(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

Not hating on the paper towel method it totally works, but if they haven’t popped within a couple days I get worried that I’m suffocating them in the paper towels and figure what’s the harm in trying something else if the tried and true isn’t looking so hot. I guess if they still pass the pinch test the paper towels are still fine. Just to elaborate a little, I think healthy vigorous seeds will germinate pretty much anywhere but seeds that are already losing viability if not had already lost it all will benefit from germinating in an environment with beneficial bacteria to help it along.

Could just be PTSD from trying to start already dead seeds and blaming their mushiness upon return on the technique when it was really just the seeds to begin with.

There’s a tech ( A Germination Machine | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums ) I saw on Icmag I’ve always wanted to try for the seeds I have that are notoriously old and have instances of poor germ rates. It’s a sort of bubbler cloner setup with a antimicrobial sponge that the seeds rest on. The water is warmed if I recall and it supposedly creates the ideal environment for sprouting stubborn seeds. Much love


Damn man. Im having some difficulty with some beans right now too that shall remain nameless until I figure out what’s what but I’m thinking they may have baked in transit.

As a last resort I am going to take my last 3 and lay them on top of some EWC and cover with moist paper towel and see what happens.
But I’m liking this idea because literally every seed that goes into my worm bin ends up popping I think. I have crazy seedlings in my bin. Pomegranate even

Anyway, wish you luck with the cracking my friend, I’m still sending out those good vibes for ya!!


Ive never heard good things about this seedbank, sorry to hear this happened. :thinking::pensive:


BOG said SourBoggle may be some of his finest work after Sour Bubble. I have a feeling there are some wonderful throwback bubblegum types to be found in those seeds. He pretty much eluded to everything he sourized was a better version than the original, and by eluded to I mean I’m pretty sure he straight said so. What’s cool is that he uses his sour bubble mom for some crosses but on the strain description only a couple of his varieties list sour bubble as the dad. Those would be Sour Boggle and Sweet and Sour Cindy. Those two are definitely on the list to add to the collection now! How cool. Long live BOG seeds! Much love


Does that really work? I’m having so much trouble germinating my seeds.


I find seeds mailed during the hot months have a far lower germ rate. Maybe they got cooked? Still holding out hope for ya! A dud is a dud, nothing you can do. :+1:


You bring up a good point. I’m always a little more nervous of seeds being shipped in the summer months compared to the cooler ones. Would there be any ways to ship them and keep them refrigerator temperature cool and stable temps and humidity at that? Does anyone know if that’s realistically possible? Much love


Holding space for the possible…


There is, just not a very cheap option.

There are shipping boxes specially made for shipping fresh semen, they maintain a constant temperature of about 5°C for up to 5 days I think.
They are used by dog breeders who sell semen internationally for artificial insemination.

Alternatively you could use a small polystyrene box with a cool pack inside, that should protect the seeds from extreme temperatures for a few days.


It’s possible but the 5 beans I dropped into the paper towel I too the BMR out of were also shipped in the heat. And 12/12 not doing a thing is just crazy. Can’t speak to it too much right now but there may be a savior in our midst.


Yea, thats a LOT of duds … seems to speak to the source, but who will ever know. A Savior you’re say!? :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::innocent:


Yeah, when I looked at the reviews of that seed bank there were tons of germination complaints but one can’t always trust those. I believe the donator stored them in his fridge as he said. He was totally up front with me and even showed me the Dec 2020 receipt. I feel horrible for the guy really. He was super generous in handing these over so it kills me that they won’t germinate or at least have not till now. Tomorrow is manual crack some day :slight_smile:

A savior, it seems to be possible. Just don’t want to jinx it but it is looking like someone may be throwing a life line. Will keep folks updated.


It is ok if they don’t go, I think we have done the best we could with them.

I live in the mountains where it was pretty cool this Summer, so I don’t think they would have been cooked, but I suppose anything could happen. I have heard of irradiation thru customs also but I really hope that is not the case here.

Someone has to have some viable seeds of this strain, it was pretty popular and available for many years.

Thanks for keeping at it @DougDawson !


Thanks @GrownAtHighAltitude , I appreciate it.


Now for an amazing turn of events. It looks like @DefNSmokn has become the savior of the BMR run. He has found a pack short 2 seeds a friend of his has possession of and is having them sent to me. This is truly amazing news and I can’t thank him enough. So stay tuned folks, still going to try and manually crack these seeds as a last resort tomorrow but once again an incredible OGer is coming to our aid. Thank you @DefNSmokn.


We need a miracle :point_up:
miracle beans!


Spectacular!!! What an absolute awesome network with absolutely stellar people!


Am I wrong to still have high hopes for a BMR run to tag along with???



Big up to the OGs @DougDawson @GrownAtHighAltitude @DefNSmokn


I’ll tell you something that will make it even better than that. Hydrogen peroxide does work. I’m not knocking it at all. The sandpaper method works the best for me. Can you take a piece 400 grid 600 grid somewhere in there. You put a bag with a rubber band on one end. Drop you a few seeds and then do the same with the other end. You want to roll the sandpaper in a tube like structure or shape. Then shake. You can see where the seed will start to sand away.


Sometimes it can take 16 weeks for a seed to pop that is in dirt. Would I want it not really. Only male pollen from old seeds. Just me. Not for indoor.