(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

Have you considered re vegging your plant? I’m in the process of re vegging a plant. It took me over 2 weeks to get veg leaves again but I didn’t lose my plant. I hope to clone from hee in another month or so


Your clone is more like a plant in itself. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I have I just don’t really have the time or space to reveg I’ve got a set of testers I’m about to flower out and afterwards I have one more round of testers then I’m obligation free I’ll just have to hope for more luck with the remaining seeds I have from that strain


You can always try to re veg it bud, if successful you will be good to go. It wouldn’t take much space. Then again I know space can be a premium so it’s a tough call.

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Just a quick update on BMR. So here is the plant still alive and well.

Pulled the clone out to take a look and here is what I saw.


Those white bumps are roots starting to form.


Sure are, looks like it’s going to work out fine. Going to add some Clonex nutes to the water this weekend to help it along.


Unfortunately I already went out on faith and discarded the remains :pensive:

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No big deal, the last one I tried to re veg didn’t make it. At least you got the bud so hey, it’s a win.


I won’t make the mistake again for sure though now I just need to get some plugs .humidity done came in the other day I’m gonna be cloning and impregnating everything :grin:

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I am loving the cloning machine I picked up. No worries about a dome although it does have one. No worries about keeping the rooting plugs damp. I just pop out a plug and make sure the water is still spraying out. I love the set it and forget it idea behind the thing. I will add some nutes to it and more clones off the BMR plant.


yep just wish they werent so damn pricey. and that bush looks happier than a pig in shit. cant wait for the show to go on


What cloning machine is it? @DougDawson

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I’m working my way towards one of those it’s in my save for later on Amazon

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Build one out of a plastic tote, pump, pvc pipe, spray heads. Parts at home depot or Lowe’s. You can build one for less than 50usd.


It’s a Aeroponic Cloner Machine 24 Site by Hortipots.

Me too. You can diy one but I just decided to treat myself on this one. Grabbed 192 pack of extra inserts too. Should last a while.


Thanks man… eventually I’ll be at that point too lol… always looking for the tried and true


ya i have attempted to make a couple a few times but always end up botching it some how. lol.


Like @Tracker said…they are super easy to build from a tote… use a hole saw to put holes in the lid…get a good water pump with a threaded output…get fittings & pvc to build the misting diaphram… then just some misting heads into drilled holes on the diaphragm! Less than $50 (depending on the water pump!)


I have same cloner but it holds 35 I got 35 out 35 both times I filled it. Highly recommend it.