Kashmir Crowdsource Testing

if you want to drag someone’s name, at least do your research. It’s in this thread, you couldn’t even do a search?

I gave these to a friend to grow out before I knew about the virus. Sure enough the plants displayed major viroid variegation.

Fortunately the plants were in plastic pots with no drainage, so they were easy to isolate.

We were able to avoid contamination of his garden, but the risk is unacceptable.

sending more of these seeds out into the world would be a deliberate disservice to this entire community.

@stevieg even though the plants had a virus, we grew them out and provided documentation, including photo documentation.

Simply because I had made an agreement by taking the seeds in the first place, and my word is good.

I also wanted to document the viroid symptoms so the community would be aware of the risks of taking these seeds into their gardens.