Coloidal silver and not smoking plants after? I cal Bullpucky

I keep seeing this pop up that you cannot smoke plants once you have used colloidal silver on them.I have never seen any evidence based on this statement. I make and use colloidal silver regularly despite Big Pharma’s misinformation tactics. I have had no problems with ingesting it except that when I ingested too much in too short a time I needed to restart my stomach bacteria. (I was burping the rotten egg sulfor smell.) I would really love to know the info that started this. I have the suspicion somebody read Marijuanna Botany or High Times encyclopedia and saw how to genetically modify genomes with Colchisine and remembering that mistakenly attributed it to coloidal silver. And so doing relegated who knows how much cannabis to the trash bins. I sprayed a few brances on four plants last year trying to get some male pods. I did not do enough sprays I guess because I had only one plant in one little area get any seed Which means it might have worked even though I did not spot the bananna or balls that let loose the pollen. The fact that it was just one small area argues that instead of just random airborn pollination ) I did not separate out the parts treated with colloidial silver for the reason that silver pot pipes and silverware caused no ill effects to me. I have also tried smelting silver with a Map Gas torch and it takes a few minutes even at the temp the map gas gets to to start melting the silver, so a ciggarette lighter has no chance of doing it. Any silver that was in the pot would remain in the ash and cause no harm. Also colloidal silver has been an old farm remedy for fungises and mold in gardening. It has also won the nobel prize as a wound treatment within the last couple of years. Hospitals use it for cleaning a newborns eye’s and burn units have found nothing that compares to it for healing burns. The only reason it is not more widespread is that Big pharma has no control of it as it is readily made at home. The blue man seen on Oprah Winfry claims it turned him blue. But if you study the case it was Ionic not Coloidal silver he ingested. Also that he was not treating any problem that he had but taking it with a friend who got heavy metal poisoning from workand that he drank up to a gallon a day when coloidal silve doseage is never more than 2 tablespoons. I believe big pharma paid him. Otherwise why would he be smiling as Dr Oz commented how idiotic it was to consume such dosages with no intent of treating anything on National TV. Also I believe there are no known cases of algeria from properly made and dosed coloidal silver. Should anyone Know of any factual reason not to smoke or ingest cannabis after coloidal silver treatment please come forward.


agree with the wound healing i used it in a wound on my leg that wouldnt heal you could put a stick in it and see and feel the bone a few eeks of coliodal siver soaked cotton balls packed inthe wound its almost totally healed started this process in feb


Don’t do it ! Not worth the risk!
FYI I do understand the thought process behind what your saying, but personally for me it would be a hard pass.


What I had heard, was not to smoke the parts of the plants that had been sprayed, not that you couldnt smoke any of the plant.

You are also comparing your experience consuming it orally vs combusting it and taking it into your lungs, so I do not the comparison really works.

I use plastic bags to make sure my spray doesnt hit other areas. I toss the branches that were sprayed, and I smoke the rest of the plant, personally.



This is why the hard pass.


You type in…”I believe” a bunch of times. Lots of people believe stuff. I would want something more than just belief.


I did smoke all of the plants that I put coloidal silver on. and asked for evidence supporting the claim saying not to smoke it. Not perpetuation of a myth that the earth is flat. I have posted everytime I come across this on you tube videos, never once getting a single fact why not to use it I am trying to get past the what you heards and receive actual facts. I said I have tried melting silver with map gas and it took 5 minutes before it would even start melting. If you could even show that you could melt a hair thin rod of silver in a joint something like the old papers with a wire in them It takes 1760 degrees to melt silver. If you are lighting your cannabis with that then I think you have other things to worry about. That is fact that I show you not opinion, opinion matters not at all. I am trying to dispell a myth that is perpetuated without factual backing. I have tried finding any actual truth to this. I could not. . I was stuck with reasoning. 1. Thirty or fifty parts per million is a very minute amount. 2. coloidal silver has been used as a fungicide for farms for a lot of yearsEven on tobacco farms. 3. The one thing that they can say about coloidal silver is it can cause algeria, a turning blue of the skin, which is believed to be the origin of blue blood as a term. 4. You probably intake more silver eating with a silver utensil due to body acids than you would in a plant sprayed with coloidal silver.5. It supresses a female plant hormone while helping release some male plant hormone and even if these hormones could survive the heat of smoking they cause no effect otherwise we smokers would all be females. 6All sorts of medal including silver is coloidaly suspended in seawater, fish live in seawater, fish fertilizer is made from fish, people put the fertilizer on plants, so the chances are you have already been smoking coloidal silver for many years. I could go on but I believe it would do no good like do you know how wishng wells came about with people throwing silver coins in them?. I have given you fact to try and change opinion based on heresay. The choice is yours. I don’t care how much pot you needlessly throw away, but when people try to get others to throw away perfectly good pot I feel I need to say the earth is not flat. Quote" I sprayed a few brances on four plants last year trying to get some male pods. I did not do enough sprays I guess because I had only one plant in one little area get any seed Which means it might have worked even though I did not spot the bananna or balls that let loose the pollen. The fact that it was just one small area argues that instead of just random airborn pollination ) "I did not separate out the parts treated with colloidial silver "


We can definitely say that making edibles with CS bud should be fine. I ingest it too occasionally and use it topically for any infections or cuts that I want to make sure don’t become infected.
The medical industry hates it for the same reason they hate cannabis. It works and they can’t patent it and raise the price 1000X . So they lie about it if they can’t make it illegal.


The body has no processes to break down metals. That is science.

This is colloidal silver poisoning or Argyria…

Keep putting metal into your sweet cells Mr. Robot Man… I’ll pass

I’m sure using silver to treat things worked well for these people too, so they did. Then they turned a shade of blue and could never go back… that seems worth it for an uninfected cut on your finger


Imagine the bronzing effect you could achieve with a tanning bed!




Smoking heavy metals is bad and dumb and you shouldn’t do it. Not even something worth discussing. That’s dumb addict shit. Everyone tells you something’s unsafe and the science backs them up: nah fuck them I’m getting high

It’s stupid. My god, Jesus fing christ :man_facepalming:


smurf central…lol


Even if the silver won’t melt, it’s still present and you can still inhale it. Getting small particles of silver in your lungs is not all that much better than inhaling gaseous silver, I suspect. Studies indicate that it still gets processed and accumulates in other organs when we’ve tried poisoning rats with it, anyway. If you’re volunteering to be a lab rat to test whether it works the same in humans, I guess I can’t stop you… but imo it’s worth being careful. Why not just make edibles and call it a day, then smoke your other untreated plants?


If you use alot of CS on plants they will die, that should be enough of evidence to not smoke it. Just as much as using pesticides will kill the plant in the long run and you dont want to smoke that shit.

Same with STS, dont smoke the sprayed buds.

Pz :v:t2:


So there are studies. You either believe them or you don’t.

Also to think that big pharma wouldn’t be able to profit off it is crazy. I already can imagine fda approved collioidal silver wound paste that has the “perfect” sized silver partial with other specialized formulas and made perfectly sterile for use. If something works they will find a way to profit off it. Marinol is a perfect example.


Absolutely agree. The same applies to biologically active additives. You are sold cheap substances at three prices by the same pharmaceutical companies, and people are happy to be deceived once again seeing only a hand, but not seeing whose it is.


I’ll just pass on smoking branches sprayed with any silver. I don’t spray anything on them at all in flower for that matter.


I do not think that you can smoke a plant sprayed only on the branches. The particle size is measured in nanometers and I think that they penetrate the cells of the plant and circulate in it.