Coloidal silver and not smoking plants after? I cal Bullpucky

Yeah perhaps I phrased that incorrectly with “branches”.

I wouldn’t smoke any part of any plant intentionally or even accidently sprayed with silver.

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Give a new meaning to iron lung


Just because a substance has positive, even healing, properties when used topically doesn’t mean it is safe to ingest it.
Everybody is free to do as they wish and if you think heavy metal poisoning is “Bullpucky” carry on consuming your plants, nobody is going to stop you from doing so.
But don’t try to plant in people’s minds the idea that that’s alright to do.
People’s bodies and immunological systems are different and react differently.

It might take time for the body to react and show signs of heavy metal poisoning but when/if it ever does (and I do hope it never happens) it will be to late to do something about it because you won’t be able to flush it out.


Oh he’s not planting that idea in anyone’s head in here. I doubt if anyone here is ready to die a slow and painful, debilitating death.

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Cannabis is a powerful bioaccumulator of heavy metals. The plant absorbs metals in the air and soil so effectively that cannabis and hemp are used for environmental remediation of contaminated land. If you smoke contaminated cannabis, you will be ingesting these toxins.


Cannabis is documented to uptake and systemically retain metals present in the environment.

This includes silver, and metal nanoparticles. Colloidal silver is a silver metal nanoparticle. The silver nanoparticles will be absorbed into the plant systemically, and by consuming the product you will be exposed to it. All existing evidence supports the conclusion that this is hazardous for human health.


Based on evidence in the public domain, there are in the order of 15-20 heavy metals found in polluted ecosystems that could be potential sources of contaminants, including Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, Cadmium, Nickel, Vanadium, Cobalt, Copper, Selenium, Boron, Thallium, Barium, Antimony, Silver, Gold, Zinc, Tin, Manganese, Molybdenum, Tungsten, Iron, and Uranium

engineered nanoparticles… find their way into wastewater streams. Their levels of toxicity [to humans] would need to be investigated further, but there is a compelling case to be made that the many of these elements, metalloids, and speciated forms could be the future basis of a federally-regulated panel of metal-based contaminants in cannabis and hemp.

these passages refer to airborne pollution of heavy metals, which is indicative of the fact that airborne and aerosolized particles from your colloidal silver spray will be readily absorbed and retained by your cannabis plants.

All metal smelting plants will experience heavy metal contamination in surrounding areas.
… Many industries are known to emit elemental mercury into the atmosphere, including coal fired power plants, metal refineries/smelters, petrochemical plants, and cement works. It’s well documented by the Clean Air Act

This specifically states that human use of heavy metals results in contamination of cannabis. Heavy metal testing and safe practices for growing and farming are lagging behind the rapidly expanding cannabis market and exposing consumers and medical cannabis patients to potential harm.

This pretty directly addresses your questions, and applies directly to your use of colloidal silver, and consumption of the contaminated cannabis. There may not be research on the specific subject of human consumption of cannabis contaminated with colloidal silver, but all existing evidence supports the conclusion that it is definitely harmful.

Our environment has been severely polluted by heavy metals, which has compromised the ability of our natural ecosystems to foster life and render its intrinsic values… anthropogenic activities introduce them in extremely large quantities into our agricultural ecosystems. Nowhere is this more evident than in the delicate balance of growing and cannabis and hemp for commercial, medicinal, and recreational uses. Unfortunately, the demand for cannabinoid-based products is moving so fast that the scientific community is not keeping up with it; whether it’s the testing of the products to make sure they are safe for human consumption


There is another article in the cannabis current events thread about bioaccumulation of airborne pollutants, including heavy metals from airplane exhaust and fumes from industrial smelting, which further documents that heavy metals in airborne and aerosolized forms (like your colloidal silver spray) are absorbed by cannabis.

