(complete) Kashmir- A place for my Freaker grow

A different one. @G-paS’s grow is not questioned.


Excellent thank you for the clarification!


The seeds being talked about were from a run from before. It was put forth as a co-op run with tester growers. The member wanted them to go thru the current co-op group distribution. The team did not receive or distribute the seeds from Diggy/StevieG.

This run was done by me and went thru distribution. I received my seeds from @Upstate.
I had some of the seeds sent to me from Diggy as did @zephyr. He had a friend grow his out with issues. Mine never made it thru the soak. Those were thrown out and not grown.

:green_heart: :seedling:

Can anybody tell me about how to test seeds. I am in the North East that for some reason the call mid-west :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I am more than willing to test these if the community would like me to.


So far as the WC beans go, I’m running a couple Agdia tests on them and some plant material from a variegated Kashmir cross.

No one is questioning yours, @G-paS, and if there weren’t so many of Diggy’s seeds out there I would just let it go, but there are a LOT of them out there.

If the old Kashmir Crowdsource thread was still open I would have just dealt with it there, but that is closed.

I’ll find a place to post some results.


Can these be used on seeds? For the price for five, I would be happy to do it. I just want to make sure it is something I do myself or do you mail them to a lab?

Agdia ImmunoStrip® for TMV (Tobacco mosaic virus) Is this what I need?


That’s what I’m using.

I spoke earlier with one of their techies, and for seeds she recommended using the .15gram per pouch protocol just like you would with fresh plant material. Crush the seeds into a powder, mortar and pestle would do the trick I think, and otherwise test according to instructions.

For dry plant material, which is what I have on hand, use .03 grams per pouch.

Edit: I should have put out a call to see if anyone wanted to spit cost on a 25 pack of tests, which is a way better value. This will do though to do some redundant tests on what is available here.

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I thought it was this?


We are not talking about Hops Latent, if anything it would be TMV.

It is not scientifically supported to even affect cannabis


Meanwhile HLVD is everywhere.


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Agreed, but the variegation in Diggy’s line (it’s in the Generic stock too) is the only thing we’re trying to explain, and if it’s a symptom of anything it’s TMV. We’re not talking about weak plants with brittle stems that show dudding during flower - to the contrary, most of them are great plants that produce well.

The Agdia tests will give a positive in the presence of quite a few other “mosaic” viruses, so it does cover more bases than the TMV.


I found this


Maybe most tests are not good enough to detect it.


Nice find - that’s a really handy reference doc.

For sure testing is imperfect, but thinking in observational/symptomatic terms isn’t making the ball bounce very high in this case, so I’m thinking of the TMV tests as extensive due diligence.

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i’d be interested in trading for some azad seeds if you make more

Hola Gang

I don’t remember a Firehead
mind you am getting old.
The only one that have for sale
is Oldsog,
all the other were ask not to profit
so we can keep this strain un-polluted.

Sadly it seems its has’nt been heard.



Hi Bare.
Just as a memory refresh, I replied to the old PM messages from a while ago, regarding the Azad seeds you sent me :+1::peace_symbol:


Kashmir looking less thin-leafed than the last pheno that ended up being male. Hoping for a female this time.


That’s an interesting male
I hope you find that female :pray:


That sucks. You did a wonderful thing spreading that one around the community. I hope that doesn’t get you feeling like you shouldn’t have done it. It’s an absolutely beautiful landrace. There’s a lot of people that are extremely grateful you spread it around, myself included. Your Kashmir brought me to OG.
@MikeyMeteor awesome! I haven’t seen a wider leaf pheno yet. Hope it’s a lady!


Yeah the thin leaf male smelled so weird and rank. Were you getting that smell from the kashmir? It was so strange. Very dark leaves also. This one is completely different.


I second upstate there. Kashmir is the first beans I’ve been able to get through the co-op runs, and I can’t tell how happy I am to have those. There’s def something legendary about them. They’ll have a slot as soon as there’s some room.

Let not be repelled by greedy people, there will always be some, but that should not eclipse that in the process good people (like me obviously ahah) also benefit from that generosity.

Thanks everyone involved in spreading this kind of seeds. That’s the way as they say :smiley: