Compound Genetics + PurpleCityGenetics =

Alright the day i dread the most besides harvest and trim day has arrived.

So we started each plant looking like this

And finished with them looking like this


14 plants later and a few accidental tops :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: hate when that happens we got this

Forgot to do under canopy shots ill add some later.

Half a coco bag of leaves and stems and some back up snips and were done for a bit let them rest and give em some water before lights out

Now as long as a snip roots i will be happy no more mom so i am praying. Bonus if all do

Few upskirt shots for you pervs


Ended up rupturing my cornea Pretty severe pain feel like when u have an aching testicle but its your eye and it burns throbs wont stop and making me have migraines. Can take up to a week or two dr said will prob need a transplant because its so thin.

Thank god i defoliated and shit when i did going to be off and on as i can light is the enemy atm

Ladies praying for a speedy recovery


If you need some power and good coverage this works great!

If you get lucky during Black Friday you can get them as low as $55.

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Nice grow and amazing sounding strain! Huge fan of everything PCG!!

Gushmints is one of our top strains at Kasilof Cannabis and the last batch tested 32.5%.

The only issue I have is it will take 11 weeks to get those numbers but amazing smoke none the less. :slight_smile:

Definitely pulling up a chair and some :popcorn: for this one. Very interested seeing how this one grows out.



Officially week 3 of flower bud sites starting to make themselves know. And smell slowly building up. Beautiful time of year weather cooling off.

Back up clones when directly into coco a week ago no roots but good sign 14 are decently healthy would been nice for all 15 to make it

Thanks for following along :slight_smile:


Pulled the ultimate stoner mistake and left veg tent open so the girls got 24 hrs of inderect light for a day. lets hope this aint a big deal to come. day 25 flower

Man hope your eye feels better that shit sounds like it’s not fun

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thank you. the scleritis has healed and pain meds that dialate the pupil have relieved the pain. left a scar that will need a transplant but i can leave the bedroom and enter sunlight for the last 4 days at least 95% healed :wink:


Glad it’s on the mend and you got a solid attitude about everything. Juiced to see how things finish up for you as far as the grow goes

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Gushers and Gush Mints are always nice strains when I’ve had them.

@204medismoke Looking food, and good luck with the recovery!

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Gushmints is their flagship line, she does run long but is worth it. Can’t believe you got over 30%, that’s kinda insane to me. I don’t trust California tests but I know you’re outta state which makes me trust it more.


Week 4 upsate

I wont try this method of cloning again especially when i need one to root to save the strain. Re planted from clear cups that weren’t drying up into red solo cups and back under dome see if i can bring them back to life

As for the flower room running smoothly no problems from the accidental light leak.

Will be plucking more fan leafs as it looks like the blew up since defoliation. I usually do the final defoliation week 6

Thanks for following along and interacting


NEVER will i again clone directly into coco especially when my only keeper depends on it. i will be lucky to get even 1 of 15 to root and save the line but was hoping to have them all root and veg to a seem-less run as soon as im done this curreent run to get at least 2 solid winter runs. but that is not looking

rapid rooters from now on. idc how much i save as time cant be bought.

3 of 15 left with lots on life support


Official week 5 update 2 days early

Lets get the bad news out of way of the 15 clones only 7 have survived still not rooted but some have little ones appearing just gotta jeep them alive and hope at least one to preserve strain.

Plants were getting to bushy for my liking and wanted to get humidity down a bit so i did a nice little clean up



This is the only plant of the bunch topped accidentally diring veg


Flowers look amazing. Cut like 1/2 to 3/4 off every fan leaf on the clones. They struggle to keep leaves healthy instead of producing roots.
Good luck :+1:t6:



Oh man 4 weeks to go and i just love how she smells altho less pear and melon this time and more lemon funk. I hope the pear comes in at end unless my friend kept the wrong mother :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Lol wither way love where were at hopethey just swell up week after week :drooling_face:

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Peat plugs are preferred, but a 3” collar, PH’d water, and those clear cups you have can work wonders. It’s strain dependent, but if the strain doesn’t like it you just need to transfer to a plug after a few weeks if there are no signs of callousing or rooting.

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yeah plugs are my go to but i was like meh i got this lemme try while having no back up cuts or mom lol. i think at least one of these 7 will make it andbecome the new mom fingers crossed. but i lost about a 2 weeks of veg time on the perpetual and have nothing to replace this run… had a little falling out with my partner who is supposed to keep a mom and have clones ready for me so i will now have to get in the seed stash and get 15 new seeds going do another mini hunt,
thnx for the advice always appreaciated and for stopping by

heres some flash shots to add

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I’ve had a ton of success rooting in pure coir. I had nothing but trouble until I started sterilizing my substrate. 30m at 15psi. I was having issues with fungus gnats. Now I see good growth in 2-3w with over 90% success. Coir is a great product but it’s a bit dirty outta the bag, or at least the stuff Im buying

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i think i over soaked the coco and didnt have enough drainage holes and they just sat there once i put into fresh coco in the solo cups and let them dry out a bit these ones left got going. if big if i do it again i will use less water