Congo trip with kidete

Great read! I wish there was more! I’m surprised about how strong South Sudanese grass is reputed to be. That Black Congo though…that’s the unicorn.


Great article, the black Congolese and Sudanese would be some interesting cultivars to acquire.


Totally! This is the observation that stood out to me as well. The dates seem to match pretty well. They traveled down the coast and in the interior they traveled the inland rivers. At some point I’m sure they encountered Arab trader’s. It would be cool to overlay the approximate dates of the Arab trader’s routes across Africa with the Bantu migration to see if or where things potentially overlap.

I think there was trade with cannabis in Africa before the Arab merchants, but also think it’s important to consider how Arab merchants and trading could have influenced the genetic distribution of cannabis across Africa. Many blessings and much love


That article is racist and condescending. At least I learned these Sudanese x Malawi Gold I have could be real special.


Wish I could read the article. But even with a magnifying glass I don’t get enough words.


Did you try blowing up the phone screen on those little pages? That’s what I did. Or take a screenshot and blow it up to size


The pygmies have had it rough, no doubt. Nobody respected the Pygmies at the time the article was written, and sadly today nothing has changed. It’s just the way everybody talked about them then, and the way Africans that are their neighbors talk about them or treat them today, as sub humans. It would be nice to get them some recognition for breeding some of the planets finest ganja.

The RSC Sudan has cbd in it. I’d say 1:1 ratio with most plants. I don’t think it’s the same one grown in the swamps like the article says. It’s prone to mold badly. There’s probably something good in that cross but it’s going to need to be worked for potency I’d expect, unless a different Sudan was used. It’s a similar or the same genepool as the Uganda’s that grow in close proximity imo. They share some traits.
The Best Sudan plants had a strong effect.


There are still places in the Congo where no human has ever set foot, let alone a Westerner. Your man will probably encounter unknown species aside from cannabis. The cannabis he encounters there will definitely be distinct.



That’s a strange map. Not sure what it’s trying to show… The congo river drainage encompasses all of Congo, not just the North, as shown in the photo above. Wierd.

Perhaps it’s showing only the lowland drainage system?


The congo basin.


I see. It’s showing the rainforest only, It is only about half of the congo rivers basin, close to 700 000 Sq miles
Heres the definition for basin… Which means the entire drainage of a river, not just it’s lower elevation areas.

By this definition the Congo river drainage is far bigger than pictured above.
I found out where that swamp is in south sudan. It’s massive. Two hundred by two hundred and fifty miles. Room for lots of pot plants in all that swamp! @Kidete. Here’s a mission for you. Find us something from this area of swamp along the White Nile. The town of Bor is where I’d start.


Is he taking and pics of this trip? I’d love to see what he’s seeing


Not allowed to take pictures. I figured. I wouldn’t let anyone take pictures of my plants either. Perhaps if he comes back on a yearly basis they will trust him enough for pictures.


That makes perfect sense , I don’t blame them for being cautious at all


I didn’t mean the plants so much as the Congo jungle, most of us won’t get to see sights like that. But yeah if he’s always with them then probably not a good idea.


I see “Nimule” right into the South part of Sudan
And Mike offer Nimule strain
Could related to South Sudan strains?


Definately bro…
I remember the old “african seeds” bank that used to got a strain called “Kariba surprise”
I’m always wanted that one so badly
I imagine must be some rare and unknow strains on remotes locations in Africa


I was thinking that myself. They must be related. I had just taken a quick glance at a map before, but looking again I see Nimule IS in South Sudan. Sweet!


I think Mike ended up staying in Kinshasa, but I will have to confirm. He found some Excellent Angolan while there. He said it’s some of Africa’s finest. I’m stoked! The only Angola I’d ever seen was from near the capital of Luanda, and I figured if Mike found us Angolan it would come from here

But this stuff comes from several hundred mile’s East in the middle of nowhere. ( i must have been high. Its more like 500 miles inland, as the crow flies. )This is an unexpected surprise. I’ve never seen any genetics from this area offered