(complete) Kashmir- A place for my Freaker grow

Once I get all the seeds and start sorting it won’t look like that anymore.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Like, wild birds…or your birds?


I haven’t tried mine. So far just the wild one.
:green_heart: :seedling:


I wanna see pretty birds! :heart_eyes:


This is an old photo and he needed a shower for summer molt.


Dinosaurs! So cool.
It sucks, as pet owners, knowing that we will always outlive our fur babies. I keep telling my wife we should get a parrot/macaw or a tortoise, lol.


Yes, I just had a heart break. I did a lot of research and sent 2 Cockatoos to a sanctuary in Washington state. They had a trust set up so if anything happened to the current person running it. I paid a few K for their upkeep and but them in my trust.
I went to contact them concerning. these guys and found out the place was raided last year and the birds were all dead. I can’t find out what happened to the trust.
Based on the reports, I think she had dementia and didn’t even know who was coming in to care for them. I can’t find out what happened to the board/trust. I don’t know how to set up care for these as yes, even the 30 year old wild caught might outlive me.

Just a note all my parrots were “used”. People didn’t/couldn’t take care of them


That’s so sad. On both accounts.
It really frustrates me when pet owners can’t be responsible for the care of their critters.


Wow, condolences! I wish I would have the time and energy for cockatoos, but I got these two pranksters instead. They are usually out and about all the time, but we have just remodeled their cage so it’s cage time :relaxed:

Pz :v:t2:


Second hand parrots! :rofl:

We had a “canary bird” long ago and many other pets, but with time I started to be too much empathic (or empathetic?)… And feel sorry for them being not free.
Last bird we have, was a crow, in semi-free state: we found it near the road, almost dead and were caressing him till he/she could fly again. It was in the garage, so he can do little flys.
When he was ok, set him free. “Lili” was the name my mother give him. From time to time he came to visit us. And sometimes if we go in car to a near town, he goes near the car flying side by side.


Seems like there could be a “Show your birds” thread here :slight_smile:

Condoleances for hubby @G-paS and indeed nice floor, love the wood you used. Seems you know how to use your 10 fingers :slight_smile:


You don’t know how much that statement meant. When I started my Die Maker apprenticeship, I was told the goal it to retire with all 10 finger. Several I worked with didn’t make it.
:green_heart: :seedling:


I didn’t know. That Die Maker could be risky for the fingers I could have guessed. I didn’t imagine that apprenticeship was already that hard and how much it meant.

That was not intended, yet an honest appreciation and I’m pleased it brought you joy :slight_smile: :heart:


Yep, made $.005 an hour more for climbing in presses that can flatten you .030"
This happened to a Buick Die Maker in Flint. I was working for Chevrolet at the time.


I’m no expert by any means, but I have had very good results from simplifying my mix to one part coco one part pro mix. I amend that with EWC, alfalfa meal, rabbit and alpaca beans, and a small amount of Kraft Blend from build a soil (Dr Earth and living soil mix work well too). Sub irrigation on cap mats turns out some happy plants with it. Once a week I water top down with a compost tea fortified with Jack’s 3-2-1 diluted to 200 ppm.


So cheaply paid, that’s the other crazy part of the story.

Still seems you manage to make a good home for yourself. there’s still that :slight_smile:

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I was very well paid. The hazard pay was a joke with us.

:green_heart: :seedling:


If TL3 is full and you have to sign up in TL2 you don’t have to add the Reg Em

:green_heart: :seedling:


@G-paS thanks for time and effort with this seed run! It’s much appreciated as always!



Little shits stole my seed the other day lol. I put meangreen×? Seed on my deck floor to free up a hand and when I came back they were gone, except some shells. The birds do love them once they realize what they are. I was walking up to my house with a few Peshawar seeds in the palm of my hand last winter When a chickadee landed in my hand and stole one of the seeds🤣

As my father used to say…" son, sometimes life dishes you up a shit sandwich, and you are forced to take a bite". I remember my reply after getting arrested for weed in 2002 or so. “Well dad, this time I was dished up a shit submarine sandwich, and had to eat the whole thing”.
Sounds like you also had yourself a shit sub. I’m can really empathize. My father passed away in 2020 and his memory was also gone. Sorry for your loss. That’s a tough one. Tougher than my situation was.