(complete) Kush 4 x Sunshine Daydream Coop run

3/3 females for me.
I got a wayyy late start to the outdoor season this year, but these are the healthiest / most vigorous plants in my garden.
Small plants but the fan leaves are bigger than my hand.
Not much smell on the stem rub but I’m excited to see how these smoke.
I think I’ll plant more next year, these will probably get real big on a full term outdoor grow.


Shes looking lovely and full. Need to clip off all her under growth and small stuff to get the tops to really produce


Yes!! I knew these would get big. Nice grow.

Hey @Onobigrower, how’d yours turn out?


Very nice man.:+1::v:

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This was the same girl July 20. For timeline comparison


hey @FourFour . Thanks for asking, I forgot to update about this and it took me a while to see because I don’t have a cell phone, sorry. Unfortunately I had a very strong light leak during this cycle when I was taking Blackberry Moonshine and K4 x SSD, I was very sad about that. I reported all this in my personal topic, all the plants severely hermed. I was very excited about them, ssdd was a really special plant with a lot of resin and a strong terpene that you could feel right at the beginning of flowering, but I couldn’t characterize it. I hope to have the opportunity again someday. Have a great weekend!