@oldhippy I hope that my summary of this information and these sources are helpful to you. I spent quite a bit of time on this because I am concerned for your well being.


i think i will do a personal study on silver contamination from smoking cannabis by smoking as much cannabis that i can just to see what the toxicity levels of silver will be even tho i myself dont use colliodal silver on my plants :star_struck: did that sound scientifuc enuf for a doctoral study thesis :wink:

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Why risk high heavy metal concentration needlessly? Is there any benefit here except one upping proven science? Don’t try to harm yourself, I’m with @zephyr


False info The Guy on top right was on oprah, said he made and drank coloidal silver. said it was milky white, coloidal silver naver has been or will be milky white So I discount all of these since your facts are wrong. He also drank a sixteen ounce Glass to one gallon a day. The max recommended dose is max 2 tablespoons. Also there has never been a case of argeria Proven to be from coloidal silver. It is usually from people who ingest Ionic silver Thinking it is coloidal silver![IMG_20211225_084034_3|250x500] this is coloidal silver If it is not this color or a darker shade of this color it is not coloidal silver(upload://r6eaOPXhyyLd4M998nOfqDcZFc2.jpeg) MYTH: Colloidal silver will turn me blue. (Or: Silver is toxic.)

Fact: Everything can be toxic at a certain amount.

When assessing the toxicity and/or safety of any chemical, a number of factors must be considered, the most important of which is concentration. Chlorine, as a prime example, is an extremely caustic chemical with an infinite list of terrible side effects and dangers, yet it is used to keep the world’s water supply clean and, when bound with sodium, exists in the salt on your dinner table. Most chemicals, including the components of the air we breathe, are toxic at the wrong concentration.

As with any medication or dietary supplement, the success of silver hydrosol as a supplement for Immune Support* depends on correct usage. The concentration of silver in our product is so low that one could safely* take 7 teaspoons every day for 70 years and never reach what even the EPA considers to be the lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL), a conservative minimum recommended amount. (Note: The EPA guidelines are based on an average adult weight of 70 kg or 154 pounds.)

Smoke that?


Fun fact: artificial joints, catheters and plates for broken bones are coated with silver to inhibit bacterial growth, They also use it to wash babies eyes, The mash units used it when they ran out of penicillin., Did you miss the part that It won a nobel prize for its healing ability in the last year or two. Fact: Consumers and doctors have been using silver in one form or another for thousands of years and colloidal silver since the late 1800s.

There is plenty of proof that colloidal silver works, and scientific and medical literature for more than a century has consistently acknowledged the strong antimicrobial activity of silver in its various forms.

See also 120 years of Nanosilver History: Implications for Policy Makers (Nowack et al, 2011).


Hippocrates, the “father of medicine,” wrote in his medical texts that silver had beneficial healing and anti-disease properties, and he praised silver for its tissue repair and wound healing abilities.
Silver was one of the few antimicrobial treatments available before the discovery of antibiotic drugs. By the 1800s, silver nitrate was used to treat wounds and skin ulcers. In 1852, it was discovered that using fine silver wires for sutures helped heal repaired flesh. In America’s Old West, silver coins were dropped into drinking water barrels for protection against water-borne illness, and during the Civil War, silver was used to treat syphilis.

In the 1880s, the use of silver nitrate in the eyes of newborn infants to prevent post-delivery infections was introduced. Colloidal Silver was first discovered in the 1890’s.

By the 1930s, Colloidal silver was the preferred choice of physicians for empowering the immune system and supporting the body’s innate healing process.

Silver was used to treat infections on the World War I battlefields, but medicinal usage of silver declined with the advent of antibiotics shortly there after…
120-Year History of Safe Use of Silver

A common claim is that silver poses risks of argyria (“Will it turn me blue?”). Contrary to this claim, there is a well-known journal article discussing the 120-Year History of Safe Use of Silver.

As described by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH):

Argyria is frequently described as a gray-blue discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, and/or internal organs as a result of exposure to silver. Argyria may occur in an area of repeated or abrasive dermal contact with silver or silver compounds, or it may occur more extensively over widespread areas of skin after long-term oral or inhalation exposure. Localized argyria can occur in the eyes (argyrosis), where gray-blue patches of pigmentation are formed without evidence of tissue reaction. Generalized argyria is recognized by the widespread pigmentation of the skin due to the deposition of silver complexes and to a silver-induced increase in melanin [Hathaway and Proctor 2004].

