(complete) Kashmir- A place for my Freaker grow

organic- pellet just like Jacks 123.

OK @George and @Papalag how do I fix it.

Add/reduce Magnesium? I am not adding it at current or what to add for the potassium.


Nice work! Very nice work!

My only complaint?

I’m on a PC and can’t zoom in!




Did you use lime pellets or powder? If only powder its probably washed out in the containers of the large plants. Promix drains great but doesn’t hold nutes like soil will and the calcium and magnesium in the lime disappears quickly, as do their buffering ability. I use around 15 drops cal mag per gallon of water every time i water. You can use a teaspoon once to help get them caught up.
Whats the numbers on your dry food?

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The lime is in the promix.

I have only used the same ag lime I put on the field for the same issues here :green_heart: :seedling: I didn’t add it at to this


Dang, I started at the top
commented on one post. Now I’ve lost my place! winky

Nice work, @G-paS!

All the very best with it! tup

Nice work, all the rest of yous, too! winky



You’ll need to supplement the lime in promix for sure. I like powdered for quick release and pellets for slow release. The powder alone goes quickly. I know added now it can burn the plants, but maybe just a little pinch in couple little piles? Do you have cal mag? Chicken poo has fixed the mg deficiency i recently had. Has good calcium too

In the meantime do you have epsom salts you can foliar feed with for mg?
I’m sure by morning the others will have chimed in.


Hi there I used jacks 20/20/20 in veg with a little cal mag I kept the ppm at about 350 to 500 ( my water is 190 ppms)
In flower I used 10/30/20 & 5/12/26 (added Epson salts) also kept the ppm low only about 550

Fed her lightly and ph’ed every time she likes her water ph’ed. 6.2


I don’t know about humble lol. I’ve been doing it for so long, more than half my life. I worked for 18 years on my feet as a partial paraplegic. Sales and Marketing. Raised a daughter mostly on my own. I’ve had shit to do, since my spinal cord injury. Life goes on man. Sometimes you sore like an eagle. Sometimes your the bug hitting the windshield. Life is pain and joy. The only real truth I know for sure. Stop moving and your dead. Even if it hurts. Keep Moving!!. :peace_symbol:


I wouldn’t add any and so with Calcium no|nullxnull, you’ve already got enough and that might be blocking Potassium:

Calcitic lime is derived from deposits of primarily calcium carbonate. Dolomitic lime is derived from deposits of calcium carbonate combined with magnesium carbonate and contains much higher levels of magnesium.

It’s funny Mr. Sativa asking me to give you some advice as all my knowledge regarding those lanky plants comes from him :grin:, I grew them with other indica and hybrids, so all what I did was to add dehu water to the mix to lower down the proportion of nutes I gave to the others, they’re light feeders 


About this chart, I have some questions

I know it is for soil, but for coco, I see recomendations of pH 6,0 for growing and 5,6-5,8 for flowering.
And this is what I don’t understant, why this differences (6,5pH for soil, 6,0pH for coco)? Are the plants absortion system altered anyway?

Happy growings!!


Coco is inert as water, so what you throw in goes out the same way. Soil will act as a buffer and has it’s own pH, that’s why the chart that matches coco is the hydroponics one 

Hydroponic pH chart


Ok. Thanks for the chart!.

I was using 6.4pH, so I should down it a bit.

Happy growings!!


I have the cal/mag. The goat pop is frozen. :rofl:
I have a sprayer and Epsom. I can see if I can get the kids to help.

That was my first action. Ph’ed R/O water and it is spreading.


I am too and I can??


I added that dehu water to the watering can with nutes once half emptied, to cut by half the ppm’s, how do those pellets work? Do you add them to the water?

Those pics have a poor resolution, that’s why you cannot zoom on them 

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Hi @G-paS wavy

Just on that particular image.

It looks like the site decides the size of some posted images and some are on the small side of what they allow. Those smaller images won’t zoom.

Some are zoomable, some are not
due to there size. On my PC.

wavy, @G-paS,

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Did not know that. I always can TY for the info. So it isn’t because of the laptop just the platform (does that mean browser?) :older_woman: :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:


You’re welcome, @G-paS!

It has to do with how Overgrow accepts and processes image files for posting. An automatic, behind the curtain action.

Only primarily use FireFox. I don’t know how the other browsers handle them.


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I use Chrom and Edge. I gave up on FF to many sites I am on don’t support it.

:green_heart: :seedling:


It works great mixed with soil, but recycled needs extra lime to keep ph up.