(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

555! @MissinBissin - I’m surprised you don’t have one up and running already! No matter how many times I tell myself I should remove ALL my lower branches due to the small return I get out of them, I find I never did it…until I built a cloner that is! Now EVERY lower branch becomes a new plant!

That’s the second one of three I’ve made in the last few months! Actually switched to one with a deeper reservoir and a taller dome. Couple lil’ hints; If you use ultrasound, go with a deeper reservoir as it heats the water up - deeper water = cooler temp (and less re-filling). Notice the 3." nail w/electrical tape just below the head on the left corner…I put one through all three layers on opposing corners to lock everything together. Hardest part is finding boxes w/flat lids, most have odd ‘designs’ with varying heights to the lid surface. I’ve also found that if I use the ‘locking clips’ for the lid to create a 1/4" air-gap between the clone-holding lid and the humidity dome I lose far fewer clones…too high of humidity around the leaves tends to promote fungus. Version #4 will be opaque so there’s less/no light penetration to the roots (Didn’t even think about that!) but so far it doesn’t seem to have made any difference. The ultrasound generators are ‘cheap’ but buy 2 so when it stops working you don’t have to scramble! They don’t splash as much as aeroponic mist heads and the mist is 100% consistent throughout the rooting chamber. Good luck!



My goal is to be a sponge, listening to guys like you… Thanks for sharing all these Dets @Tlander
Its gonna get noticed, nice job all the way round T


? I didnt notice any burns. I was referring to what looks like slimy brown growth, most clearly visible in the last pic, on and below that cut stem. If the cut end gets inhibited from completely callusing over completely, to block pathogens from getting inside the stem, that could potentially cause havoc later in the plants life.


HMMM, I am unfamiliar with what you speak of. Did some reading on it since you mentioned it. I will hold off on more clones for now to see how it progresses. What do you suggest. I was going to swap out the water tomorrow for some with minimal nutes, any suggestions on how to proceed?


Did you put this top/clone into water as soon as you cut it from the plant ?


Yo @DougDawson Nobody has mentioned it (Here or there) but in Bob’s “Hypoclorious Acid” thread (@BudBusterPro ) you’ll find a ton of info about it’s effects on botrytis/PM/etc. I’ve been really impressed with how well it works. (It’s a very long thread, but worth the read and Bob couldn’t be more helpful with everybody that has a question).

I’ve started using it to spritz down everything every time I change water in my cloner and even on a few cuttings that showed slight damage (like the last photo). Also spritzing every leaf node/side branch wound where I cut off leaves as this is often where high humidity levels promote fungus. Nobody has mentioned any adverse effects on rooting of clones, but so far so good!



It’s all good, water cloners can be tricky. I am uncertain as to why you would have gotten this growth… so as to correct the environment if that is the issue. I would make sure the res doesn’t get too warm as you should already have good enough aeration and no light leaks. I believe a tablespoon of bleach per gallon mixed into your nutrients should be sufficient to destroy the external growth - as a quick, affordable, and easily accessible fix.

There are definitely multiple pathways to keep this from happening again, but it is hard to fight these issues on the plants once they have already gained a foothold within the cells.

  • Some people run a sterile environment, adding Hypochlorous acid to their reservoirs to stave off pathogens. I have been doing this with great results.
    This is a great option that is safer and more stabile than bleach. Peroxide is also an option but it is hard to maintain proper peroxide levels and some fungi can digest peroxide so it is not always as effective as hypochlorous. Bleach is a valid alternative – I used it for years – but it can add excess sodium to your media over time (why I switched to hypchlorous)

-For non-sterile living media, I use this Hydroguard alternative, Southern AG garden friendly fungicide, which contains Bacillus amyloliquefaciens but I am not sure if either of those products are available in Canada. This stuff is really effective at fighting root pathogens and helping roots thrive.

My method is to use hypochlorous on my clones until I transplant them, and then inoculate them with the bacillus and Xtreme Gardening Mycos at that time to help the roots explode into the media.

Your clone has root calluses forming so it is rooting. I would definitely sterilize the unit with 10% bleach for a minimum of 10 minutes to sterilize it, and then mix up a new batch of 1/4 strength nutes with a tbsp of bleach per gallon for use until it roots enough to transplant it.


I know it’s the wrong thread to be going off topic but…
Has anybody (else) found that it really doesn’t make a lot of difference if there’s light exposure to the cutting’s roots? I have been using a ‘clear’ box for 3-4 months now and haven’t had any problems rooting my cuttings, usually with roots forming in a week and transplanted into soil by week 3. Just wondering if we have all been following bro-science? I recognize that it makes ‘sense’ to exclude light, but???

@herojuana.tom Glad to hear that you have had success w/using bleach…I’d be too scared to try it out, but I just count on the hypoclorious acid, as it won’t/can’t hurt the cutting. But over here it’s a PITA to get a hold of the generator.


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These are made of EVA foam?

Seems like the material used in tatamis.


Good question, I dont know the answer, since only info I found without emailing company is, the permaclone Collars are a " poly blend", of what substances it does not say. And EVA being a the copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate, I dont know if that is the same.

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Light leaks provide conditions for algae growth. Really why you shouldn’t have any light access to water reservoir or you’re going to run into issues.


@bluelizard Thanks, great point! I do change my water about once a week. I’ll have to try it out on model #4 and see if I get even better results!



No problem, good luck! Here’s my creation:


Just a quick update for you all. Didn’t do much the last couple days. Was a 3 day weekend as Monday was Family day. Unfortunately my cat got sick on Sunday and I just didn’t bother doing anything with my plants for the most part short of feeding. Still have to change out the water the clone is in but it’s still upright anyway and BMR is doing fine.

My garden won’t be the same without my trimming partner…


Big hugs @DougDawson !


Feeling it man…. Hoping you are OK. We love our families. Even the little furry non-humans….


Sorry for your loss Doug.


To non pet people, they’re all the same. But to those of us who’ve taken them in as part of our family…


Sorry Doug, I know brother, that sucks they are part of the family. I miss all my furry friends over the years. :peace_symbol:


Dang bro. Sorry to hear about that. They are part of our family.