Complete newbie here, just getting setup and trying to figure it out

Hey is been a while. I was able to transplant the big one but the lower leaves were having some problems. I think it was underwatered for too long.

Leaf tips are curling. I’ll be checking on it today to see if they’re correcting itself.

The little ones are keeping on.

Once the big one is stable post transplant i was going to try some slight LST. I don’t want to go completely crazy on first attempt.


So it looks like i have some mag deficiency on the big one.

I haven’t used any nutrients yet, just been running water. I’m going to be checking ph levels on runoff soon. Once i make sure that’s ok i guess start using nutrients to bring it back up.

Question though on the leaves affected. From what I’ve read, those leaves are pretty much done. Get rid of them now? Or wait until i fix the deficiency?


Two thoughts:

Leave them on so the plant can eat them
Pull them off so you can better gauge spread.

I tend to pull them off.

Also, I can’t be sure from your pic but is that electrical equipment on the floor? Get it off the floor asap.


Yeah i have a shelf in there normally to keep it elevated. They’re all up and off the floor now. Thanks for reminding me though, too easy to get busy with plants and forget basic safety.

I trimmed the leaves off, want to see if it spreads. Still need to test ph on runoff.


I didn’t realize it’s been 12 days since my last update. They’re growing like weeds now. The original one is exploding, the others are trying to catch up.

Ph seems to be pretty good but honestly i haven’t had much time to devote to them. I think that’s why they’re doing good, nobody constantly changing things. Lol

I did trim some leaves a couple of days ago and after that it grew a ton.

I’m thinking another week then flip to flower. Try to do some more pruning but nothing too extreme.


:rofl: :rofl: Yep I see people recommending LITFA a LOT in my readings.


So I’m into the second day of flower. They have shot up very fast. I had to pull the lights up higher, some leaves looked like they were getting burned.

I’ll need to start pruning and training some branches. I’m trying to be conservative on everything this first grow. But they’re going to get out of hand if i don’t do something. Lol


How much ‘stretch’ are you expecting with these girls?

Usually the stretch lasts a couple weeks or so (…long enough to throw a bit of a scare into you the first time… :vulcan_salute: :wink:)

First week of flower you can still top if you need to.
There’s also super-cropping if they go totally crazy.



It says that it can stretch 2 - 4x so I’ll try and pin some down lower to help out. Should be interesting :slight_smile:


So, my ventilation fan got unplugged by accident for about a day. Went to check on them and it was 80 degrees and 80% humidity. Lol

So after emergency venting and making sure it’s plugged in tight i went ahead and did some lst with a bit of pruning.



Trying to be somewhat conservative while still helping them out.


you’ve lost some leaves, but your plants still look plenty healthy enough to bounce back. looking good @theDOSgod!

can i ask, what is that sip setup you have with the one planter and the pvc pipe? have you created a water reservoir at the bottom? do you have drainage down there and/or some way to create an air pocket for the roots to breathe? i’d love to know since i’d like to start watering my plants in a similar style, even if they’re in smaller containers.


So that pot has drainage in a higher spot. There’s a bump inside that has holes in it. I wanted to try a bottom watering setup and thought that would work the best. Not sure how well it will work but so far it’s been going good.

I think that pipe is a bit large but that’s what i had available.

Checked out again and they seem to be going good.


So they’re still going good. Have a couple problems. Ph is way off on one plant. And it looks like i have 2 males (the ones in the back of course)


Ph problem

2 females (i hope)


So the problems seem to be getting worse on the one plant. From looking online or seems that it might be light burn? Not sure, but i moved the light as far up as possible and decreased it to 75%.

The brown splotches are still increasing and the new growth is all thin and doesn’t look as healthy.


Not much to update. They’re still growing.


Train keeps rolling. :+1:

Things seem to be moving along just fine. I do have a lot of inside growth. I’m about 3 weeks into flower. Is it a problem to trim and prune some of the inside growth at this stage? I’m leaning to keeping it for now and learn for next time.

Some close ups of flower


I like finishing up training by week 2 so week 3 isn’t a problem - but stay away from topping at this point.

It looks like you might have to do some supercropping (sometimes called flop the top), they don’t mind that.
I’d also spend some time on the lower structure. I like to strip bud sites from the lower half of the plant and I like to remove some lower leaves for air flow.


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I completely lost track of time, lol. The two ladies are still growing. I’m losing a good amount of leaves. I think the lights were too close for to long and burned some off. I’m sure i have some sort of nutrient problem too but they still keep producing and I’ve been giving them water only for the last several weeks.


Great job so far

I see in the beginning of your thread the trouble you had cracking seeds

Some seed need to be helped sometimes I scar them with fine sand paper to help the process

Your moving forward and getting through your first grow is extremely exciting

Your getting some good advice so keep up the good work

I’ll follow along if you don’t mind
