(complete) Kashmir- A place for my Freaker grow

Looks like for flowering the ph in coco is dropped just a bit to allow better phosphorus absorption. Maybe manganese too? Just a guess.
@G-paS hows the plants today?

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I hate chrome. Anything that is runs each tab as it’s own process is a cpu killer. :face_vomiting:

I don’t have any issues with Firefox so I am curious which sites you are having issues with :thinking:

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Just as an example, Images in my thread that are my images and are not zoomable are images I modified the size of, Images that are mine and I didn’t modify the size of are zoomable, on my PC and FF.

Warm regards,

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In an effort to control this. I up-potted the two males that were in the flower ten from 1 to 3 gallon containers. That added 2 gallons of plain ProMix MP to the game.

I am not sure what is going on as since I put them back in the veg tent all but two males are looking bad. & females and 6 of 8 males. I have the PH doing great and added Cal/Mag to the reservoir.

I did a steam rub on the one male. For once I could put a name to the smell. It smells like the lemon grass I grew. Does that sound right guys???


What are you growing? Sorry, I’m always late to peoples threads… :expressionless:

They don’t look so bad. You haven’t flipped them have you?


@Upstate’s Kashmir.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Via @Shivam Grover. There are from South of Srinigar. Semi domesticated strain.
@G-paS lemongrass sounds great. I love lemon smells.
Did you mix some food in with the promix? Some of that pelletized food? I bet they will start looking better soon.
What kind of water do you use? In the winter i can’t use my well water on my plants. Too much calcium or something else in it.
Have you attempted flushing the other containers?


I am using R/O ph’ed with mega crop When they were in pure promix.

The tent was just getting R/O ph’ed water but they were still getting worse I just added cal/mag so will keep a eye on new growth…

I have the 4 older plants in 3 gallon pots I added pure pomix to go from 1 to 3. I had double appointments all week so didn’t get them up.[grid]


I am working on up-potting the 4 younger males.


How’s that shoulder doing?


I started doing home pt to get ready for the real stuff. I now it hurts worse than last week :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:


I started aqua therapy yesterday at PT. That’s what’s up! Does wonders to loosen ya up for the hard stuff.

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Hang with it tho. You should push yourself a LITTLE but if it’s hurts really bad your going too hard. It will come. It will feel better soon. On mine, I was thinking it was not worth it, but then it started feeling better. A little at first but keep working it. It will take a little time, but the end result is well worth it.


Question- are you using R/O “neutral water” and adding megacrop then Ph the mix. Or just R/O neutral water and then adding megacrop. I’m switching to megacrop on this year’s outdoor. :upside_down_face:

I am using R/O water ph’ed to 6.1-6.5 with the majority of the time 6.2-6.4. When I up-potted I had mixed the rest of the pro-mix instead of the peat and perlite ,2/3 part of the of the 3 parts the added the EWC and the amendments it calls for.

This was used going from solo to 3 gallon-females and 1 gallon for the males.
I switched to just water.

The only males that showed it at first where two tallest in with the ladies and when I found the PH was way high in the water barrel, I thought fixing that was going to fix the problem.

Now all 15 plants are showing it. They were water only but that didn’t help. I am adding cal/mag now. I will give that a week then recheck it out.


Do you have well water? I’m going to use megacrop 2 part A and B. My taps neutral with a small amount of minerals since our tap water comes out of the processed Mackenzie river. My 30-gallon pots, I use equal amounts of buffered coco coir/peat forest mix organic/perlite. I amend it with pure dolomitic calcitic lime and some vermiculite. My bushdoctor supplments ph at 6.5. I’ve never PH’d anything. Ever. I don’t want to buy a ph pen and start obsessing about ph. The guys at greenleaf say that it will stay stable ph with neutral tap. Growing at 7 in coco/peat/perlite. Seems to be working for me. I’m just tripping about switching to mega crop. It’s all good.

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What did they do? I’m sorry to hear. I know you said something but I didn’t ask.

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Alaska Fish Fertilizer at Home Depot. Hit it up. It’s cheap it smells but it will bring the green. They will love it. You have big plants. Sometimes a little cal-mag is needed. I run higher on p-k. I see a lot going on. They are hungry.


Ok folks just trying to keep these alive with one arm in a immobilized. I have been looking for pistils everyday for a weeks. It hit me that while put it on 12/12 there is a switch on the side that I though was on timer but wasn’t. These things will be monsters.


Uh oh! You left the switch in the on position and they’ve just been raging and sucking it in under 24/7 lights? Stoner move. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

How’s the shoulder doin?


Old timer move :rofl: I haven’t had anything in 5 week.

:green_heart: :seedling: