Dont leave man! I have lots of people hating on me because of the evidence that males doesnt contribute anything “extra” or “magical” to crosses and that a female to female interaction is just as good as a male to female. Some people dont want to see things as they are or maybe they take it personally because the idea of males being a redundant part of cannabis hurts their male ego. Idk, but the evidence is there… But ive kille enough plants with cs to not smoke it and I think a little goes a long way, and since cannabis is already producing both gold and silver nano particles i dont think we need to add more. Just MY believes and I think in a democracy we are entitled to hold our own believes without attacking others personally because of them. I believe in the scientific metod and since we dont have evidence that extra CS on cannabis is dangerous or not, we should approach with caution.
We can discuss things and still spread love and be open minded.