Complete newbie here, just getting setup and trying to figure it out

Just starting out here, my initial germination attempts are being somewhat difficult. I put 2 seeds in soil 14 days ago. 1 sprouted 7 days later, other one never took. I threw 3 more in some other containers 3 days ago and 2 just started sprouting (after giving them some heat via heating pad).

So NOW I have 1 plant about 5" tall, 2 more just sprouting. I am figuring they should be able to catch up and be ok. I guess I am just looking for confirmation. I’ll be moving them to a grow tent soon (4x4 tent), I’ve just been able to get walking around now.

For specifics on the grow:
Happy Frog Potting Soil
Seeds are Super Sour CBD, photo (?) still trying to understand nomenclature, non auto, non fem seeds.
Seed #1 - currently under CFL light until tonight (germinated 5/13)
Seeds #2 and #3 - Window under humidity dome (germinated 5/20)

Should be able to get some pics up soon. Also, so far this place looks great. Very informative, very friendly people. Looking forward to being able to contribute when I can. Thanks


Very nice! Glad to see more people growing CBD.

A bit of a size difference between the plants. It will be a bit of a pain in some ways but as long as they all have room and light they will be good :+1:


I’ll look in if I may. But I must say. Popping in soil is a little tough. The water or wet paper towel works best for germinating. At least it works for me. I am a bit of a newbie also. :+1:


Here are some pics of them as of today.


Don’t worry about height/age differences at this point in time, just focus on getting the basics down and learning the nuances, canopy etc. will come with time and experience. Keep doing your thing . Don’t hesitate to ask questions and post as often as possible to let others help identify any issues. Looking forward to your journey :pray:t2:


Not really a big deal. Lots of ways to manage it. I do various forms of training but my favourite one is to use amazon boxes under the pots to keep them level.


So i woke up this morning and another one sprouted overnight. So i have 4 viable ones now. I got them moved into the tent.

Used some Styrofoam pieces to get them to about the right height. Biggest problem right now is temp and humidity inside the tent.

Currently it’s 75 degrees and 50% humidity. I have a Tupperware of water and looking around at some suggestions I’ll be getting some towels draped in it to help.


Go sparingly with the watering. A quick way to kill your seedlings. Good luck!


If you don’t have a humidifier just get a big ol’ tray full of water in that tent and it will raise you’re RH. I always like to get my VPD close and know I have a decent environment for the littles. Do you have an exhaust fan setup on that tent?

Popping In soil alone is tough for many seeds, looking good here!

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For popping seeds like others mentioned a moist paper towel works well. I also put my paper towel in a baggie and on something a little warm but not to hot. Alot of people used to use the cable box, I use the shelf that my t5 is screwed to the underside.

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I found that one of the mini alcohol bottles filled with water is great for germination. Put the mini bottle in your pocket and it stays nice and warm and the seeds crack quick.



You’re stretching pretty hard with that big one. What is your lighting situation?


Watching along, everyone of us started as a newbie, watch how fast you improve and learn with OG!


What’s so tough about dropping a seed in soil, splashing some water on it and leaving it alone for a week? That’s all I do and germ has been just fine 🤷

I do my germination in a paper towel, in a zip loc, hanging vertical above my light. I love being involved and seeing germination (or not) happening; LITFA is not in my arsenal…to each their own I guess.

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But that doesn’t answer what’s so tough about it lol

Is the painful hard part not seeing the seed oooooooor?


I gotta SEE it, I’m a gardening pervert.


I have anxiety :sweat_smile: if I can’t see it within a day or two of putting in dirt I get antsy. Fully aware that seeds can germinate without my help but they’re gonna get it anyways.


Sounds like majority of y’all growers gotta a peeping problem hahah