Congo trip with kidete

This is an amazing trip. I wish a group of us could be over there at the same time hunting in different directions. How long is he gone for? I’m excited to see what all he digs up.


so much fun following along

Had me looking into the vault - going to run some congo this summer…


Soudan might be a difficult place to go. Lot of people migrate over here from there and the stories they tell are scary. But all are very nice people. Very good vibe, and some pot heads too. I’ll ask when I’ll meet some.

That congo black is so mythical. But it’s said to be impossible to find.

Someone posted this in another thread I think, a bit too much of a EU centered vision of the history to my taste, but some interesting infos:

IG works so bad with the Torbrowser :laughing: I’ll still try to follow.


This video is a real eye opener to the reality of traveling in the Congo. I don’t think it would be practical for Mike to risk his life and spend months trying to get into the deepest part of the country just for some seeds. Once a few good connections are made and trust is established we should be able to have access to lots of different varieties in the area


Mike is backing today to Kenia
So at least he score a good Angola
which in my opinion it was worth the whole trip.


Has it been determined that he got seeds for sure? I thought he just had some Angola bud from the videos I watched on instagram


He did post up on instagram that he got some Angola seeds and something else I couldn’t understand at the moment.


@HighTilliDie I’d assume the seeds came out of the bud he had? Unless I’m mistaken …

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Listen to the video maybe you’ll be able to hear it better than me since I’m at work but it sounded like he said he got 10 seeds from the Angola and 10 seeds from something else


Yes he got Angola seeds
And i think i’m heard “shashamene” seeds…
But i’m not sure


That’s what I thought I heard too


He’s saying there’s enough to give everyone 10 Angola and 10 Ethiopian seeds. Congratulations @Kidete welcome back home!


I’ve only seen the Angola Red repro’d here.


He told me today he got enough Angola seeds for everyone that went in on the trip😁 Seeds are back in kenya safely in his refrigerator.
I’ve seen two angola’s offered ever. One is snow high Angola Red. It was reproduced for the Freakers by @Guitarzan. I found another one on Strainly awhile back. That’s it. Angola cannabis Is most likely the grandmother of the red varieties of the western hemisphere. The country is extremely unsafe to go into for a westerner, So i’m happy he found us something from this country.


that was certainly from la mano negra (lmn) stock


I did notice that his website had no Angola strains.


Hopefully he has enough for himself to make more seeds of the Angola so he can offer them on his website too


@Upstate could you provide any info on the Angola or Ethiopian shashamane for those who pitched in and will be receiving it? Also what’s the expected flowering times? Doesn’t have to be answered right away but im just curious on what to expect


Shashamane is 14 -16 weeks. The Angola is from around 350 miles East of Luanda,( wrong 500 miles ±) in the middle of the jungle. Looking from google earth I didn’t see any roads. The villages are on a river. Flowering time should be 18+ weeks or so.
Also…I’ve been kicking around this idea I’ve had…
About making everyone that chipped in some Congo seeds from Mike’s small batch Congo I’m currently growing. So consider the decision made. I’ll make everybody some seeds. My headstash jars are really low at the moment so I can’t go crazy… and honestly I had decided to keep this one for myself…but I’ve noticed something. Every strain I’ve shared in abundance I found a keeper cutting. You can’t out give the Great Spirit. When you give, you get too😁
Thank you everyone for helping make this trip possible!


And I forgot, Exotic Alchemy stocks that one too.

Fruits of the trip. This trip was quite the eye opener. It’s not easy to find trust quickly in the growing world. I think the dividends from this trip are only partially displayed with that bag of seeds. The contacts and learning experience are equally important. I’m really happy Mike hit paydirt on his first trip!