(complete) Kashmir- A place for my Freaker grow

today has been the worst so far.


So sorry.
I can bring you edibles!
Use the lotion on your arm lymph node areas. Not near the incision.
Lots of fluids…


It will get better, each day. I don’t know what they gave you for pain, but these quacks over here won’t hardly give you a damned thing.
So, I asked about ibuprofen. The doctor told me I could take four at a time. That’s prescription strength. I did that and made a big smoke cloud around my head and I was really ok. Only do the ibuprofen up to twice a day. Worked for me. So sorry you’re in pain. Hate that for you.

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I have the edibles, It is the med they put in the site wore off. It didn’t hurt at all so did to much yesterday with the plants.

The other issue. I am suppose to keep pain under control but they don’t give you enough to do that.


sorry to hear that, positive vibes

Thanks for that. Is the bad reaction still side effects from you anesthesia? I feel for you no good when the side effects are worse than just the pain from the surgery. Hope your body pushes it through quickly. A little pt and you’ll be digging around in the garden with the best of them and without the pain! :star_struck:


Yes in combination with the pain. I took one every four hours and slept as good as possible for 6 last night and am 100% better. The just only give me five days worth to do that so I was letting the pain get really bad and used 1/2 the daily allotment.

So the boys are doing better today. They went from looking good Sunday to totally wilted R/H probably was in the 20’s Wednesday. I gave them water and don’t have any idea if it was even PH’ed correctly. Thursdays the got Ph corrected water and all three humidifiers filled. Back to the 50-60 depending on the area last night.


The younger 4 males

And the 7 females


Looks great. We’re still getting updates even in your recovery time!

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Hang in there, it will get better and easier each day, I promise.

Keep moving and it will get better :smiley:

Glad you are recovering! :+1:. The lady in the back middle did you top her or did she self-top or a late top? Idk it looks interesting all leggy with the big y shape at top.

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Yes, I did a top and made three cutting. I lost those during surgery though. She was the tallest of ALL the plants. I even did a 2nd sex test on here :open_mouth:

She would already be to the light. I see shelving being being removed :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:


OK folks! I got the Grandson and his GF to help tonight We took one of the Spider Farmer Daisy chain 2000 lights from the 4X4 tent in the axu. area and add it to the main 4.5 X4.5 flower tent. I pulled the two males from the tent to a area that I could put the shelf down to the bottom. I moved the auto next to the photo C99 to make room.

We have the 5 females in the flower tent. I spread then out to give better care. They haven’t had that in a week.

First problems;
The group

This is the tallest one in the center back. the lower growth looks good coming in,

This one leaf on the plant next to it

What do you think. this one faded fast

This girl has looked like this from the go. Almost looks lacy.

Here are shots of the others;

The whole tent;

The front light is lower than the back by 6-10 inches.

These ladies are 12/12 starting today.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Did anybody have thoughts on the damage.


If you’ve ruled out light stress, I’d question the pH. And as the yellowing is starting at the top, maybe a lack of potassium?

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When I had damage like that it was because my soil ph was too high. I was only monitoring my water ph when those problems came along. When I got the soil ph back in balance the plant was able to take up the correct nutrients once again.


Just some hypotheses, this one looks Potassium:


This other Zinc:

and perhaps this could be heat stress due to lamp too close, windburn direct fan or low humidity icon_e_confused|nullxnull, I’m sure you can recover them … beer3|nullxnull


Let’s start with what is your water/nute pH going in? It looks like these are in soil, so your target pH is 6.5. Since you are running these under LEDs, are you adding a cal/mag supplement to your water and feedings?
If your pH is off, you will create a myriad of issues going forward. It can be reversed :grinning:

Edit: Here is a chart to review what you are seeing.


Looks like great minds think alike after all. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Btw, hope your recovery is going well @G-paS.


It did hit the light before I moved them They did look like the potassium photo I have seen post before. This plant/leaf was next to the other plant. I need to find ph for potassium.

How can one be zinc and the other potassium when treated the same in the same soil?
This plant - zinc has looked like this the whole time. Genetics?

This is my first try with pro mix and I am not liking it so far.

I did a stint with ph 7 r/o. I then got that under control and all water going in is 6-6.5 usually 6.2-6.4.