Silver hydrosol has never been reported to cause a single case of Argyria.

The risks and toxicity associated with silver have always been attributed to extreme quantities of silver arising from silver salts or silver compounds and inhaled silver powder, none from oligodynamic silver. Oligodynamic means the toxic effect of metal ions on living cells, algae, molds, spores, fungi, viruses, prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms, even in relatively low concentrations. By definition, it would be functionally impossible for oligodynamic silver to achieve toxicity levels, as determined by the Environmental Protection Agency (data last accessed 09/27/17).*

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here is a link on some new research Research and facts proving my point are everywhere. The main problem is people are so busy listening to rumor that they don’t think for themselves and do some research. And from this point I will answer no more on this topic. Lead a horse to water yada yada.

The only silver I would ever want to smoke is some Silver Haze :joy:

What I wanna know is, what happens when you spray a plant with colloidal gold? :exploding_head: lol

Not my pic (I wish it was :joy: those things look awesome)


Of course…


Yep. Truth, but they aren’t eating or smoking heavy metal nanoparticles are they?

I bet gold and lead were at the top of his healing list as well… just saying… there is proof that it causes more harm than good.


If by chance your body has some superhuman ability to process metals organically…

Hint: 1880s…people didn’t thrive well then, huh? Huuuge life expectancy and all that.

Still has the word silver in it… I bet it does.

Don’t smoke or otherwise ingest heavy metals… unless you indulge in buying up old houses and eating paint chips… or is eating lead somehow some miracle cure and not carcinogenic anymore?

OP looks like the bad guy from Ghostbusters 2


Those of you who wish not to smoke silver nanoparticles read this article Then stop smoking cannabis because plants make their own silver nanoparticles. Or do you not stand by your words. In other words ,put up or shut up.strong text

A Review on Plants and Microorganisms Mediated Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles, Role of Plants Metabolites and Applications

Silver nanoparticles are one of the most extensively studied nanomaterials due to their high stability and low chemical reactivity in comparison to other metals. They are commonly synthesized using toxic chemical reducing agents which reduce metal ions into uncharged nanoparticles. However, in the last few decades, several efforts were made to develop green synthesis methods to avoid the use of hazardous materials. "The natural biomolecules found in plants such as proteins/enzymes, amino acids, polysaccharides, alkaloids, alcoholic compounds, and vitamins are responsible for the formation of silver nanoparticles." The green synthesis of silver nanoparticles is an eco-friendly approach, which should be further explored for the potential of different plants to synthesize nanoparticles. In the present review we describe the green synthesis of nanoparticles using plants, bacteria, and fungi and the role of plant metabolites in the synthesis process. Moreover, the present review also describes some applications of silver nanoparticles in different aspects such as antimicrobial, biomedicine, mosquito control, environment and wastewater treatment, agricultural, food safety, and food packaging.

Keywords: green synthesis; plant metabolites; silver nanoparticles.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.

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Can you post this so it does not come from me? Probably the reason it is so good at fighting cancer and other ailments I have taken enough shit from just trying to help. I
Was actually thinking of leaving as I have no tolerance for aholes and the no good deed goes unpunished seems like a prophesy made just for me. It has soured the joy I had had here.

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Don’t go @oldhippy.

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I hope my post didn’t offend you @oldhippy, it was not my intention, and if I caused any offence please accept my apologies.

I enjoy reading you posts here :slightly_smiling_face: I was the first one to like this thread you created :heart: I’ve made and used colloidal silver many times, I just would rather not smoke plants sprayed with colloidal silver as I have early COPD after 20+ years of smoking cigarettes, and would rather not take the risk, if any. That being said, I vape with coils composed of heavy metals, so I’m sure there’s some exposure going on there. I plan on quitting vaping soon too though, it can get expensive…especially with this new tax being implemented up here in Canada. That and the complete lack of diy rebuildable tanks and coils on the market.


Without some hard evidence saying its safe to inhale thats a hard no for me as well. Maybe it’s perfectly safe. But maybe its not. I’d rather not take the chance.