NL5Haze x Sensi Star "F2"

Figured we could use a dedicated thread for these since Sebring and I distributed over 100 or so packs to OG members last year and all the info for them is spread around my thread.

If you grow them out, please feel free to post your pics and info in here!

Background info…
These “F2’s” were made from the 2012 Mel Frank Collection of NL5Haze x SensiStar purchased directly from @ToddMcC at AGSeedCo in 2019. Mel Frank made the original cross of (?)NL5Haze x (Paradise Seeds)Sensi Star. He then did an open pollination in 1996, and again in 2012 to preserve the line. I bought the 2012 release so my pack was essentially an F3 and everyone got F4’s from me even though it says F2 on the package.

For typing’s sake, we’re shortening the name to NL5HSS.

Seeds were germinated between damp coffee filters in a ziplock bag and set next to a router.
Once tails popped, plants were numbered in order of tail popping and inserted into Base Soil Mix in 16oz red solo cups. I got 4 plants when it was all said and done, two girls and two boys. After two weeks or so plants were transplanted into 1 gallon pots with Amended Soil Mix. Two of these plants are still alive and two are gone. . In hindsight I maybe should’ve done the breeding a bit differently, but you can’t change the past…
Red = Male | Blue = Female

So 1 & 2 were boys and 4 & 5 were girls… Don’t mind the FLC :wink:
After two more weeks plants were transplanted into 3 gallon pots.

Flower initiated after two more weeks, 11 hours on, 13 hours off for hopefully maximal stretch.

Here’s my notes:

Plant Types

#1 - Male

Average Vigor. 2nd fastest grower
Some double pointy serrations on fan leaves
9-11 bladed leaves, thinnest of the group
Asian seasoning/peppery stem rub
NL5/Haze Leaner

#2 - Male

Average Vigor. 1st fastest grower, tallest. 1st to Show Sex.
Some nutrient issues/finicky
Normal pointy serrations, some mutated leaves
7-9 bladed leaves early, 10/11 later, 2nd thinnest
Strong peppery stem rub
NL5/SS Leaner

#4 - Female

Average Vigor. Hates life, 3rd fastest grower.
Constant nutrient issues/finicky
Crinkly leaves, pointy serrations.
7-9 bladed leaves later, widest of all 4
Metallic Rotten Fruit smell and metallic pine flavor
NL5/SS leaner

Knock out smoke, pure indica high and potent.

#5 - Female

Average Vigor. Runt at the start but caught up quick.
Easiest to grow, least complaints visible.
Some double pointy serrations on fan leaves
9-11 bladed leaves, very similar to #1 Male
NL5/Haze leaner - Christmas Tree type structure with no extra branching
Spicy Stem rub
Peppery Smell and flavor
Clones easily.

Old school daytime high!

So the #1 Male was crossed to both the #4 and the #5 girls. The #2 Male got culled before pollen. That’s the hindsight I mentioned. I probably should’ve used him(#2) on the #4 girl instead of using the #1 Male on both girls, but oh well. I thoroughly weighed both plants for days and chose the better male IMO. The #4 girl was culled after harvest and I kept the #1 male and the #5 girl.

My goal with this cross was for a more full nl5hazesensistar line with the #4 beans, since this was apparently Mel Franks plan originally, and more pure nl5haze leaners with the #5 beans as this is what I want in seed form.

The plants I got were very segregated from the get go so this seemed like the best way to go, this was in NO way an F1 and much more resembled the f2/f3 they should actually be. I feel like if I used the #2 male with the #4 girl we’d have almost a pure indica leaning seedline in the f2’s and while that may have been a good idea in hindsight, I didn’t want that at the time, that haze needs to be apparent if it’s gonna be in the name :wink: Plus that #2 was the first male to drop balls and throwing pollen and every breeder always says to not use that one so that’s what I did :yum:

I’ve since ran the #5 girl 4 more times. I can’t cause her to herm, not that I’ve particularly tried, but other plants have hermed around her while she remains 100% stable.

This is at 51 days on the current run…

The high off this girl is straight crystal clear daytime herb. No paranoia, no anxiety, not much motivation which is good imo… don’t HAVE to get up and do things after smoking her, but she doesn’t drag you down at all and will cut through anything else you’re smoking on. Spicy/Pepper Hash smell and flavor with a spicy stem rub.

For anyone who got these, you got two vials in your pack.
#4 vial = #4 Female x #1 Male - Best chance for finding nl5 and/or sensi star phenos
#5 Vial = #5 Female x #1 Male - Best chance for finding NL5Haze and/or straight Haze phenos:

The male seems to impart a lot of haze genetics to whatever he’s crossed with. I’ve only ran out the FLC BX1’s aka Lemon Cheese Haze, that used him as the Male, and I found a range of bud structures but all plants have some spiciness to them. So I’d expect to see all these F2’s to have some form of spiciness to them too. There’s a definite chance for a super sativa pheno in here with really sparse foxtails and super resinous calyx’s, and a definite chance for some really fat stacked pheno’s too. Would expect 70-84 day flower times on most phenos, with a chance for something extreme finishing around 63 or 100 days.

Again, post pics and info if you got em! Make crosses if you want, line breed em, whatever you wanna do! I’m just happy to get the genetics out there :slightly_smiling_face: I’m gonna start searching through these myself before too long here but I’ve already seen some really interesting pics ^^


@Blue1963 isnt this your plant?


Again I want to thank you and @Sebring for those seeds if this thread stays up lonmg enough I will contribute when i run yours, had planed late summer , but we are in triple digits already so the summer might be a non growing pain


If I’m right you’re going to love what he got


Isn’t what my plant hydro?


This is your grinspoon


Sorry just got here I don’t have Grinspoon no but looks like it. Lol thought this was your thread and yes that’s what I have with the haze Pheno


I believe @HolyAngel made your seeds for your strange plant


Yes he did, if you go to upstates thread I posted a few pics




Yeah that’s it! Super sativa pheno :sunglasses:
Looking glorious sir! Any idea on flower time so far?


11 weeks I thought it was more but it’s 11 weeks


I have projects planned around those beans… :+1:



the bottom pic does look like grinspoon or at least what i saw of it.


Man, what a beautiful male. Very nice and big fan leaves.

Looking foward to see these crosses. I

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I would expect most plants to only double in height, and take a good 4-5 weeks to do it. Majority of stretch will be done in 2-3 weeks, but the buds like to stretch and add a bit more.

Usually I will flip the NL5HSS.5 at ~16 inches and end up with a 32-34 inch tall plant that routinely produces ~5-6 ounces of solid bud at 11 weeks.

I always use Silica but would bet most plants should not require any support at all even with massive buds, except possibly to hold the main stem itself upright(I’ve had whole pots topple over). The #4 beans are more likely to have more pheno’s needing yoyo’s or stakes.


Thanks for all the information in one area. Your time and hard work are appreciated.