(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

Well that’s a beautiful site

to see this morning and it’s showtime now! And I’m so happy for the OG Community but I’m REALLY excited for you @DougDawson to be able to hopefully get the White Whale and most finicky seeds yet grow into more big beasts like that lone BMR male !BEA82268-2AB7-411C-919F-5E9ED7BFE69C


Lol, morning @DrGonzo13


WoW, just caught up with this thread! Congrats @DougDawson off to a flying start! May it be your smoothest run yet! Goin’ for popcorn, be right back!



@DougDawson thats awesome brother. You had so many good vibes coming your way they had to pop :v:


Glad you finally get to run this plant Doug ! Good things come to those that wait


Thanks @Jetdro , sure feels better seeing these cooperate.


Are those the starter bags I see them in? And I was testing a jiffy pot since I had 2 dozen from my mom and I have been getting concerned about the roots growing out of the bottom and whether or not it will continue to breakdown, didn’t know if you have any experience or input on them



Yes, I use seedling starter bags. With roots poking out like that, it’s time to up pot them babies so the roots got somewhere to go.


Biggest question is how to deal with the roots sticking through cut off the upper part of the pot?.. sorry off subject just never used jiffy pots

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Ya you can basically tear the top off, easier if it’s wet


The joy of those bags is that the roots will grow through them so you just plant them into next pot, bag and all.


That’s what I was hoping and thank you @CanuckistanPete it’s actually one of the CripXmas testers! And I’m more stoked about seeing seeds start growing up that were sent out and it’s a different but great vibe and I appreciate your time dedication and I know that BOG Sr would be damn proud of you and keeping his work available to the Community and not about the $$ Happy Growing The Doc

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I know I responded in the other thread, but 2 more pennies if you want: I let the roots come out the bottom for several days before transplanting. As those roots reach the air, the tip dies, triggering the formation of more rootlets inside the bag. My reading indicates that allowing the root system to develop this way, early on, means the root mass will be bigger and stronger throughout the entire grow.


Even with the jiffy pot!? And I just got done reading it LoL but I just wanted to double check thanks and will head over to the thread and not get off topic :pray:t2:


So another day and another set of pics. The planted seedlings are looking better. There were a couple yellow looking ones yesterday that have greened up. All are starting to turn to the light so things are looking good there. Also the 6 still in paper towel are picking up speed and will be in coco tonight.


Well here’s what I’m working with so far. Got a bigger top for some odd reason idk. but I have 2 lids one is 20 sites. Got everything ordered except some net cups. Gonna paint the bottom black and even build a sprayer manifold


Nice one @Thats_bank ! Watch the little space between the ‘bottom of the top’ and the blue lid…I found that by flipping the little locking clips ‘up’ under the lid I get a 1/2 cm. airflow vent that has really helped reduce the formation of fungus on any ‘bad’ leaves of the cuttings. Of course I have RH levels of the low to mid-80%!

Look into one of those little ultrasound foggers, they’re cheap (buy two for backup!). I’m shocked at how easy they are compared to trying to get the little sprayers positioned correctly. And a lot easier to clean! I also threw an airstone on an aquarium pump in there. The Ultrasound needs to be within a few centimeters of the water level surface, I put mine on an upside-down glass in the res.

Best of roots to you!


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If your making a manifold sprayer to run you’ll probably not need the clones covered . I’d think they’d get too humid .
I’ve got a store bought with a pump and manifold plus a air stone in mine . Not covered roots in under 2 weeks no casualties.


Damn I already ordered the sprayers

Ok so you mean I can dabble in dwc with the other one then lol

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