(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

I agree. Nicest sativa structure I’ve ever seen @ChongoBongo.


That’s an impressive bush. :slight_smile:


For the folks on the overflow. I need addresses.
@Kavman has generously offered time out of his busy schedule to help me package half of these, and I will be sending supplies to him to make that happen. Unless there are objections, I will take the first 75 slots from the overflow and have people message me with their address.
For the second half of the overflow, I’d like to have people directly message kavman
. This would truly cut my time in half and would be a great help to me this time of year. If there is anyone not familiar with him and you would rather deal with me directly, when you message me, give me your slot # and address, and I’ll take care of it myself.
I think it would be a good idea for anyone messaging either of us to include your slot number so we can cross you off the list. In that way, if there are people that have missed this post, we can directly call them out at a later time, a bit closer to mailing.
@G-paS Is the one responsible for mailing coop seeds and she and the other co-op members deserve a hearty applause for all of their silent efforts in the background. If you have not contacted her Or another co op member about postage due in order for you to get your Seeds mailed to you from the co op make sure you get in touch. I think it is two dollars per strain, But don’t quote me on that.
@G-paS I know i’m slamming you with a bunch of seeds all at once here very late, so I will help as much as you need me to. The late Lambsbread pollination seeds are just now finally cured. I have time this weekend to make up a bunch of packs to help you out.
Anyone messaging myself or @Kavman please don’t forget to Include your overflow signup information so we can cross you off the list once your pack is made up. It could take me a couple days to get to all messages. My reply may just be a :heart: to let you know I got your address and slot# and that you can erase your info.
If you’ve missed out on @drgreensleeves Peshawar Joe bx grow, he has some epic plants to look at. This one really shines outdoors with room, but with at least 2 early toppings she can shine indoors as well. Look for Joe bx 2 or 3 as one of my first releases sometime in the not so distant future😁


Peshawar in a half gallon pot.



Check out the petiole next to a decent sized branch…


Rockin! PM on the way.


Outdoor Peshi!

The one on right was topped twice:) well middle I guess lol


Bro! These are absolutely stunning! It also really shows the breeding potential for just about any true F1 hybrid made with these Peshawar :slight_smile: SMH killer I can’t wait till next year to put on a show with my cross :slight_smile: straight awesome sauce!


Thank you @upstate and everyone else involved. This is one of the most exciting runs this season. People may finally realize afghan doesnt always mean sleep.



Glad to be of help @Upstate I will update when I get the supplies. Nice work on this run it’s most appreciated.


Thank you for all you do for this community brother @Upstate and also @G-paS and f course @Kavman too!

I’m number 54 on the overflow so my DM is incoming brother, once again thank you so very much for everything!!

I can’t wait for Joe BX 2 or 3!!!


@Upstate , I couldn’t get it to play bro I even downloaded it lol check this out y’all this is so funny! This lady bug has got this “wiggle giggle” move lmao he’s getting it! First time I ever seen one move like that :slight_smile: lmao :rofl::laughing:


My 2 cents here.

Folks today are not allowed to speak real truth even with peer reviewed science to back up what they say.
Well at least they are not allowed to speak of things everyone does not agree upon.
Truth should speak for itself, but some folks are truth deniers.
They will never believe something is true, if they feel it is false.
Feelings matter more than facts do these days.

If is sounds outlandish it must be a conspiracy theory.
For example the government has admitted to fucking with the weather on the record.

But some folks will stand in front of you saying it is just a conspiracy theory.
Even in the face of real conclusive proof, via self confession ect. , some folks refuse to believe any of it and start calling you strange names ect.
You will be attacked for speaking the truth.

Some folks are just truth deniers, they will never believe anything even given real scientific peer reviewed conclusive proof, like a self confession, meaning that they admit to doing such things.

Even when the offending parties admit they are doing it folks turn away and will never admit it could be true.

Do you dimiss real facts and proof in favor of how you feel on certain topics?
If so you may be a truth denier yourself.

An open mind is very important, some folks just don’t posses that skill apparently.

I tried to post how CBD can help with covid and that was shut down in a hurry.
It was fact based with real peer reviewed science to back up those facts.

Nope, not allowed here.
Someone’s feelings might get hurt if they hear the real truth.
This information had the possiblility to save many many lives, maybe save the life of someone here.
But nope, that info was not allowed to be shared.
Because not everyone agrees with what is being said. :astonished:
The topic was considered polarizing.

Feeling over facts is the new revolution.
If it is the truth backed by peer reviewed science and you deny it is truth in the face of real peer reviewed scientific based evidence, you need to re-examine your thought process.

