Coffin_Dodger's Continuous Chronicles of Cultivating Chaos

That looks like an awesome hike! I’ve been tromping through the woods since I was in diapers. My old man was more of a drive to the store and get a pack of cigarettes kind of guy. I couldn’t picture my dad on a hike lol. That would have been a glorious mess! Thanks for the mental image, I just went on a 5 mile hike and heard every curse word in my head at the same time!


Oh, I did, do, and will, sir. We had some really rough years when I was comin’ up, and times like this past week I wouldn’t trade for anything. Hopefully there’ll still be plenty more day-hikes and the like in the time we get left. We’ve lost some good ones in the last few years- one of those anniversaries fell in the time we were out there- and the lack of a promised tomorrow ain’t lost on us. Gotta do what you gotta.

Holy hell, Val! That little beast is back with vengeance, and she’s been all outta bubblegum for a while now! Already throwing fuzzballs at you, and trained up like you injected her with some Spiderman serum. No surprise here that she took to growing right up into the light, either. Ours both seem completely unfazed by light intensity, since getting good and established (after the bit of seedling drama here, that is.) Like you’ve said before- Truly a tough cultivar.
We’re throwing plenty of bud-sites here, but I’d say developmentally still about a week or two behind where your girl is at.

…speaking of- We should think of some criteria for this shindig, eh? We got the obvious, like gm/ft^3, and total yield, and we could run a poll for best in show? :thinking: :laughing: I still see you taking the cup this round!

We’re trying some LST Clips this time, since I got back a little late for scrogging it out and just ran out of time to before I took off. They love it so far. Hopefully I’ll drop a few pictures tonight or tomorrow, sneak-peek preview of the week’s update.

Also, super glad to see the AC/GDP thriving alongside her. :metal: :fist_right: :boom: Damn fine work, @Til_Valhalla

Man, I can’t begin to say. It was God’s Own Country, that’s for damn sure. Been all through the wild since diapers here, too, but mostly thanks to him instilling that, even through all the other bullsh!t. Trust- serious backcountry time with DAD ™®© nets you all kinds of curse words you didn’t even know existed, and ways to use words as curses you couldn’t possibly have thought you could. Hahaha

Thanks for dropping by, y’all! Still getting things back in order and sliding back into home-life around here, but should have at least that sneak-peek at the girls up later today.

Stay up


Looks like a lot of fun, especially with Pops! It’s wonderful to see a father and son enjoying themselves together.


Glad you had a chance to get away and have an amazing trip. Looks pretty much like our back country up here, just less snow :cold_face:
You’d love it up here bro. Go whale watching in the morning, then go golfing or skiing in the afternoon watching big sheep, deer, moose, bear go waddling past lol gotta love it :deer::sheep::bear::green_heart::blush:
Now get back to work and grow baby, grow!


Can I join the next blurple growoff? I got an pos blurple from 2014 I use for males in a crap cabinet I cobbed together. My satellite seeding station set up seems to be in compliance with your carefully crafted rope lights. I didn’t even paint it white yet and it’s been almost a year lol.

Here’s 2 male Cloaked Aurora ( NL x Romulan) it needed a name


it really is. very impressive for an auto.
even MORE impressive for a freebie.

dig. still expecting great things from what you’re growing.

lol… to be completely honest, i entered this contest EXPECTING to get my ass kicked. i just thought it would be fun to pop seeds with someone cool. you’re it. we both had the same freebies so seemed a good idea.

but yeah, i tossed the gauntlet (even in good fun), you picked it up, so competition it is.

lol… now that i mutilated my plant with a supercrop you want to do a beauty contest? yeah, that’s cool.
you need all the help you can get city slicker!! :stuck_out_tongue:

i have NEVER weighed out one of my harvests. so this will be a new one for me. i only weigh stuff to make abuela’s oils and tinctures. do you weigh it wet or dry or both? :man_shrugging:

yeah man. push this plant. it’s tough and responds well to training. it likes it’s lateral branching. spreading it open and getting light down into the core gets you lots more colas. i’m beating the sh^t out of the one outside and pushing the fish ferts with dry amendments. it’s just packing the flowers on now. some of the branches getting heavy.


All in good fun. But damned if you might not be on it with that jab! Hahaha :laughing: Just trying to milk all the fun I can out of what is already proving a great time. Trying to think “State Fair.”

Kinda’ surprised you’ve never weighed a harvest. Fair enough when quality is job number one. Most folks don’t bother with a wet weight, as traditional drying doesn’t lend itself to getting an accurate one anyway, and your actual is usually ~<25% or so. Since we dry in the Cannatrol we (at least) buck everything off the branch when we load the machine, and weigh wet to not overload. Simple final dry yield would probably be best for comparison’s sake.

Here’s that sneak peek before the real update of the week drops.

WWxBB #AK 35 Days from seed :arrow_down:

WWxBB #JL 42 Days from seed :arrow_down:

Grow Five Group Shot, from Rear of Tent
Clockwise from top-left: Rainbow Kush #SL (KUSHOFF CONTENDER), RK #KJ, White Widow X Big Bud #AK, WWxBB #JL :arrow_down:

…and a collage of backpacking goodness to grow on.

…gonna have to grow out that PPP soon, to commemorate the trip.

I’d love to do more grow-off/side-by-sides! Like Val mentioned, this one kinda’ fell into place organically (pun intended.) @JustTieflingThings and I are still on Auto for now, but with the fall/winter, we should finally get that second tent that has been mean-mugging me everytime I walk by it set up and running, and have a lot more options open in that way. It’s always about space and time, eh?

Breathtaking, that’s for sure. Been all over the continental Sates, but never crossed the border. Always struck me as being a whole lot of that up there- plus y’all get what @JustTieflingThings likes to call Cosmic Glory- I’d love to see those Northern Lights. Not that the Big River Valley here is anything to shake a stick at- just harder to find those spots, sometimes.

Thanks for dropping by, y’all. Like I said, I hope to be back to business as usual on Weednesday so keep eyes out for the typically detailed report then.

Stay up


i’ve been going by how many jars they fill… lol. a full jar lasts abuela about 4 months. :smiley:

fair enough.
what humidity % do you consider “dry” enough for cure/storage?
i seal my jars when they get to 65%. (this is spartexas… stuff dries out even in jars)

case in point - i just cracked the seal this morning on 3 jars of stuff i grew outside last summer. they’ve been curing for at least 9 months. sampled them today with my army buddy who came to visit. they were dry despite the vacuum seals literally popping when i opened them. still sticky inside though. gummed up the scissors i use to cut up the ganj to roll joints. even though i seal the jars at 65% they still end up dry (and browned - despite the loss in bag appeal the smoke was smooth and potent. still had some flavors on exhale…)

so what’s your magic dry number?


I don’t know the answer to your question but I sightly overdried a harvest recently. When I vacuum bagged it up, it stayed at ~58%. I didn’t end up doing much, if any burping due to the RH. When I opened up the bags a couple weeks later they smelled like crap (musty). I’ve ruined plenty of good weed during dry/cure over the years of learning, but that was a new one on me.

I know that doesn’t help, @Til_Valhalla , but I thought I’d contribute my drying woes to the conversation. :laughing:


i can dig it. it took me a few years to figure out when to call it done and seal it up. (and that it’s STILL going to dry in the jars despite being vacuum sealed)

if i put mine in jars at 58% it’ll be crispy dry next time i open the jar. :frowning:
if i go above 65% it ends up too wet, and smells/tastes horrid. (like you mentioned - musty or ammonia smelling) :nauseated_face:

growing is the easy part. it’s drying/curing where you make or break the entire run.


I couldn’t agree more.


