Colidal Silver

Last year I tried doing Colidal Siver treatment to plants outside. I did not have any success there. I tried on some plants in the house and although I got not pods big enough to collect pollen, I did get pollen pods. I also ended up with seeds but I wondered if they were the results of hemaph. Is the pollen supposed to self seed the plant? Does one actually get to collect any pollen.


Reversed females do offer diminished returns in the way of pollen. If the reversal is partial it is likely the plant will pollinate itself.

Some plants are shy to drop pollen, sometimes you have to experiment with concentration and duration of the treatment.


Maybe consider sts next time around, seems to have a better success rate without being as threatening to the host plant. If u got seeds then small amounts of pollen must’ve dropped, enough to do it’s thing. I’d trust those seeds to pop and should be fems


I have done both CS and STS. I had success with both. But for pollen collection and the amount of seeds produced I highly suggest trying STS. I got a pretty big amount of seeds and pollen to give away using STS.


I did get seeds when I tried CS last year but I was not sure that they were the result of the plant hemming or self pollenating. It would seem from the comments I was successful but that the plants just did not produce enough pollen to collect. The seeds did grow females.


Has anyone had any experience with flipping veg to flower outdoors?

Sure if there is the ideal amount of daylight and dark hours. I personally have veg many plants indoor and just throw em outside as the flip. Any other methods u may be talking about as completely outdoor and u would need a light dep greenhouse or leaving lights on to supplement daylight hours and then just turning the lights off when ready to flip but still if the days are too long or gaining to much time of light in a day it may not work

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I was thinking to build a sort of greenhouse roof over them without the plastic. Then about July, working up to it in time, put a black plastic roof over them for 12 hours. I was thinking that might flip them to flowering. A question I have is once they are flipped if that would work, would I have to keep it up during the flowering phase?
By the way, have a happy 420.

I mean ya light dep would work, just have to stay fairly consistent on when u black it out daily, plants can noticed even losing a min or two a day, any inconsistencies and ur creating stressors. That’s some serious dedication to be home at the exact same time every day to cover it though for 3 months. And automated systems get pricey

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What I was thinking was in the morning (I am home most days) about 7:00 am I would take off the tarp and at 8:00 pm I would put it back on. That way they would get the best of the sun and maybe stay a little warmer at night. Where I live it could drop into the 60s at night.

What I was thinking was in the morning (I am home most days) about 7:00 am I would take off the tarp and at 8:00 pm I would put it back on. That way they would get the best of the sun and maybe stay a little warmer at night. Where I live it could drop into the 60s at night

Well 13 hrs would work, ideally u would want to start with 13 hrs, drop two minutes a day and by the end of the 2 months be at 11, gives em a nice punch out the gate and they would think the season is closing out by the end to push for a nice finish

Temps don’t seem to matter for what cycle it’s in, last year flowering started in July in 115

thank you for the information. It might be July where I live too. I can’t remember when it happened for me last year. Are you above the 45?

I’m about an hour south of Vegas

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Ah, much better weather. Well, if I can get my plant in the pots outside by mid may I might flip at the end of June. I will follow your timing advice. Maybe that will give me a enough time for them to finish flowering.

Seconded and agreed (in more than 10-characters…)

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