Congo trip with kidete

Congo almost all lacking serrations on the two smallest leaflets.
The other Congo ladies. 3 males.
Interesting that the fattest leaf male @Elchischas is also the latest flowering of all the plants, females included. He’s at week 12 of flower and hasn’t dropped pollen yet. Unfortunately he’s also turning into a she after being moved out of the room into a nearly unheated space in a window. Only one of the bunch to herm on me. I might use it( but not for the seeds ill pass out)
Look at the symmetry of these two. My Gemini side is in love. Most symmetrical tropical landrace plants I’ve ever come across. They are nearly perfect.


Thanks for posting that. Neat video, very informative.

Funny you should ask. Mike wants to set up an August trip for East Congo. He will need a good local contact to stay safe, and that could take some time to set up, so it’s not quite time yet. I’m not quite ready for the chaos either, lol. It took me a month to clear my message board last time. I’m not complaining and I loved the interest, but planting season is coming up soon and I’ll be too busy to help coordinate everything.
This next trip Mike is going after the Black Magic Pygmy strain if he can do so safely.
Mike still has Angola seed from this last trip if people are interested. Breeders packs available at a discount. Pick something up from his great East Africa lineup and you’ll be supporting him for his next endeavor. He’s got that Pineapple Malawi landrace Afropips used for his famous Malawi selections…just saying!


It goes without saying that any and all research related to Pygmys in East Africa (or possibly somewhere else) will be useful to post up. Virunga Nat’l Park is a likely location, as is the relatively nearby Ituri Forest. Mike speaks the Pygmy language Swahili, and that’s a huge advantage. @Kidete I know it’s lame, but could you post up an IG video speaking some Swahili for us? It’s a crazy sounding language to people that have never heard it before. :grin: I only heard it once myself. It would be neat to hear again.


We’re glad that you made it home safely! :grinning:


I’m totally ignorant about african genetics.
But probably, just probably there’s many indica phenos on some african strains (Deep down I still think not because the same selection of hot humid climate makes broad-leaved plants more susceptible to fungi and pests) but who’s knows
I’m just old school sativa lover,if i see wide leaves just kill it.


@Kidete please check personal messages.
Thank You.


No worries, I’ll post one on IG


I’ve started shipping out the seeds and I want to remind the donors to send me their shipping info through my email address.

Also, I have a few Angola seeds available. In case you need to order some, you can reach me through email or DM


@Kidete I sent you a private message as I do not have your email address.


I think the next fundraiser we should do is get @Upstate a decent camera. Lol great pics beautiful plant


:rofl::joy::rofl:. Yeah, this phone sucks…but the hps and metal halide lighting makes pics look even worse. Warmer weather is coming…I’ll get outdoor photos soon.


I sent my details via dm as I don’t have your email either.


True statement. Whoever runs their insta was asking me to send them Sierra Leonean landraces I had. That was a red flag bc the discussion was a q&a about their genetics. I grabbed their Congolese Black a free years back. Germ wasn’t the best, still have half a pack.

Overpriced for questionable genetics, IMO.


5 Star comment


Loving his video journey. Wish I was there lol


If you watch Mikes instagram live from last night he talks more about his trip. Was asking him some questions and learned some both cool and interesting info!


What’s happening with this? I’m not on his Insta

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He returned with I think two strains. One that was local and another that was grown distantly but from the same guys.


Here’s the link to my Instagram


Hey, I appreciate that you watched my live streams on Instagram. However, I explained that I visited two dealers in Kinshasa and they both had the same sativa strain from Angola