(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

Love me some BMR tail.:peace_symbol:



Ok, so first off the autos are still alive, lol.

Now for the BMR. These darn things move like a glacier. The seedling has not opened up yet but has grown taller and is getting greener.

The seeds that were germinating, well let’s just say there is hope looming over them. We got one more good tail now, 3 showing signs of a tap root and others that are separating. The 2 tester beans I tossed in have already shucked their shells, lol. What a difference in the 2 kinds of seeds. Well slow and steady will have to do.

Onward we go. So the one with the decent tap root is in coco now and hopefully it will have more company tomorrow.


Maybe seeds take on the characteristics of the breeder that made em. I bet it took BOG a while to get off the couch but once he got going he turned a few heads.


Yeah man, I am just happy to see signs of life. Come on little ones, take all the time you need but get er done.


Those damn things are stuck in slow motion. Good to see some results though!
Have you been getting ready for Halloween yet Doug?


Exciting times @DougDawson !!! Can’t wait to see these thru. I’m excited for you


Nope, I do it all on Halloween day and take it all down when the trick or treaters are done. I took the day off work as did my wife this year so got lots of time.


@DougDawson show these BMR beans who’s boss.

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Man I think you’d have better luck sticking them on worm castings bro… a little heat underneath… you’ll be surprised!!!


Thanks bud but I am good. The other seeds going full force let’s me know that my method is not the issue. Seeds need heat and moisture, that’s what they need. Does not matter what your medium is. I get that worm castings work, no denying that, but when every seed I drop works out and the ones I am aiming at do not, I look at the seeds as the problem.


Seeds get moisture and heat, they pop. Dont matter in a garbage can or a seed bed, Doug is certainly on point here. Sad to say, but looking at those seeds, and having popped 1000’s of them , as Doug most likely has too, they dont look too strong.

I KNOW your gonna get bombarded by suggestions, and glad it’s YOU, lol. You have the even temperment to politely deal with it. I would go nuts, lol. I know your gonna do all you can to make the run, and do the proper things too, no doubt in my mind. I will not be back seat driving here, but rather enjoying the freaking JOURNEY this has become, lol.

Wishing good luck on seeing something poking from the soil. Bout damn time this thread actually gets rolling huh?!?!?!?!!?



Appreciate you brother. Yeah it’s been a mess but I just can’t help myself. Get my teeth into a thing and I just can’t let go. But yeah, it’s been a mess. I don’t doubt myself, I just see there is a hurtle to overcome. Going to do all I can to make this work cause in my heart I just can’t do anything else.


What ya gotta do is “let go” , trust 100% in yourself, know inside your doing all ya can…let whats gonna happen happen. Be cool with it either way it falls, take the onius away, lol.

Hey, if ya want i can send yoiu some seeds that will pop open :sunglasses:


What ya mean a mess…only 600 posts…and how many seedlings we got now… :sunglasses:

Much LOVE…just stoned and making fun, your smart enough to figure that out…


Oh… I never meant to imply it was your method… I thought maybe the castings may work better because it works the best as far as ive seen with older seeds or seeds hard to get a decent germination ratio from… I just assumed it was because they can possibly sense the nutrients in the castings? Lol idk…


So in other words. When it is the seeds… maybe the castings will push it along better… higher ratio? Not your method at fault etc lol


I have faith in you brother!! :pray:


It’s all good brother, I got seeds, So many I can’t grow them out in my lifetime. It’s really just about setting a goal and going for it. I know this could fail and I will admit that there could come a time, I am just not there yet.
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We all do dont we , just amazing how many are out there