I am smoking on weed that is over a year old. It is even better now. I use a wood 🪵 meter to determine (they go in at 69% and are checked several times a day for 3 weeks) when they go in jars 🫙 and humidity meters to watch that the humidity stays under 69%, in addition I also add bovada 63% humidity packs and have used the same process for years to cure and store. Never had a problem. I also only dry on racks in a dresser with a fan only and the drawers cracked an inch open usually ready in 3 day with a constant temperature in low 70s and humidity in the 55% to 60% range. This is just my process hope it might help. :ok_hand::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


hey y’all… before the dry/cure methodology conversation veers off track, the reason i asked what @Coffin_Dodger 's magic RH% is has to do with weighing our finished plants for the Kush-Off. if my number is 65% and his is 52% then i will have a significant water weight advantage making the contest unfair.

i just wanted to find a number we can agree on so the weigh-in is same same and we keep things fair.

carry on.


only if you…

paint your space… it’s been almost a year!


I’ll consider it.


i’ve got some of that too… do i smell a PPP-Off in the works? :laughing:

seriously tho… i am super curious to grow some out. i saw what doug turned out back in the spring. pretty plant. lovely looking colas.


Hey, y’all.
Another Weednesday and another look at the garden. Heading back to work tonight, and plenty to do before then so I gotta keep this one a little shorter, but here’s to it!

When I left, we had designs on throwing a screen over these girls if we could on my return. We knew we’d be cutting it close, but when I left these:

…and came home to these, plans changed.

@JustTieflingThings did a hell of a job steadying the ship, and the girls were happy to report it. Our Rainbow Kush have both stretched to about 20" tall, throwing plenty of nice, thick branches, and few, large leaves. The White Widow X Big Bud are both about 10-12" tall, dense, with very thick foliage and branching. Both cultivars are remarkably similar amongst each other, while being the complete opposite of the other side of the tent, expression-wise. Fun!

To make up for not being able to Scrog this run, we decided to use some LST Clips we had handy on the RK. So far, they have responded wonderfully. We’ll be applying more this week, in addition to giving both a defoliation.


  • :spiral_calendar: 44/37 Days from Seed 35/30 Days in RDWC Plant Sites
  • :seedling: All the plants are progressing well, with the WWxBB girls doing their best to make up for lost time. LST Clips have been applied to both RK plants, with great results. More will be applied this week, in addition to defoliation.
  • :flashlight: Lights have not been changed this week, with the RK having grown into a DLI of ~30-33 @ 17" from the light, while the WWxBB are getting ~19.5-22 @ 30"
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: LIGHT Feed Schedule per General Hydroponics, week 4. We allowed the feed from week 3 to remain throughout week 4, while I was away. Results this week at pH 6.3 77.9 * F and 855ppm or ~1.72 EC.
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: Humidity was high early in the week, but has been controlled again, with the last day’s average at 64.5%RH and 1.00 kPa VPD. Average 80.5 * F, 72.3% RH, and 0.61 kPa VPD Leaf surface temperatures taken at -3 * F.

Tent :arrow_down:

Feed Chart and Lung Room :arrow_down:

Water, Solution, and Roots :arrow_down:

That just about wraps things up for this week- we’ll be spending our garden time for the rest of it doing what we can to get these girls fit to flower. Otherwise, just the usual joys of watching grass grow.

Thanks for stopping by, and for any and everything you do to make this place what it is. All the best to you and yours, and here’s to healthy gardens and full harvests for the lot of ya’.

Stay up


Good morning CD! Even with your little break the girls look like they’re bouncing back just fine. Have a great day!!! :green_heart:


Heyhey, Ever-aybod-ay.

If you didn’t read that like Pauly Shore, go back and try again.
Alright- Now that we’re all comfortable. It’s been a long week, and I’m running behind on all kinds of sh!t, like usual, but strap in and we’ll knock this week’s report out, together. Family style. Hope y’all are staying cool and tending happy gardens or full jars.

The girls at the back of the class are really doing their best now to catch up to their sisters. Maybe the threat of training has them wanting to be a little more amicable. I’ll allow it. They’ve sprung up a few more inches, and have started packing on pre-flowers over the week.

