(complete) Kashmir- A place for my Freaker grow

Oh no! I hope you can handle them! What a turn around tho! . They look great!. I think between the fixed ph and food you filled their needs. Great job…and with bad shoulders too. You are a trooper! :anger::100:and I’m outta likes​:heart::heart::heart:


Glad you figured it out and found the switch. Hope you are recovering as well as your plants. Best wishes


How’s it going? Hoping all is OK with you…


Yes, I’m also a tad concerned.
We haven’t heard from ya in a while @G-paS!
Hope life’s treating you kind.



Hey @G-paS hope all is well. Also hope your shoulder is improving. Looking forward to hear how are doing and catch a glimpse of your plants.


Good Luck for your grow


Hey @G-paS hope your surgery went well. Your zamalldelics f2s showed up on Thursday. Thanks again !!


Things are ruff. PT is kicking my but. I have had so many issues and thought I did a good thing getting everything ready.

Othere issues going on at the same time. Just plugging along

:green_heart: :seedling:


I know it’s tough, but stick with the PT, it’ll pay off in spades! Doesn’t look like your garden, or gardening has suffered, though… beeeyouteeful!


Glad to hear your doin good. Stick with the PT. You’re not the only one getting ur ass kicked, lol.
The garden looks great! :slightly_smiling_face:



I do P.T once a week for 3 months in the winter. I’m 6 weeks in. Part of life if I want to keep doing life. Stay strong.


Thank God you are OK. I was getting worried…
The plants look great. Just getting set up to make flowers now from the looks of it. Good job!
P.T…More pain now=less pain later. Not only are you building strength, but you are also desensitizing nerves/ pain signals.
How much more PT?


When I had my shoulder surgery. The PT was miserable and I still hurt pretty bad after the PT sessions were complete. I was actually thinking that I wished I had not got that done. But now? That shoulder is absolutely pain free. Just takes a while. It took about 9 months for me to notice I was not hurting any more. Hang in there, sweet lady.


Glad to see you back posting again! Got worried when no one had hears from you. Good to have you back! PT is a pain andcan really wipe you out! Happy growing.


They are really sad andI think I have thrips. I always get no see’ems in the summer thru the screens. They are tiny, dark fast buggers. but, they aren’t just in the tent. These have taken over the whole house though. They settle in all the pet water dishes, in the sinks and any drink I set down. The strang thing is if I set down food I come back and they are in it and attack the bird droppings; I am so feed up I am going to rehome my birds, Then I am going to ozon the whole 1000 sq ft Mother-in-law aparment.

I have to get my freaker seed run done first.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Well that all just sounds like it sucks.
Giirrrl… you need a break. @G-paS


Unghh. I hate no see ems( sp?)
Little invisible bastards tear me up around 630 in the evening in my garden.
You have them inside during summer? Are they biting?

I’ll echo that sentiment.

I have aphids. I feel your pain( well. Maybe a poor metaphor atm😁)
I haven’t had to deal with thrips much, but they sound manageable. I found a good article. Here’s a link…
I Notice predators work well. Neem oil works well.
Blue sticky traps…


You may want to consider one of these.

I got an older model on ebay for 1/2 that price, but full price would have been totally worth it. I was able to get rid of red spider mites in 10 days (really rid of them!), and able to fog the plants indoors without any mess, like with spray bottles. The fog gets places a sprayer can’t. Ozone generators scare me!


I got into watching an episode of moonshiners once while flipping through the channels because they had Some kind of bug in their corn. To kill these bugs they came up with an ingenious hillbilly solution. Dry ice. The CO 2 suffocated the bugs quickly without harming the ( harvested bagged) corn. They put dry ice in a bin with the corn and as the CO 2 sinks it basically smothered all the corn in a layer of carbon dioxide
Since weed breathes CO 2 I wonder if something similar could be done in a small space? Can you imagine getting rid of bugs was this easy? If this works, I’m a superhero​:rofl::joy: Not that I’m suggesting you try it. Maybe I will start a thread unless someone Already knows that the idea is not a good one. Great possibility of that.
Plants can live under water for at least A couple days…
Anyone ever try to drown bugs in a barrel with a supported plant dunked upside down? :upside_down_face:
Man, Upstate is smoking the good shit today. All full of good ideas.
Full of something :wink:


And what, pray, is this “good shit” you speak of?