(complete) Kashmir- A place for my Freaker grow

Also don’t forget if you get a little bit of nute water on a leaf it will look just like that. The other leaves look like heat stress like he said :point_up_2:t2:. How are you feeling btw. Closer to 100% I hope.


Getting better as long as I don’t do anything… With only one hand you can’t do much. Hopefully on the 5th I will be OK for Physically Therapy

:green_heart: :seedling:


Make sure you easy into it. Be prepared to hurt that night also. :persevere:
I didn’t even push myself the first visit, but that night my back hurt sooo bad. I’ll be doing my 5th tomorrow.
I hope everything works out well for you.


Sure looks to be a potassium issue. Probably ph related, with the one plant.
Miss Zinc wants a weaker everything i think. Soil too hot for that one. Best guess anyway.
I don’t like pro mix. I always had those issues til switching to soil. Been great since.


What I don’t like about the prefertilized soils is you never know what’s on them, I mean perhaps you add something thinking it’s needed (CalMag for leds for instance) and that blocks other existant nutes (like Potassium and Zinc):

Here’s the pH chart, too alkaline may have affected Zinc also, Potassium is available in a wide range, that’s why I think it could be blocked by a Calcium excess. Are strains different from each other? That may help also for different reactions, hope you’re feeling better … beer3|nullxnull

Soil pH chart


Yeah! I have a whole bale unopen. I am not impressed with it

This is not pre fertilized. Thank you for the charts.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Ahhhh, good to know :+1:, I scrolled up and didn’t find your nutrient regime, so thought they were, plenty of different Promix soils … :roll_eyes:

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I haven’t added any cal/mag for led yet so I won’t

I was told the difference between HP an MP was perlite amount.

So, I need more or less Potassium?

It looks like a big rang for potassium ph. That shouldn’t be the problem
I would guess to much mag. I don’t know how to lower.


That is wild. She was in pure pro mix in the cup with 1/2 to 0 mega crop.
I did up-pot with a coot mix with PM for peat/aeration . I just put that in the bottom 1/3 and just PM in top 2/3 So far the 4 males and 4 females look good in the same stuff.


If you are only using promix I think that’s probably the problem. These plants have been growing in dirt forever. This is a semi wild population and It is used to things like animal manure as their only source of food aside from the soil. The plants have always relied on natural connections to soil microbes to get their food.

Well then it’s not too much food. Must be too little food? Since the issue doesn’t occur with the smaller plants it’s either salt build-up or lack of food that is changing things for the big plants…if they all get the same feeding and watering.
Honestly I am probably the last person to be giving advice about promix. I never did figure it out, But noticed every year after giving Alaska Fish Emulsion This problem would occur shortly after. I don’t know if the fungus in this mix became dominant and made the PH take a nose dive or what happened. The only thing I could ever do to fix was to transplant into fresh soil. That worked every time. If I Could not put the plants in a larger container I usually had at least an inch or 2 of room where I could take the plant out of the container and put dirt underneath it and put it back after I’d thrown some chicken shit in there. I didn’t have 2 bad shoulders though.
Keep in mind even an ugly plant can make great seeds​:grin: Just keep it alive and don’t stress too much. :wink: its only a couple of them and you are doing just fine.
Landrace plants absolutely love chicken shit. :chicken: i buy coop poop brand. :poop: Between that and earthworm castings that’s about all I use aside from the soil… I couldn’t tell you how much I use. Maybe a teaspoon per gallon of soil every few weeks or if I see the bottom leaves yellowing.
I do add fishbone meal for flowering. 2 weeks prior.
That 1 strange messed up plant could be natural. I definitely wouldn’t base anything you do off of that 1 plant.
One final thing I need to add is that you went out of your way to do several different germinations to add plants to this preservation. I think of all the smaller plants as a bonus, as they were not necessary. If a couple don’t do so well The extra plants more than make up for it.


Did it start acting funky after or before the transplant? I’ve put landrace plants in a mix that is too strong for them and they lighten up within just a few days. Strange thing is the roots grew right into the hot soil anyway and I couldn’t pull them out without hurting the plant…so left them. The plants continued their life a very light green color til the end. Complaining the whole time lol.
I like how you did layers with the coot mix…but Perhaps the mix itself needs to be cut with the promix in all layers for that plant? Sounds very similar to what I had happened while growing Durban. Of course that isn’t feasible to do that, I’m just saying perhaps you have a fussy little bitch there​:rofl::joy::rofl:


A few pictures of this kashmirs flowers.


