Complete newbie here, just getting setup and trying to figure it out

If you are under CFL Drop that light as low as possible.
You don’t want the top of the 5 incher to contact the bulb, but drop it close.
Raise up the smaller ones as close as possible.
Obviously not so close that they touch the lamp or they’ll fry.
You can top the taller one once it is stable and let the others catch up.
Best of fortune with your grow!

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Todays update, they are all moved into grow tent under an led light.

I’ve been trying to keep myself from watering them to much. I’ve only watered the big one once since he’s hatched. Soil still reads wet on my meter so I’m trying not to touch him. The others i haven’t watered since getting the soil wet for germination.

I have a pan of water in the tent but it’s not helping much. Still at 50% humidity.

I do have an air filter in there, turned it down low for now. I have to put up a small clip fan later today.

As for why just putting into soil, I’ve been reading threads here for weeks about different ways to do things and it was a bit overwhelming. Lol. I wasnt going to be able to get my tent setup quickly so i figured soil method could get things started while i waited.

Thanks for the advice and info. Here’s this mornings pictures. Also i took the cfl light down today. I thought it was too far away to affect them.


Hi there, younglings are all right with that led lamp, but it won’t be sufficient to veg or flower.
You will need more watts to get it going.
At least is what I have seen regarding those led lights, I have seen amazing led grows but are expensive top line leds, I have and tried with one of those and they are week for 4 plants.

Good luck!


Not that far off from my current veg conditions. Cannabis plants will grow just fine in those conditions.


Yeah, the light looked so much bigger online. Lol. I’m looking into alternates to assist with that one.


I thought it needed to be more humid in there. But if this works I’m more then happy.


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There’s a bit of yellowing beginning on your big girl, she’s not a proper shade of green. Whats your soil and feeding regimen?

What light are you using? I see many people using LEDs with great success.

Most info I have read and heard says you are correct “it should be more humid at this stage”

In practice, I have never artificially boosted humidity for youngins. I have several young plants chilling at an average of 78f / 50rh.

Day 12 on these two. Day one on the babies.

I do keep my medium moist.


Happy frog potting soil, no nutrients yet. Thought it was too early. I’ll try and get a pic without the Grow light on. Hopefully it’ll get better colors.

It’s a cheap Amazon led light.

" LED Grow Light, 1000W LED Plant Grow Lights for Indoor Plants, Full Spectrum Dual Chip Design Grow Lamps, Double Switch Veg and Bloom, Adjustable Rope and Glasses Included"

Very doubtful is actually 1000w

Thanks for the info on the humidity levels, I’ll leave it alone and see what happens.

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Those long stems can be buried in the soil when you transplant up and will grow roots. They’re looking good mate👍

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So far things are still going ok. A couple of the seedlings are dry. I am planning on watering them tomorrow, paranoid about over watering.


Things are still moving along. I did notice that my one larger plant is starting to show some roots out of the bottom. I’m planning on repotting that one this weekend.

One question on that. I was planning on ending up with 5 gallon pots. Is it better to go in stages for repotting or just go directly to a 5 gallon? I’ve seen it recommended both ways, they are not autos.

Other then that 1 repot things look too be ok.


as a new grower myself, i noticed that my first transplant was very rough and i felt like it caused my plants to lose maybe 4-6 days of good growth. i’m not sure what exactly happened, perhaps i had damaged their roots, but they were not very happy afterwards and were showing yellowing leaves for a bit. i think i got them straightened out after about a week, but given that i would personally want to transplant as little as possible until i know how to be as gentle with transplanting as i could. but that’s just my entirely novice perspective.


In my experience over watering is more about frequency rather than amount. When I grew in dirt I would fully water my pots and then it was just a function of plant / pot size when they would need to be watered again. I once tossed a plant around the size of your big one in a five gallon pot, watered to runoff, and it grew perfectly for over a month before it dried out and needed water again. Basically what I’m saying is it’s my opinion you should start seedlings in a small container and water them! No dribbling in a circle no syringes no Sahara. Water them. My .02 based on experimentation in dirt.


I like to go 1L, 1G, 3G, then 5 (maybe) if I’m going that big.

Either way is fine depends on what you like :+1:


Just a thought if I may. I start seeds in water. Transfer to peat pellets then to 3or5 gallon pots. But I do one thing a little different. Once in pots I water from the bottom to force roots to find water. In essence force deeper growth of roots then switch to a top water. It works for me. :+1:


I want to grow some Sour Tsunami CBD and Harlequin CBD indoors after this year’s outdoor. May yours Be Kind!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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That’s exactly why I suggested the solo cup mold burying the cup then pull it out, dump your cup with seedling and drop it in, never have transplant shock that way, 3 gallon to 10,20, and 30 is another story though but by then the plant should be more established and be able to handle it

I actually had to pull a handful of dead leaves from the Ethiopian emergency transplant from the same thing, plant gets cut off from it’s food source with the roots ripping and the mobile nutrients in the plant is in the leaves


So things are still going ok. I haven’t had a chance to transplant yet. I’m planning on tomorrow.

I am seeing some slight upturning on the leaves. I’m hoping after giving it some more space in a new pot it will help.

Humidity and temps are stable. 62% 72 degrees.



Nice, I’m hoping this strain will be nice. It’s supposed to be a 1:1. Around 15 each.