Concentrate shelf life

I was just looking for a thread on rosin shelf life and couldn’t find anything. What kind of experiences has the OG membership had?


I store my rosin in the fridge if it will be used in less than 3 months. If I want to keep it longer, I vacuum seal it and put it in the freezer. In theory it should be good for years, but it never lasts me that long. :grin:


I can’t speak to rosin exactly but I have aged black hash for a year and it gets darker and more sleepy.


I had some hash rosin we made well over a year ago I just killed off on 4/20 stuff was still as it was when fresh just a tad dryer. No fridge either just a dark, cool drawer


I’m a light weight when it comes to smoking, a little goes a long way. Just looking for a new storage practice that doesn’t take up much space.:wink:

Quality resin will last a decade.

The stuff most people actually grow, who cares, not worth smoking. It has to be refrigerated to even pretend it’s worth smoking. Sad.

Depends on the concentrate and how it’s made…

I’ve seen BHO and Co2 dabs break down over time and will look kinda like crystallized honey when it does. Your Terps can and will evaporate as well!

Rosin doesn’t last forever either…I keep mine in a airtight sealed container…put in the fridge if storing for over a year.

Hash has a much longer shelf life but still the same…over time it will oxidize as the compounds break down…

Nothing lasts forever but will store longer if the storage container is free of air(vacuum packed)


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