Facts should matter more than feelings.
Ask yourself are you a truth denier?
You may just be be.
But that type of person will never admit this, not even to themselves.
What a world we live in today.

Good luck @Upstate :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I truly feel the truth should be told even if it offends a few folks in the process.
I know some folks will say the subject is too polarizing…LOL

Telling folks that using a Cal/Mag product is a rookie move has been shown to be very very polarizing, should that content not be removed in the same manner?

Just look at the controversy over that thread, folks still refute it as some kinda conspiracy theory too.
Why is this type of polarizing topic allowed and others are not.
Seems a bit of adouble standard exits here.

And call it what you wish but it is still censorship and that can not be denied.
Well the truth deniers will still be denying the truth.
I guess it really is true, we can’t handle the truth.:slightly_smiling_face:

Truth is truth even if you choose to believe it is not truth.
Again good luck @Upstate you are fighting the good fight and you have my respect. :sunglasses:



Ah! Found the Peshawar but a bit too late it seems. Very nice branchy plants indeed! How does it smell/affects?


The way you tell the truth can be more important than the fact you’re telling the truth. That’s even when there is actual truth to be told, rather than hypotheses with reasonably strong evidence that haven’t been proven. The truth is those are still hypotheses, not even having reached the level of theories - which are still not facts, and thus can still be disproven. The distinction exists for a reason. When you start sharing your opinion about as-yet unproven hypotheses, suggesting solutions and saying anyone who doesn’t recognize your opinion and solution as the best is just wrong, it’s almost guaranteed to start a fight.

Ask @WestCoastCroppers and his 47 banned sock accounts.


While I do feel your statement is true… and you make some good points :wink:
I do not feel that is the case here.
Take the cal/mag topic for axample… we have science that shows us we do not need mag and calcium in one bottle.
Calcium and mag do not need to be added at the same rate.
This is not my opinion, or a hypotheses, or even a theory for that matter.
It is all based on peer reviewed science, nothing more.
But some folks still fight tooth and nail to call it some kind of conspiracy theory/untruth.
In this instance folks are ignoring good peer reviewed science in favor of how they feel about the subject.

These folks are undeniably truth deniers…LOL
I feel this same thought process can be applied to other controversial topics as well.
For example the govt has amitted to fucking with the weather, they say they do it with their own mouth.
Some folks will still insist they do not even when they are told by those doing such things that they are in fact doing it.

Some folks still say…" No they are not"…LOL

If a guy admits to commiting murder, do we than say, “naw, I feel he is not guilty”
When they come right out and tell us they are doing it, should we assume they are just lying to us?
That really makes no sense at all.
They have confirmed they are doing it, why not accept that as fact?
How can it be viewed as a conspiracy thoery?
They are on record as saying they do it.
Yet, some folks will insist it just isn’t happening.
That is the part I find very strange.


If this is refering to the thread about apogamy, all I ever suggested in that thread was we need to keep an open mind on the subject.
None of us yet know the truth on that subject, but there is compelling evidence it could happen.
I mearly suggest we keep our mind open to the possiblity it could in fact happen.
But that was enought to start a fight…LOL

If you were not refering to that thread, please ignore this post.


I wasn’t referring to anything in particular. Just thought I recognized the signs of a crusade starting - lots of rhetorical questions followed by bold font - and wanted to interrupt it. The truth that I think is most relevant here is that progress is slow, people are slow to change and tend to fight others who force them to change whether it’s good or not, and the mods want to keep the forum clear of fighting. Whatever truth you’re trying to force people to face, even if you feel you’re doing them a favor, they might not and that’s why these discussions tend to get shut down. I don’t particularly want to argue about any of them, but it seems you have a tendency to get very passionate about wanting people to see the truth, let’s say. :wink:

I will comment on the cal-mag specifically, because it’s actually relevant to growing - again, it’s a matter of how you say it. You and @WestCoastCroppers were both, in a fashion, telling the truth about it. When he told the truth about it, it started fights because he had an attitude about people not listening to him. You, on the other hand, mostly accepted that teaching people meant repeating yourself 1000 times in 100 different ways to 10 different people in order to make any real progress. If it helps, I actually did learn quite a bit from that thread… eventually. :slight_smile: Now it’s given me a bunch more rabbit holes to explore to actually get any better results; sometimes I have the energy and sometimes I don’t. When people try to force me to, I get irritated. When people try to show the information without being pushy or argumentative about it, I appreciate it.