Coconutters learning thread

This what I love, and use now. Easy to carry where I use it, adding large chunk perlite keeps the bulk very lite weight, even when adding a 30 lb. bag of compost, to it, and the Dr. Earth goodies.
It works as well in pots or hydro set up.
I can keep my plants in a regular type pot in a veg mode, standard top down watering, OR saucer filling, or in a F&D aqua tray.
It is an amazing force of nature, and easy to capture for anyone.


@duke nice to see this :slight_smile:

A few years ago, on a weed site, far, far, away, duke had the patience to turn me into a coconutter. I have a hard head, it was a choreā€¦ and I kept wanting to make it harder, lol!

I still suck at cloning, but Iā€™m going to try that upward slice thing on some cuts today! Thatā€™s gotta be what Iā€™ve been missing!

Anyway, coco works.


I think after my perlite hempy bucket grow is done this round Iā€™m going to swap to coco/perlite mix or go straight coco hempy buckets. Too much potential perlite dust inhalation for me.


@Weedison have a careful read here and you will understand the coco is very different to soil growing and well meant advice is often misleading if the advisor is talking about soil growing,i hope this helps.


Thank you! Really appreciate this!


Tried to hit reply to you, very big thank you!


Can I re-use Coco coir if I had aphids during my grow? I harvested today and only saw a couple of babies on one of my 4 plants. I am not sure if they could have laid eggs in the coco or if Iā€™m okay since it has been weeks since the infestation. I feel like the better safe than sorry approach is best and I should just pitch it but maybe Iā€™m being overly cautious? Thanks for your help! Photo of my Flap Jack 2.0 just harvested today.


I donā€™t reuse the coco from a grow, goes in the compost bin and makes great potting soil for veggies and flowers.

@duke reuses his, I believe.

Very pretty plant, by the way :yum:


Thanks for your feedback!


hi i do not think aphids lay eggs in the coco i am pretty sure they lay on the underside of leaves,but if you want to reuse coco its so easy and imo a waste not too! i use mine for average of 5 grows and as its become more expensive and harder to buy due to shortages caused by our halfarsed brexit fiasco reuse has become essential.
best way i have found is just break up the old rootball and pull out as much of the bigger roots and and bin them,then get yourself a black bin bag fill it with the coco and add a dozen or so earthworms tie up the sack and leave it somewhere cool and dark for a month,
when you openthe bag you will have nice clean ready to reuse coco and dont worry about the worms when using it they seem to survive even right through a 16 week cycle.
i thought chemical nutrients would kill them due to the salts but seems not.
also if you suspect pests have layed in the coco them stick it in a plastic tub in the microwave for a couple of minutes,or pour a kettle of boiling water through it.better than insecticides.
i have found the best reason for reuse is after 2-3 runs the coco remains more stable ph and seems to give less defs eventually the coco particles start to break up and become dusty when dry,then it goes into my veg garden.
nice looking plant btw enjoy!
edit to say there are also enzyme products sold designed for breaking down roots in used coco,cant remember the name though,peace


Yes,I use cannzym or Activera from biobizz


thanks thats it, worms are free and there probably happier in the shed in a black bag full of roots than outdoor in uk winter! i have to go worm hunting in the garden tomorrow,easy in a mix of homemade compost and used many times coco they love it,cheers


Iā€™ve been recycling the same coco for over a year now and itā€™s still working great.

I use two different types of coco, non branded brick coco from ebay for seedlings and clones, it holds 20/25% less water than canna ime itā€™s better suited to seedlings and clones.

For flowering i use canna it holds more nutrients so itā€™s better suited to flower.

Thatā€™s it after a year of being recycled.


@Star_Dog I pretty much share your same coir and pots,drippers also,how much runoff do you get ?
Canna Always tell me to not have more than 5%,so Little that It doesnā€™t Need a tray


Hey buddy, i aim for 15-20% run off, i couldnā€™t swear on it but Iā€™m think I read it on the canna coco nutrient tub?

Iā€™ll check it later when Iā€™m at the plants to be certain, but yeah 15-20% when I get later into flower Iā€™m feeding multiple times a day I drop it a little 12/15% up to 6x a day, ime run off is essential ime.


Thatā€™s what I do too,but canna tell me to do so when I contact them.Always.canā€™t get my head around it


hi there is no hard and fast rule as such and i find much depends on many variables like pot size,how often and how much you are feeding,temps also make a difference to how quick the coco gets overly laden with dried nutrient salts,i use dutch pro nutrients and average 9 ltr in uk airpots and it takes about 2.5 ltrs before any run off then i give it a few minutes and chuck in an extra ltr and that if done daily keeps build up on low side.
if the coco is dryer on the top between waterings you are not giving enough each time and this drying layer is where the build up occurs.
in my drobes theres only small waste catchment so i guess 10% run off,so every 4 weeks i flush the coco in every pot through with very dilute ie about 0.50 ec and no need to ph this and make it lukewarm and run about two ltrs through each pot this dilute mix then dissolves the dried salts so removing build up before it becomes a problem,i hope that helps,peace


All is well brother @duke
I use canna and mix Tap with RO,if I donā€™t use Ro I get problems in my leaves.
I think @Star_Dog and my approach are a Little different:I use Little 1-2 liter pots,max 1gallon,and then use to water It 5x at day for 1 minute each,which gives me a good amount of runoff each event.With low EC nutrient feed(1.0 Max)
I also point this to my leds,they do not emit much heat and the Coco Is not getting too dry.

Anyway,the mistery remains,why Canna tell to do this and not add perlite.I havenā€™t try this no runoff/minimal amount to not Need a catchment yet.

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I was thinking of bigger chunks of coco.

I saw this stuff too and thought it might be good. I got the ā€œcommercial compressed brickā€ from growit instead. The stuff is; salty, dusty, and has contaminants in it (plastic bag bits, broken plastic stuff, rocks).
How are you using (preparing) the coco chips? I did half of the ā€œcocoforcannabisā€ procedure and started having flashbacks of the last time I bought brick coco. What a hassle.



I drop one in tote, stick my hose in float it. Next morning, I flip it over, drain, add water .
Iā€™ve not had to worry about salt, not like the old compress bricks, that becomes very fine, dusty almost material.
I also have a screened bottom 5 gallon bucket that is a huge helper, with rinsing out medium.
Oh yeah, itā€™s a bit of effort, being a cheap old guy, for sure.
But for the 1 or 2 I use per year, running my crappy perpetual system, itā€™s a god send, as it does so many things for me.
Iā€™ve wiped out my gnat issue, by using this stuff as 3-4 inch layer on top my pots, with bottom wateringā€™s.
I can also reuse it quite a few times, and then take it out to my garden beds to retire.
I cycle my medium 2-3 times before it goes to the garden beds.
Super cost effective, nothing goes to waste.
Me, myself and I, am THRILLED folks do not use it, and find it to much effort, it keeps the prices down, as most think of it as pet bedding, LOL!!
Iā€™m thrilled many think itā€™s a hassle.