplify the process. It’ll get some air when I open for watering, but I wanna be sure it’s getting enough.

So the main plan is to press it into rosin for smoking & use in edibles- so I’d rather not be ingesting a bunch of chemicals. Plus I think it hits a lil smoother :slightly_smiling_face:

Still haven’t gotten any hints of taproot, so I’m thinking a heating element for the base is a solid idea! They were all pretty big seeds so I think it’ll help

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Cool, appreciate the info! I was leaning towards the 5x5 bar just for coverage, the options I was looking at had pretty much same diodes/spectrum so it was more of a question of price/coverage.

I was too impatient to get things started :crazy_face: That sounds like a good suggestion for future runs! I was thinking about doing that with the mystery seeds, I’ve heard the sink/float test is a good way to determine viability. But if it helps germ i may just do that for all of em.

Thanks for the suggestions!

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Just a quick lil update: the 3 fem seeds all sprouted yesterday, the 2 mystery seeds did not :pensive: somewhat expected, still disappointing. I transplanted the 3 that did germ into planters & soil (3.5" sq), and started a 20/4 light cycle on lowest setting. I’ve got the light about 2’ above the plants, I’m not entirely sure on what good heights are for the different stages, so we’ll see. I put wet paper towels over them and put the osc fan on low. Been checking the towel and re-moistening as needed.

Temp has been steady at 75*f with 65% hum.

I’m thinking of throwing a reg sassy-fras seed [mean mug1 x rootbeer freeze] i have in to germ since the mystery seeds didn’t take. It’ll be a few days behind buuut I figure it’s better than being down a plant at the start.

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Sadly, I have to announce the passing of my first attempt at babies :pensive: as it turns out, I didn’t take the cover off the sensor probe so my humidity readings have been completely wrong. It was at 40-50% humidity. The replacement seed i threw in grew tap without problem, but didn’t sprout aboveground. The 3 that had sprouted aboveground wilted and I don’t think they’re gonna make it, so I’m scrapping it today and gonna start fresh. I could probably try to salvage them, but I think it took me too long to figure out the issue so I’m thinking they’re too far gone.

95% sure it was a humidity issue, although I won’t rule out overwatering

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Sorry for your loss coco.

For what its worth, I’ve never ever added humidity for my seedlings or clones. Whether it’s 45% or 70%, they seem to do fine. I’m guessing it was something related to the roots that caused your issue.

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I recently discovered the coco fiber pucks:

More friendly with seedlings and easier to control and water from the bottom. Once healthy developed I dig it in soil, seedlings are very fragile … beer3|nullxnull


Just a quick update since I haven’t in a while:

The 2nd round met a similar fate. 3/4 made it aboveground, but wilted shortly after. I kept the same soil (since I have a big bag of it), but at least I ruled out humidity as the culprit.
I picked up a different soil mix for when I start my next attempt. I’m kinda just going through and changing 1 variable at a time to see if I can pinpoint my main issue. I need to keep a more accurate log of when/how much water I give them as well.
I’ll probably start again next week after I finish up a bathroom project I’m working on. I’m thinking I’ll try more seeds per attempt too, at this rate I’ll be lucky to keep 1 plant alive :thinking:

It’s been a while since I’ve updated, but we have progress!

I think this is now my 4th attempt? So I got rid of the BuildASoil, and switched it out for Blackgold organic seedling mix, and they seem to like it a lot more.

The perlite chunks in the BuildASoil were HUGE, so that may have been part of the issue. This is a much finer mix.

I did make some adjustments to the tent as well, I moved the osc fan down a bit and hooked up an inline fan for circulation.

I’ve also been monitoring the watering schedule more closely, so I think that’s helped. These are about 2 or 3 days old now, and they’re looking very happy so far!

2 Durban poison
3 alien otto
1 Blueberry kush

They’re all fem auto’s; so far I haven’t added any nutrients or amendments. I’m planning to start using gaiagreen 4-4-4 in a few days once their true leaves are out.

This one in particular seems very excited to be here. Is this what’s known as stretching?


I was in your shoes about two months ago. I would start by downloading the Photone app (and make a diffuser out of paper- spend the $6 for the LED spectrum) for your smart phone so you can measure light intensity. Get those seedlings under about 150-200 PPFD (would have saved me a lot of stress, i started with my lights WAY too close).

And then error on the side of less water because they are easy to overwater.

After you get light and water amount dialed in, I’d look into pH measurement and then go from there with nutrients and all that one step at a time and try to enjoy the process :slight_smile:

Personally, I just got my pH dialed in and I’m just breaking into the wonderful world of grow media and nutrients. There is a crazy amount of options out there


Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve been using the AC Infinity app for light controls, it’s a 100w led light and I’ve been running it at 10% power (lowest setting). I have no idea what the actual ppfd is, I’ll check out that app and try to find out. I haven’t messed around too much with light tuning, so it’s nice to have a target range. I do need to get the settings sorted lol.

I’ve been keeping it pretty light on the watering, one of the earlier attempts I def over-watered. But I also noticed there was very little water retention in the BuildASoil, I was getting runoff after just a couple spritzes with a spray bottle. The Blackgold seems to hold much better, so I’m pretty happy with the results. I think everybody was right in that it was a soil issue.

I’m not gonna worry too much about pH this run, I have dolomite lime just in case, but I typically focus on changing 1 variable at a time. If I try to change too many things at once, it’s hard to tell which change impacted the results. I’ve still gotta figure out the basics of feeding regimens too, so I’m just taking baby steps :sweat_smile:

I don’t expect to get the process down quickly, i very much learn by trial & error lol. There are indeed a lot of options out there, too many almost. I’d like to keep it simple & organic, so that does help narrow things down a bit. But I’ll get it eventually!

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Quick question!
So my plants were looking good yesterday, today they look like they’re wrinkling a little bit, almost like slightly crumpled paper. A few of them are getting light white-ish speckles on the leaves. Any ideas what this could be an indicator of?



I was planning to start feeding nuts here either today or tomorrow, are they saying they’re hungry?


What are they in? Soil?

First guess would just be that the soil is probably a little hot, and recommendation would just be to leave them alone and use plain water only. It’s definitely not hunger, I’ve started plants in perlite only with plain ph’d tap water and they don’t get hungry that early.


I agree with @methodanon
Light watering and no feed
Let them be
They’ll be fine


Yeah, I switched the soil mix for this attempt to Blackgold seedling mix. I was previously using BuildASoil light mix with poor results.
This is what the mix contains:

The soil temp is reading 72f - 74f for all the plants currently (just took readings).

I did up the light intensity to 60% (100w light) about 4~5 days ago as they were stretching, did I bump it up too much perhaps? They looked much happier at that level, until today.

I haven’t checked pH at all for anything, but I’ve been feeding it lightly with plain distilled water. Using about 4-8oz water a day total for 6 plants (1/2 cup to 1c split 6 ways) depending how dry soil is. Basically just slowly spraying around the edge, and stop when I get a little runoff.

Hey man Just to clarify, when I said the soil might be a little “hot,” I didn’t mean temps. I just meant like a little heavy on nutes etc, almost like over-feed symptoms in a young plant.

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Oh :rofl: gotcha. Yeah, I haven’t added any amendments, I’ve just been using the soil as it comes in the bag

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I hear ya.

I don’t grow in soil but i did google this…

Tricky… how long will they have in that medium?

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