@G-paS I quit using “hydro store” ProMix years ago. I’ve been running ProMix from Menards. I paid $13 a bale last year, and the plants didn’t care one bit. Granted, it’s not as “clean” as hydro store bales, the few sticks I found, more than made up for the cost difference. I have to use something in my boxes out in the swamp for the plants to grow in, and just couldn’t bite $36+ per bale when I’ve got to get 20+ to fill the boxes. Plants did just as good in the $13 bales as they did in the $36+ bales. It’s not available at all stores all year, but it’s definitely worth looking into to save a few dollars.


I am a true believer in physical therapy. I have been a compensating partial paraplegic for 28 years. More than half my life. I taught myself to walk without the use of my quadriceps 27 years ago. I’m still walking. I am going to P.T today. I go to advanced P.T once a week for 3 months in the wintertime. Though I do my own PT and exercise programs. That one-on-one work with a Doctor of Physical Therapy once a week for 3 months every year. Keeps me on point. One day I will be in my wheelchair for good. Not today though!!! I hope you are feeling better dear. P.T is so important. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


The zincy one was like that in the pure PM with 1/4to 1/2 strength mega crop.
The potassium, had the one looking like that before

I have only used ph’ed water since up-potting.

The coot was 2/3 PM and only the bottom third so the older roots hit it. Should I repot with just pro mix? I a afraid to mess with root. The ladies are in 12/12.

If there is to much potassium I can add the mag. If to little, then no cal-meg? PH is good.

My daughters friend is one. I was working with her to strengthen the muscles. Until that tore them :rofl: It felt great before it didn’t. My S-I-L had PT way sooner then me.

I go next Tue.


Good :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: I just got back from my PT. I always feel better after. Good sore. :100:


Try 1/3 strenghth with the fussy one. The ph issue i leave to your good judgment.
What do you add to the promix before using it? Any nutrients? I don’t think they add anything at all.

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I added nothing to the pro mix but EWC and not even that many. I was using the mega crop starting at 1/4 going to 1/2 per many here. It started on the the two problem children in cup.

I see the potassium problem spreading so I need to nip that. Water only at the minute. I can’t up-pot the boys or I would put them in a 3 gallon with 2 gal pure PM/ Yes there is no nuts in it.
HP used

  • Canadian Sphagnum peat moss (65-75% by volume)
  • Perlite - horticultural grade.
  • Dolomitic and Calcitic limestone (pH adjuster)
  • Wetting Agent.
  • Mycorrhizae - endomycorrhizal fungi (Glomus intraradices)

I figured this filled the first 2/3 of the mix plus the EWC and additives per the recipe.

I have a full bale of Pro Mix MP


  • SPHAGNUM PEAT MOSS (75-85%) ? Canadian Sphagnum peat moss is a natural, organic matter that comes from a peat bog. …
  • PERLITE ? Perlite is an alumino-silicate ore of volcanic origin. …
  • LIMESTONE ? Used to adjust pH to optimum range. …

I think I found part of the problem, the water in the 55 gal barrel ph is way off. I fill it with 5 gal buckets ph’ed. I have a problem getting to it, short arms. I have had they G-son filling it and didn’t realize it was off. The veg tent I hand water are better but not great.


OK so that megacrop is an all in one liquid fertilizer? @George can give good advice here as can @Papalag. Both these guys pulled off long flowering Oaxaca grows with liquid food. Pure Sativas can be fussy. I’ll defer to them.
Ph will definitely do that. Maybe you have it figured out. The plants should be able to handle 50% strength of whatever you would give a normal hybrid plant. When younger i start with third strength.
When I was out in Washington my cousin and I had the strangest thing happen. We would fill a large water tank and the ph would climb as the day or days went on, reaching its highest at 9. It would screw a plant up so quick. Really reminds me of the fussy one a bit. For me it was such a head scratcher. We switched water sources and the problem stopped. In the end we figured there must have been some sort of algae or bacteria in the water that was making the PH go up. I’ll have to talk to my cousin and ask him what our final conclusion was. We spent days and days thinking about this.