Coda's Ghost Train Haze #1 (Rare Dankness)

Hey Folks. I just wanted to drop a quick report on my Ghost Train Haze #1 (Fem) from Rare Dankness.

As always, the opinions expressed in this report belong solely to the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Overgrow, Foreigner or any other group or individual. This is one plant (data point), your mileage may vary.

This was grown in my home built grow room and was opposite the Chernobyl plant I reported on a couple of weeks ago.

Coco, EWC and Gai Green in a 10-gallon, tall grow bag.

Here she is at week 4 or 5 of veg :arrow_down_small:

Decent sized leaves :arrow_down_small:

Flip day 12 :arrow_down_small:

She was a crazy stretcher. I have to get better about pairing plants with similar growth patterns in this room. I didn’t think she was going to stop growing up. Here is a shot looking up while I sit on the floor :arrow_down_small:

I didn’t defoliate at all. I cut a couple of stems off on the bottom to make watering easier, but that was it. The following pics are in order, but I don’t have them marked at what day they are from flip. I’ll add commentary on a couple of them.

She looks hungry, but it’s the lighting. Her leaves were dark green until she started senescence :arrow_down_small:

She got so tall I couldn’t get all of her in one picture :arrow_down_small:

This is one of my favorite pics of her. Pay no attention to the web. I had a ghost spider in there, which I thought was ironic :arrow_down_small:

Here, I am literally standing on a step ladder to get a shot level with her tops :arrow_down_small:

At this point I’m standing on the floor of the room and looking up to get shots of her tops :arrow_down_small:

Outside of the room looking in :arrow_down_small:

This is an 8-foot ceiling and the light is up as high as it can go. Thankfully, the weight started to tilt the top colas over and I staked the stalks with those green, plastic tomato stakes :arrow_down_small:

Sitting on the floor, looking at the bottom flowers. Very little light gets down there, but the buds are not larfy at all. Genetics :arrow_down_small:

Sitting on the floor again looking up at the clubs above :arrow_down_small:

Lowers :arrow_down_small:

Chop day, 77 days from the flip :arrow_down_small:

Just under 7 days of drying :arrow_down_small:

Very full trim bin. I felt like I was trimming sea urchins :arrow_down_small:

With flash :arrow_down_small:

Full disclosure: I pulled a total of 7 balls off her bottom nodes at different times right around week 4 of flower. They were pretty easy to spot. No nanners.

Growth - Very easy to grow. Large fan leaves all through flower and very healthy. Fed her dry amendments roughly every two weeks.

Appearance - Beautiful. Super healthy and her pistils remind me of Kali Mist. Stems are really strong, but the weight of the flowers will eventually bow them.

Yield - Surprising. I’ve never filled the trim bin up this far before with one plant. Her buds were pretty dense until they started fox tailing right around week 9. Even with the fox tailing, they have a decent density. Very hazy appearance, but not fluffy at all.

Smell - I love her smell. She smelled like musk melon in flower. Like a cross between honey dew and cantaloupe. When I chopped her, the house reeked of straight up skunk. After a week hanging, she grinds to this amazing lemon/lime hazy melon smell. I can’t get enough of it.

Taste - Exactly like she smells. Hazy lemon/lime melon. Really thick.

Quality - She is strong! We were a little surprised at her quality. More psychoactive than anything we’ve grown since legalization. I was hoping for a little more energetic high, but it’s she’s a nice mix. I don’t give ratings of 10 because I’ve never had one that ticked every box, but she’s a solid 9.5 out of 10.

Final thoughts - We have been happily enjoying her all day. Knowing that she’s only going to improve with the cure is something the Mrs. and I are both looking forward to.

I intentionally took her at 11 weeks and I’m glad I did. I didn’t want any amber at all. A quick trich scope showed all cloudy and that’s what I was shooting for. She could have easily gone another two to three weeks for people that want more body. She was intended just for me but given the fact she wasn’t as racy as I like, Mrs. Coda can enjoy her as well.

Hope this helps anyone who’s had their eye on her.



Now that’s an awesome writeup! Thanks for all the effort :star_struck::green_heart::seedling::v:


Man, killer write up! Plants look spectacular!



Thanks for sharing :slightly_smiling_face: …the description of how she smells is wonderfull :+1:


Yea, Ghost Train Haze #1 is a great plant. I love it because the plant is “bullet proof”. Its one plant that takes care of itself and doesnt have any problems at all. However, The deer like it too so watch for them if you grow outside. Terrific grow show @Coda . :rainbow:


Thanks @Magu !

I read your journal, and your description was almost identical to my experience.

She’s a keeper :wink:


Beautiful plant, beautiful log!


I have one going outdoors. Yours looks great!


Dude, great report! Really helpful.


One observation I forgot to mention is the lack of trichomes in comparison to today’s designer strains. The trichs are all on the bud (where I prefer them) and she’s not frosted, yet she’s stronger than most anything we’ve grown in the last couple of years. I feel like that’s an important observation.


Did you keep a cut of her?

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I didn’t. We have so many varieties we want to go through, and we’re not really set up for Moms.


Oh ok, I was gonna say if you kept a cut and wanted to get seed off her I had 3 reg gth beans left to hope for a male. Nice plant tho.


You know how it is, always chasing the holy grail :wink:


@Coda I like your style brother! Great content, as your time and effort invested in the detail and documentation shine.


Thanks for sharing!! I’ve been wondering if RD seeds of some of their older awesome stuff was still the same and it seems the GTH#1 still is. I always loved it. Now I have even more seeds to consider. Haha


Thank you for your grow report @Coda.


How do we know your not a hobbit? Awesome plant I love big fan leaves with well defined ridges. I love the stacking on the Bud Spears great work. She is going on my list of plants to grow.


GTH#1 is known to throw a few nanners/balls, so don’t sweat it. Crazy you found what sounds like the pheno to get in one seed. I almost bought these a month or so ago when I bought seeds too and now I’m kicking myself for doubting if RD was still legit/the same. Haha