We got another box of LST Clips and tossed them on the Rainbow Kush, with both plants responding beautifully again in under 6 hours time. Both were heavily defoliated again, and lightly pruned as well.

@JustTieflingThings squeezed into the space behind the rows and got a solid defoliation in on WWxBB #JL during my work week, with a little help from Jessicat (who has started getting leaf-nibbles! :laughing:)

As we wait(ed) patiently for some fuzzballs to start forming, I began to wonder if there isn’t another angle to the Bro-science ponderings about Autoflowers and their root zones, as related to the triggering of flowering- Could it be that big-bucket hydro Autoflowers take generally much longer to develop than the same cultivar grown in other mediums due to this (theoretical) effect? If the plant triggers fast and hard when root-bound, does the opposite hold true when the rhizosphere is floating so freely? :thinking: :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging: :cat: :mantelpiece_clock: Either way, our girls are throwing out pre-flowers like drunken Miss Somewheres from the top of Founder’s Day floats, and turned the corner of 38 days in their plants sites before we started seeing some packed pistils.

…and it was the WWxBB that threw those, first!

Not much time for plant specific showcases this week, but here’s a shot of the tent just an hour or so ago. The feed is done for the week. I raised the light fixture, as those RK were growing right into it and hitting a DLI of 90+ at 4-6" from their tops. Considering that most of the biomass in the tent is between 1.5-2’ tall now, we’ll be dialing in the light intensity based on that distance this morning. This should help even things out, and reserves supercropping the RK meristem tops as a last resort.


  • :spiral_calendar: 51/44 Days from Seed 42/37 Days in RDWC Plant Sites
  • :seedling: All the plants are looking happy and healthy, with another round of LST clips for both RK plants applied this week. Light defoliations continue all around, with WWxBB #AK getting her first this week as well. Preflowers everywhere.
  • :flashlight: Lights have been raised this week, as both RK plants continued to push toward the fixture, sending their DLI into the 90’s @ 4-6" from their tops. As the bulk of all four plants has leveled out to roughly 1.5’ tall, we will be basing our target DLI of 30-40 on that distance from the fixture for dialing in intensity of output.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: LIGHT Feed Schedule per General Hydroponics, week 5. First “Bloom” feed. Added KoolBloom (P-K Boost). Results this week at pH 6.2 78 * F and 840ppm or ~1.70 EC.
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: Humidity was high late in the week, as probes are starting to be tangled in vegetation in-between check-ins. This has been corrected. 64.5%RH and 1.00 kPa VPD. Average 82 * F, 64.8% RH, and 0.955 kPa VPD Leaf surface temperatures taken at -3 * F.

Tent :arrow_down:

Feed Chart and Lung Room :arrow_down:

Water and Solution Conditions and Root Porn :arrow_down:

In other news, I’ve gotta get on this 8 year Cannaversary boat! Big thanks to everyone helping to make it happen, and everyone that makes this place what it is, day in and day out. From TeamOG and the mods to every member and new user that joins. It’s been a hot summer on OG, but with so many cool heads, we’re bound to keep on doing what we know best- sowing, growing, culling, reaping and harvesting- and I ain’t just talking plants.

In EVEN MORE NEWS @JustTieflingThings had a birthday last week, and continues to age with grace and beauty in a way that makes me more proud and lucky everyday to call her my partner in every adventure I have as the world moves on. Even the plants knew- we saw the first solid sign of bloom on her day. Thanks for sticking another one out with me, and here’s to another half a lifetime together.

That’ll wrap it for this week. Got some errands to run and a woman to see about making this sunrise less lonely. Thanks for dropping by, as always, and for all the encouragement. I’d say don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers this week, but I know where we are. :laughing: :rofl:

Stay up


Good morning CD!

Great update (as always!) and plants are looking great :green_heart:. You folks sure put in a lot of effort and it shows! Also happy belated bday to @JustTieflingThings. Have a great rest of your week.