Howdy-Do this Morning

I have a question, and that is how long does weed last after harvest .trim,cure etc. It sounds like pretty noobie so yeah. Anywho hope you all smoke good, I am. Cold here, I say morning song for all you chaps, and chappies. Absolute Ego Dance -YMO.



After harvest hang to dry( 1 to 2 weeks). Cure in jar (1 to 2 months ). Stored at cool stable temp , in ball jar, wrapped in tin foil ( 1 year +/- ). There are lots of variables in these assessments.


not long my wife smokes like chimney :frowning:


You just had to have that pic with that great comment. True true…

Well, see now my mind has been exploded. So there is that variable to add. That’s for safe hibernation. What about a regular cure then once you start to smoke. Can you just let it sit in fridge and just pull out any time? Thank you for comments and morning boston.

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you could or just keep it in a sealed jar when not smoking it

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I would say those times go for hibernation or use. Doesn’t really matter. Fridge works so does freezer but I find both extreme. Cool is best. In New England that’s in the basement or the garage floor. If your going to be in and out of the container frequently… use smaller ball jars and use 1 at a time.

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Cannabis will last for many years stored properly. But after certain time it will start to degrade. You can still smoke it though it just won’t be as good.

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I do agree but must say I’ve gone a year… the right way… and found it to be as good as fresh. After that point I’ve either used it up or turned it over to a good home for immediate consumption. Pro trick= if it gets dry take a quarter size piece of Sunkist orange skin ( no orange skin only) put it in the jar overnight. Bammm harvest fresh moisture the next day.


Depends on what you mean by “last”.

I consider it a fresh product, best enjoyed within a few months of harvest. It gets drier and loses terpenes over time, as they degrade and dissipate. Mason jars over bags.

THC does degrade, slowly. Well stored, dry, sealed weed in the freezer can last indefinitely, I’ve smoked weed that was several years old and while it didn’t taste that great it still got me high. Hash can last even longer. Room temperature weed in a sandwich baggie is going to get dry and crappy within a month or two.


I see, you do the same with other foods to refresh with lemons and etc. Man plant’s just get it man. That’s smart too with the small jar. I was making sure so now I know I don’t have to be like okayyyy we gotta get the whole block to have a good sesh.