Coldflame's Haze hybra-thon

What’s up og, I made this thread to keep a separate track of some haze hybrids that I’m playing with. Most or mainly the strains I selected have some relation to nl5/haze A and/or c. I guess you can say my little cubing project so to speak. Did I know what I’m doing?…not really…is that going to stop me…nope not at all. Lol…so. so far what’s be germed now or already up and going are. Ghost train haze, angel heart, ash,tk/nl5haze, Neville’s sister, and thanks to @lefthandseeds super malawi haze×bd/ba. With super silver haze, angel breath, Afghan/haze to come as space clears. Some will be ran outdoors, and some indoors as I find and keep selections to do the work…for now its gonna be fun looking at what I find.


Hey Coldflame. Have some of the same beans I’ll be popping in the next couple weeks. Looking forward to the show!


Best way to learn is by trying.
As long as you keep a sufficient backup of seeds from each generation there’s no such thing as failure, only wasted time. Couple random crosses, progeny test em, and if they`re not better than the parents go back up a generation and try again.


Yeah diggy, I’m a little impatient so I figured I’ll start with hybrids as I wanted to work some haze. Matt riot of all people instilled a thought in me. If your gonna breed, you should get familiar with the classics and learn their traits and what not…as you move forward it will be easier identifying what growth patterns, traits ect…comes from what. As we all know I’m a sucker already for Afghans, and skunks…so what’s better next than the know where your going…gotta know where you came from.


Yowza ! Me likey … Always wondered about Dr Grinspoon … Love me some Hazes . Good luck on the project …

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I’m wondering if its seed banks here state side that carry rare dankness genetics…Scott looks to have that dank. Lol


Solid advice . Matt gets a bad rap but I dig him lol


Looking forward to seeing those Angels get wings.


Yeah, I want to see the Angels Breath, too. I have some older ones and really want to try them at the right time.

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So far there is tk/nl5/haze, and a single ash, that’s shed their shell. Still waiting on chem sis, the Angel’s, and smh×bd/ba. The gth mom been around.

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Awesome. I’m really digging hazes at the moment. Should be fun to see what you think of these.

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Yeah, I’m kinda pumped to see these come along, and the ssh that’s planned as well.

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I’m curious about the tk/nl5/haze. Is that from AK? I wonder if it’s as strong as he says it is.

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Yeah, @GMan it is…and I’ll definitely let you know, seedlings right now.

As of today, tk/nl5/haze, and gth are already started, besides one that popped ash is out, beans wouldn’t pop. I’ll be trying more Neville sis, as the two popped but did not reveal a tap. The super malawi haze cross popped and tap is on the way, along with the two angel heart, I think I’ll replace ash with either angel breath, ssh, or afghan/haze. That’s about all the haze crosses I have I think. Anyways I gotta make this first run of haze hybrid count…it might be the last grow for me for awhile after, as I have to have neurosurgery on my neck and back, with pinched nerves on both sides of lower back, and spinal fluid leaving causing the spine to push against the spinal cord…(that shit hurts daily)…which also causes severe clonus in my left leg (uncontrolled shaking) out of nowhere at times. So I’ll need these flowers for a good recoupe med…anyways gth mom.


Damn, prayers and vibes sent bro. I need to keep in touch with you when that happens. I may need something similar in the future, I just don’t know. I started therapy on my neck a couple of weeks ago. I was in a bad helicopter crash back in '81 in Wyoming and fractured a couple of vertebrae in the back and tore all the ligaments and muscles in my low back connecting the sacrum to the pelvis.

So, now I have disc de-generation in my neck and upper back and other shit with long names happening on 4 vertebrae. I’m doing my best to stay proactive and to try and prevent any surgeries but this daily pain is a real pain!

When will you be doing that? I’d like to learn all I can regarding any types of solutions. A friend and his wife both had some type of disc surgery that shaved them and they said it was a great deal. I never even entertained the idea of any back surgery. I’ll do all I can to avoid it but time may not be my friend on this one. The Doc told me way back then that this would all be happening as I got older.

Best vibes on the Haze beans! It sounds fun. I won’t attempt mine until I get the downstairs environment dialed in better. Maybe this spring I’ll try and let them run through summer and fall inside. peace


I have to visit with the neurosurgeon , as my primary dr just got the MRI results to find this out. We thought maybe just some pinched nerves but the MRI showed more. Dr says that about what they’ll do. . Shave down :hushed::eyes::confused:. But he also said I probably would not have the surgery until I stop smoking cigarettes as the neurosurgeon wont do it if I smoke. So I got 3wj to try and get to a half pk a day, I only smoke about a pk a day… what haze do you have?


Shit bro, I’m sorry to hear that. Pinched nerve can be painful. Get yourself a nice stash ready in case you get laid up a while. :grin:

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Everyone is above ground…2 angel heart, 3 smh×bd/ba, 3 tk/nl5/haze, 1 ash,:grin:


That’s the plan…I’ve been walking with a limp for about 3/4yrs now thinking about looking into high thc/cbd types. And other CBD stuff for pain. Your right pinched nerves hurt…that’s says the least…but I’ve gotten use to the pain ever since dropping the pain pill opioid zombie shit. The sharp pains at the rear of the day reminds me of what I willingly said no to. But its time for a new way to remember. Lol